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  • I don't think it's an excuse with most players, I think it's because those few SWF matches REALLY sting and stand out, which makes them feel a lot more common as opposed to the numerous forgettable mindless games. I mean, what are you going to remember more? The five games where you went 2 kills and 2 escapes and it was…
  • I... Feel like there's scenarios for both camping and tunneling. I'll "Camp" when I realize the enemy team is absurdly Altruistic and I know they're hanging around an area. Not 'face camping' mind you, but patrolling the area because obviously everyone is *right here* and I know they're not doing gens across the map.…
  • Maybe the Killer should get a bonus if they're paired up against SWF? That'd be something to test with. Maybe Gens could take a bit longer to do, that seems like a fair way to even things up. Slow down the game just a bit in exchange for the massive coordination boon the survivors get. Sounds fair to me, wouldn't really…
  • Except Meyers. When I asked people who their favorite killer to go against was a while back it was OVERWHELMINGLY Meyers. =\ People love the guy, he's probably the most fun killer in the game for both survivors and killers alike.
  • Hag / Legion Feng Ming for survivor.
  • First of all thank you for the response, I respect the work you all do for this game. Second of all, honestly the way I read this... So by that logic, survivors should have the exposed status effect when the gates open...? If they're totally healthy killers have no chance of killing them before they leave the map... Right?…
  • BBQ, I need those blood points. +_+
  • Being a Killer main who's only been in this game two weeks, I'm shocked to see you haven't seen survivors complaining about NoED, Camping and Tunneling. I practically get harassed after every other match for it and I'm brand spanking new.
  • Oh, and watch some good killer mains on youtube like Monto, theres great builds and chasing tricks you can learn. I only started playing last week I'm pushing into rank 13 without even trying, just farming BPs. A little study can give you a disturbing edge in the lower ranks.
  • If the behaviour happens often, punish them. That's what perks like Mad Grit are for, pick that up and smack the bodyblockers til your hearts content. Otherwise not much else you can do but try to force your way through. As for loops, Bamboozle is good for windows, and I've found success mind gaming people. Dont always do…
  • I like neon colorations. I generally love Cyberpunk and Tron style aesthetics, so the neon red / blue hair is something I like. Same with the new neon skin. Also, whether you like the personality or not, the skin -does- show personality. It's not as edgy as the other skins which makes it more interesting by default. When…
  • Killer main here. The DCs, good lord the DCs. Seriously I am a beginner killer who has one teachable perk so far who primarily plays hag or level 1 killers and I still have survivors DCing the moment I down them for the first time, which just makes me feel bad for the rest of the survivors. If I was going in with Legion or…
  • As a killer main, I don't get it. Unless you care about your pips (For some reason) and are just looking for easy matches. I play every match, regardless of what the enemy team is like, as a new player I figure learning how to mindread, figuring out the paths in the map and hiding spots is a good way to just get better. =\…
  • I don't care about pipping or my rank.
  • As a new killer main who's been playing less than a month? I welcome this change, I have to admit the game's very enjoyable right up until the end game where survivors dance and T-bag at the exit gate instead of just -ending it-. Also closing the hatch sounds incredible, half the time when it's down to one survivor, even…
  • Day 2, got a daily for Hillbilly. Gonna try survivor in a little bit but, pfew... Okay so how does one even hit that Chainsaw? I feel like it's only useful for getting across the map sometimes lol, I know he's one of the top tiers but... BOY. I also caused my first ever ragequit. I downed a survivor by Hook, and naturally…
  • P.S. | Oh, also, as an addition. If you're that survivor I played against last match who escaped from me twice while your entire team was down? Scuba Steve I think it was? Apologies, I wasn't BMing, I just had no idea where the closest Hooks were. New map and all.