Botany/WGLF/self care/desperate measures or! spine chill/fixated/iron will/diversion
mine starts sounding like a plane about to take off every time I boot it up but calms down after I make it beyond the initial X prompt screen. Legit feels like my PS4 is about to explode with how loud the fans get
Haha when a Mori happens, your entire screen gets pixelated, that’ll be amusing
How did it make it unplayable?? That’s a bit of a overly dramatic take on an event that actually added mild variety
3 out of 4 times when I’m in struggle phase on hook, I get killed as if I stopped pressing X because of the stuttering :(
I play on PS4 and have found that my ping is a fair amount higher, and that’s with playing wired. So, that’s really my only real issue thus far, but that’s kinda negligible most of the time. I just don’t like seeing the little bar be in the yellow/orange range more frequently. But It’s made finding matches way less…
UGH yuck, another NOED complaint post. How very original
Fixated for survivor all day, everyday, and perhaps monitor & abuse for killer
Yea, hatch should always be on map every game. It just won’t be visible until you have one more gen than there are survivors alive. So, for 4 survivors, you have to have 5 gens done to see it; for 3 survivors, 4 gens; and so on Hunting it down is just the tricky part since it’s kinda just luck to hope to stumble upon it.…
I LOOOVE plague. She’s so much fun to play and to go against. I’ve been seeing a good bit more of her lately, so that’s been kinda nice. Well, unless I brought a medkit in
I click on my little notification thing and it made it seem like it was addressing me, so I don’t know what to tell you. I only noticed after it was posted so, oops. Oh well. Life goes on 🙄 wow, you’ve really got an axe to grind hope you find some reassure sometime in the near future??
Yes, I understand you saying that because I literally read ALL billion of those times you said that on this thread over and over again. My point was that it was potentially less about game mechanics and more about a nod toward realism. Meaning if you were literally speared by a harpoon, it would literally cause a deep…
I mean... you’re harpooning a person, so, even if you don’t think it works with his power (which I don’t necessarily agree with), you’re hooking a survivor with a spear. At the very least, a spear to the body would cause a deep wound in that circumstance normally. Perhaps that’s where some of the rationale for the status…
I literally got angry messaged about not breaking pallets earlier today and I’m just like .....what?? Why would I want to reset my bloodlust when it’s part of a game mechanic. The amount of random things that upsets people as killer and as survivor just baffles me sometimes
You might want to get a cough drop for all that coughing.
You might want to get a cough drop for all that coughing
Haha.. can tell by your username snippiness, on my part, aside- copy&paste, auto-response feeling replies don’t exactly feel great when you’re actually looking for customer support so your frustration is kinda warranted
it happens anyway, but this will just increase that behavior for a short time until people get that challenge done and then move on back to regular play style. A little frustration is understandable though
...let us all know how it goes with the response to such a passive aggressive, rude forum post... it’s definitely sure to get results with how motivating thinly veiled hostile can be
I’ve actually always wondered what the practical uses of Vigil were, so I’m glad to actually see a discussion about it where it’s explained really well; Most appreciated!
Gotta love when you come to the forums and see a fun and new fresh take on how the community views the devs outlook. so glad this post was made! I’ve never heard anyone here making such a bold statement about how they feel the devs are anti-killer. This truly is enlightening and will probably never be claimed again on any…
Definitely Hag and Adam, which is crazy because I run his perks all the time. Love getting fed pebbles all day long, crunch crunch, munch munch A pebble a day keeps the doctor away
Spine Chill has saved me so many time so I know when I should be careful about healing in case the killer is running Nurse’s
I get so much satisfaction out of running detective’s hutch now with the increase in NOED usage. I CRAVE TOTEM. I MUST HAVE TOTEMS. NOMNOMNOM feed me the bones
I hate the idea of a totem counter tally system. I don’t understand why that is suggested because it would really just take away a feeling of uncertainty during end game. Having those moments after the final gen is finished and you’re just waiting to see if the killer’s hit will be an insta down or not is exciting.
I mean... if you’re considering a day of playing potentially as a waste of time then it more sounds like you were already playing for the wrong reasons that day. Especially, when there was not hard confirmed release date announced. It might feel frustrating, but patience
Lost respect for your comment and opinion when the use of “sissy” was thrown out there. Find better means of communicating your point instead of using dated, inflammatory pejoratives
I’m on PS4 with high quality in-ears, so perhaps it’s something there. I’ve seen some streamers react in a similar way to her scream, but I understand what you mean regarding higher pitches stuff cutting through more.