We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • Same issue, too. BHVR seems to think only BHVR employees deserve DbD Twitch Drops based on this activity. Does Twitch/Amazon know that BHVR is bait and switching their viewers?!
  • I have tried this with quick tap of R2 over an over. It keeps downing them like normal. Does not grab. Must be related to the same bug that keeps console players from getting grabs since it uses the same mechanic. Stupid I say. This needs to be fixed. I cannot even do my daily today because I have no mori and this addon…
  • I ran across this myself fairly late, but had to reply to the sake of honesty and fairness. When I first posted this, I was totally No0b at the game compared to now. I has been a year now since I first played the game and things have changed a lot. Not only did new killers come out in that time, with similar abilities, but…
  • @Vadim239 Did your OP ever get answered? My head hurts trying to follow the tidbits of information that were being trickled throughout the Cock-fight that ensues and decided to just ask. If I read another measuring content related comment trying to find the answer, I am going to vomit. Sorry for the visual, but I am…
  • I agree 100% If you are going to change the rules to get the trophy and then follow that action with making the new rules harder to do, either up the trophy quality or lower the rules back down. It is hard enough waiting 30-60 mins to get a lobby as a killer in the first place. I owned the game on PS4 first and would not…
  • Bad for Killer or bad for Survivor? If you are going to critique something, it would be nice to actually do so and not just troll the forums with negative posts. Criticism is welcome and wanted. That is why we post in the forums. To get others opinions and thoughts as well as share our ideas overall. We also discuss our…
  • I 100% agree with OP. It is a grievance error that the devs have made allowing this imbalance of information to be available in a strategy survival game. Also, it is Dec 9, 2018, already and they still have not fixed this issue.
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