Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Not to mention her blinks. Are extremely laggy and stuttery at the moment
  • Use as many bloody party streamers as possible. Survivor puddings as well.
  • I can’t believe behavior is somehow being greedy with even just digital event currency.
  • They have a strong will I guess. You just need really cheeky spots, I really like putting mine at the bottom of hills and at corners of loops instead of by pallets or windows. People don’t always expect it. He is very difficult though so I usually don’t go through the pain of playing him unless I have a daily.
  • I will say that I don’t like going against slinger but he’s definitely not the least fun to verse. And his map pressure is kind’ve weak so even though his chase is strong you can kind of just pre-drop omega safe pallets and waste his time. I just wish he had some kind of wind up like huntress so survivor’s even had just a…
  • I love how they said they’re going to be focusing on the anniversary and Halloween events from now on only for it to be the exact same this year. Some item, cake offerings, and balloons on gens. Like cool I’m glad to see you still had those texture files but could you please think of something innovative.
  • Thank you for drawing out the entire pint of me saying “I am unsure of what actually went down but we can assume”. It’s a video game forum, not the New York post. There’s going to be speculation.
  • they can be selective as they want, it’s their video game. Especially in regards to their original characters they can EASILY unlink the sets in the game. They’re deliberately choosing not to. It isn’t necessarily them upholding the integrity clause of their contracts, it’s that they don’t even do it themselves.
  • No literally, no way in HELL did Capcom say “yeah go ahead and force people to buy the same head cosmetic twice” Like there just simply ain’t no way. Matter of fact I know they had little-to-no say in the released cosmetics because they would’ve taken one look at Claire’s face in her legendary skin and sent them back to…
  • It’s just BP for using her special ability. I do wish survivors earned more passive blood points to even it out. But yeah it’s pretty easy to farm BP with certain killers like freddy and spirit. That’s why people do it and they also want to derank most of the time. It is reportable.
  • The game is crashing for many people across various platforms. We put up with no DC penalty for months and months so I think it’ll be okay as long as a hot fix is soon to come. Until then we just gotta deal.
    in DC penalty Comment by beached June 2021
  • I have only been playing since August of last year but I just recently got all the survivor perks. I have about half of the killer perks whether it be from the shrine or by leveling them. I try to change up my build, especially on killer. With survivor some of them are so bad they aren’t even ironically fun to use. For…
  • PC Servers DOWN AS WELL
  • No because taking away other’s joy doesn’t give me satisfaction.
  • I was looping shack against a less experienced wraith and some random Bill just came up mid-chase and threw down shack pallet right in my face. I swear bill’s or either the worst or best there is no middle ground.
  • I main nurse when I decide to play killer and that noise is so familiar for some reason. It sounds like some kind of toy from childhood I can’t remember. It is funny, honestly it doesn’t bother me but will probably be removed eventually.
  • Here are the perks I throw on my hag, although I don’t play her as much as I once did. Franklin’s- Even if you don’t see a flashlight in the lobby it is always nice to have one in case somebody finds one. If a survivor who has half decent game awareness has a flashlight they can sabotage your web to hell and back. BBQ-…
  • I got mine on my first try but it took my friend a few tries to finally get it. I’m not sure why it’s like this but considering the devs have gone out of their way to make it a ‘’mysterious’ event we can’t really know the conditions of getting it.
  • I literally was so confused when I heard weird noises in my headphones, was legitimately so spooked.
  • The ratio of toxic people on COD compared to DBD is crazy. I could probably count on my hands the amount of people on COD I’ve run into that aren’t insanely aggressive.
  • I actually agree with this killer tier list. Nice work!
  • Yeah you hit the nail on the head. The devs really just wanted to bring the game up to date on its graphics. Especially to new players the graphics seemed a bit behind the times, character models have been getting much more detailed as well as I’m sure you have seen. Some light balancing work has been done on the maps too,…
  • I think it’s just because a lot of twins players (not all of them) play kind’ve like hag where it’s a constant go back to hook game which just gets boring. Placing victor under the hook before hooking a survivor is a good example. I personally don’t mind facing them especially if it’s a twins player that uses their power…
  • I think it will be quite awhile before they make it to Zarina. She was released at the end of 2019 I believe if my memory serves me correctly. She honestly looks decent as is, but your design is cool. I just wouldn’t expect her to be updated any time soon. Especially when people like David and Nea are much older character…
  • To answer the OP yes killers often times get frustrated when getting looped, most killers brush it off and just go chase somebody else. However, just like anything in the world there are some killers that just want to make a survivor’s experience miserable since they’re decent at the game and they feel outplayed.…
  • I would love to know the thinking behind hook diving which allows you to just chase the survivor that unhooked and punish them and continue the game even faster is the same as camping a survivor so they get no points and have no fun is considered the same.
