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  • Well it's a tactic that's used in any game. For example call of duty or siege. Camping is actually a legit and encouraged tactic, there are even game modes where it is literally get to point A and hold it. So when I first started playing and I heard it was effectively a no no to camp. I was a bit confused but also I…
  • I saw this happening on a fog whisperers video. He just couldn't seem to win no matter what killer or build he played, he would get told it was boring. When I played survivor the only boring part for me was gens. It was repetitive, and that was genuinely boring for me. I used to just stroll round the map opening chests or…
  • The memes on this thread are worth reading it, I am not one to judge tho. Tbh I've read worse on Archive of our own or Wattpad - that rabbit hole I fell in was deep.... ●.● I still haven't gotten over the Myers x Dwight stuff. Tbh I don't even know how I got there...
  • The Game or the Corn map. Hell if I could delete the lower level of the game and make it only an upper flat level map it'd be fine. If I could delete the corn on the corn map it'd be fine. If I could delete the door sounds on Lerrys I'd like it more. I like playing Ormond but if I could delete the main building and make it…
  • When I used to play survivor I would sometimes intentionally get hooked so I didn't have to wait for my team to die or to just quickly end my game (as a killer player who used to dabble in both back a few months I tended to only play survivor if I had dailies for it or needed to do some rift stuff - so sometimes I would…
  • When I played survivor my fun was escaping. Getting out no matter what was my fun. Crawling away to hatch was my fun, I had mastered the art of getting away unnoticed when I went down somehow. Stumbling upon hatch with killer on my tail was fun. Plundering chests was fun. Getting 5 gens done was fun. Helping my team wasn't…
  • I'm a killer player but I think hatch is fine as it gives a last chance and can lead to some really tense moments. However I think hatch shouldn't spawn until 1 gen is left or 1 survivor is left. Having a whole team just do 3 gens to find hatch and gtfo is boring. I dunno what improvements could be made but I don't agree…
  • Killer for me is way more fun than survivor, I kept going against red ranks Myers and Ghostface that made the game jumpscare central. That was before MMR came to console but because I've had such a horrible experience I simply refuse to play survivor anymore - not to mention my teams were typically garbage 90% of the time.…
  • I got the game when it had free days to play on xbox. I bought it because I really enjoyed the time I had on the game. Now I'm not stupid I knew what I was getting in for with dbd. I watched video's and did my research before committing to buying it. I knew everything about this game and it's community before going in to…