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  • yea deff still bugged. Went against a nurse the other day. She i jump in a locker with quick and quiet. She got in her fatigued status. She then recovered. Was walking around looking for me. When she walked past my locker I went for the head on. I got exhausted. Didn’t get the stun and went down.
  • Wait how was this a nerf? I am confused. Doesn’t it say that they fixed the add ons so they work as intended. So now with the fix, the add ons now also increase the Evil within 3 duration on the first activation as opposed to before where it didn’t.
  • That’s bad match making and how easy it is to get to red rank as survivor especially with the new rank reset. Most red ranks are suppose to be in green ranks or yellow. I played last night for the first time in like 2 weeks as solo que survivor and was playing against rank 1 killers and carried my team like crazy. Killers…
  • Yea I experience this bug probably like 5 times in the past 2 years.
  • Yea I am curios also if there are back. Anybody know?
  • Did it on my first try. Not a hard challenge cause I tend not heal in general only when I need to, so I play injured all the time and know how to loop well.
  • Yea but unfortunately most red and purple survivors are not where they belong right now with the new rank reset. I’m not that good at killer and rank 6 and playing against the red ranks survivors, and I can tell most of survivors are potatoes. I know when a survivor is good. I consider myself a good survivor. When playing…
  • True but I am confident in my skill against high rank killers. So being injured stoped being a problem to me. But that’s just me. Having a lot of time has helped me play well in this game. That’s why I think survivors are stronger than killers.
  • Ehhh. I only play solo with like 2.5k hours and I disagree. I use to use back then but I started using no perks and it made me way better at the game and now I don’t even run it cause it’s just pointless. I think it’s a good perk for new survivors who are scared but if you are confident in your abilities to loop you don’t…
  • If a bad killer made it to the high ranks it’s because they faced baby survivors not because of ruin. Ruin was never a problem to good survivors, so why complain about it? Only people who complain about ruin were the baby survivors who couldn’t do a gen and not able to loop. If the killer is winning cause of ruin, it’s…
  • This is a screen rant article. That means it’s just clickbait to read their articles. They Pennywise there so people can click and read even though it has nothing to do with the game.
  • Ok but now I want a perk in which when you fall there is less stagger. I used balance for that reason. The speed you got is good for some loops but the best thing was the reduced stagger. I would take a new perk where it all it does is have less stagger when falling.
  • Personally I love it and get use of it mostly every game that run a healing build. I use autodidact, botany knowledge, we’ll make it, and self care and bring a medkit with fast add ons and more charges. The medkit is for fast healing on myself and self care and botany knowledge make it faster. Autodidact is there for we’ll…
  • When I am killer and see this happen, I always down the person who just got off the hook. This punishes the survivor who did the unhooking by getting rid of their benevolence so they don’t pip and hopefully it teaches them to play better. I then leave the guy on the floor and chase the other guy so another of their…
  • I agree. I hate it when people say it’s not horror. Like this game was scary when I first played it but over time I just got desensitized that it was no longer scary. You get use to it. Same goes with horror movies. They can be scary when you see it but watching it again you are no longer scared, but that doesn’t mean it’s…
  • I agree with you. There are toxic killers who get butthurt over a lose. I played a game against a billy before where the game started and about 15 seconds in, someone goes down and then DC’s. He then starts chasing me. Now I didn’t have an item on or did I teabag once the whole chase. He tried so hard to just chainsaw me…
  • We can’t tell yet cause it’s not on console. We just have to wait. Also I’ve played good nurses on console and I am a decent nurse on console but we just have to wait and see how it turns out.
  • Now all we need is buff weaker killers like wraith, legion and letherface, and change prayer beads, and make it so you can hear spirit while phasing but it’s not directional, that way it’s more fair for mindgames. Some of these nurse changes seem good but we would have to wait and see how it plays out.
  • Do you Xbox game pass? It’s free if you have that.
  • Yea so I played a game yesterday and 3 had decisive. I just assumed they all had it and didn’t tunnel but did slug and look for someone else if they went down again because they ran into me. I won with 2 gens lefts and closed hatch but I left the worst player go and the other guys that died all really told me I “tunneled…
  • i got adept my first game. I stayed at rank 10 to get the achievement easily.
  • I’m not sure but I think they should bring back phasing sound when in a chase. It shouldn’t be be directional though. That way there are still mindgames involved but no longer have to deal with if the spirit is just standing there. I feel like then it would be more fair.
  • Nope you can 4K and still get a brutal victory.
  • I thought undetectable was just a way to inform killers. Like when you are crouching with pig. You are suppose to know that now your TR is gone. But with undetectable you will know exactly when your TR is gone when you crouch cause of undetectable. It will just appear in the corner. Right? Not really a buff but just a…
  • When a killer grabs you, it is considered the dying state.
  • I don’t ever remember LF being able to hit a survivor with his chainsaw while being in a locker.
  • While I agree it sucks when getting a bad team, rank reset is necessary to get the potato survivors out of the high ranks and put them back in there own ranks.
  • Word, I was at rank 2 and for 5 games in a row got place with three rank 15 against rank 2 killers and got 1 hooked 5 games in a row because the second I went down the game was over. This new matching making is literally ruining the pipping system.
  • I play on Xbox and got 10% done for this already. I believe you have to use vile purge on them until become broken. Then you smack them.
  • I have finished my vials for survivor.(30/30) when I moved on to play killer, the first game everything was fine. I didn't fill up the vial all the way, but maybe 1/3 of it. The next three games the vial UI wasn't there. It was all in public lobbies. I was still getting all my bonus bloodpoints for hooking them on the…
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