  • Oh bestie, the fact that you think I have failed to comprehend any of your rhetoric is beyond me. I'm done speaking with you and if you think that's because I'm an idiot I really, really do not care. Think whatever you need to think to feel better about yourself. Have a pleasant mother's day.
  • My hero. Also yeah, just troll this guy because he thinks writing forum posts like he just took his first honors English course somehow makes his opinion better than anybody else’s. I find it funny that somebody would take these forums that seriously.
  • As somebody who plays in a SWF from time to time unless they’re true sweat lords, they’re probably talking about random stuff throughout the match. When I play with my friends I’m not shouting out what the killer is doing and what gens we should pop and how to coordinate a flashlight save, I’m just kinda auto-piloting the…
  • I hate to be that person but PC best. These console companies know if you ever want to see the pearly gates of online gaming you’ll pay a premium for it. Since they have a monopoly on your console they can charge whatever they want to play the games you paid for. I completely left console gaming for this reason alone, it’s…
  • This guy just wants to argue with people and insist he is correct. I promise you, people this dense aren’t worth your time. But I did have a good laugh at his attempts LMAO.
  • It's mainly an issue getting Microsoft and Sony to hand over and share all of the account info for Dead by Daylight. That's my own understanding is that the devs have shown they know how to do it as cross progression between Stadia and Steam is already a thing. They're just waiting on Sony and Microsoft to work with them…
  • Hmm I didn't know you could use two red herrings in one survivor loadout!
  • Omg I love those perks :p
  • Bestie, let's leave it be. I'm taking the high road because you're skull is dense. Have a pleasant evening though!
  • I would give a serious reply but it is obvious that YOU are the one who is bothered by my post. If I truly cared I'd go to the DBD survivor side of tik tok and get everyone to say how DS should be reverted to old DS and so on. I asked the forum a question, you answered something that sounded like a jebait because nearly…
  • It's because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about. I was asking about DS, not lithe. You're the only one implying anybody thinks less of me, may I remind you that this is a video game we're talking about, it's not that deep. If you're going to imply things that have nothing to do with the topic and only…
  • stop jebaiting us saying lithe is meta compared to dead hard or sprint burst☠️☠️☠️ Bye
  • I will agree that as long as tunneling is seen as a strategy then DS is meta but personally I see tunneling as an liability rather than an asset against SWF’s.
  • I’m absolutely in favor of those changes. Using the twins ability to be in two places at once should come with unpredictability which helps you surprise survivor. I would take the twins being hard to pin down over a camp mechanic any day.
  • Slugging is not equal to camping. They literally said when they announced the killer they were going to implement an anti-camp mechanic. Placing victor under the hook beforehand is just a loophole as you can't do that after hooking the survivor so yeah.... it is unintended and unfun. Don't know where you're confused bestie.
  • Victor's Killer Instinct can sense survivors around him not crouching for 16 or 20 meters (I forget which). So a survivor would have to take an absurd amount of time to crouch and kick him before unhooking. Against solo queue survivors this would be near impossible to communicate even with kindred as victor is not shown. I…
  • This is such a good idea, you should put it in suggestions! I would love to be able to take off kate's pink hat from her one crop top sometimes.
  • Me too. It would be nice to see an honorable mentions page or something of top entries they considered.
  • You and me both, especially with his model upgrade coming. He is going to be a sight for sore eyes.
  • I don't believe this to be true. Sure against a really optimal swf the twins will hurt be so will any other killer besides nurse or spirit. Not every killer needs to be comp material as most matches are either swfs that don't play very efficiently or solo queue players with no communication whatsoever. Victor's ability to…
  • Twins are nerf'd btw and definitely aren't just used to camp.
  • I don't think people necessarily hated his addons, they were just excruciatingly boring to go against when paired with tinkerer/pop/ruin. In solo queue especially it just seemed to make the match last forever and shockingly enough holding M1 on a generator the entire match isn't very exciting.
  • I just want a mori where she crushes my head with her thighs thank you.