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  • This isnt even the worst part, its literally the same thing as his normal ability. Just throw knives faster. It should be something more powerful like 5 consecutive hits and you go down, like whats the point of building it up and then you have to use it in 15 seconds or lose it just to do the thing you were doing 5 seconds…
  • His chase potential and map pressure are both 0 have you even played as him yet? You just get ran around, your basic power takes ages to do anything then your actual power is just a faster version of the basic one. Hes an extremely slow m1 killer with an extremely inaccurate ranged ability that takes multiple hits to even…
  • He has 0 map pressure being so slow and tons of los blockers and it takes multiple hits to do one health state compared to huntress or any other ranged killers.
  • Its not worthless its finally balanced, it causes you to not use it offensively like people did. People would go sit on a gen with it active and be invincible that whole minute. It is truly an anti tunneling perk now.
  • I say since we're experimenting, we experiment with turning off the red glare while in chase at the time blood lust 2 would activate, if no blood lust it will allow for some mean mind games. Which would be more fair imo, survs get their infinite windows, you cant see our glare five meters before killers come around a wall,…
  • Uh, so far, i have not gotten a single 4k unless it was scratched mirror myers. Then again i was playing as a bunch of new killers (new to me). I played as a legion on a T wall in frenzy and could not a catch a claudette throughout the whole frenzy and im sure blood lust couldve helped, literally chased him through the…
  • Literally do whatever you want just dont swf with smol pp build on every person. Thats tru cancer lol
  • Sounds like you need to get good. Its all part of the game, and you knew that before you started to search for a lobby. You know whats NOT part of the game? Voice chat during the game.
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