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  • do you hate yourself?
  • League players can ban 1 champion each (so 10 total) because there are 163 different champions. DBD definitely does not have the character count to be doing that. Also, certain killers would more than likely be banned 90+% of the time.
  • It's incredibly stupid to say "it's fine that x is unfun for this side because the other side has x thing that isn't fun too!" You can address both things. Map balance is ######### awful in DBD and THE main gripe I have with balance. And yet, it's probably the thing that will take the longest for BHVR to do anything about.
  • Oni camping is the least of the game's problems. As a reminder, Oni is FORCED to EARN his power by injuring survivors (pro-tip: deny him of the first hit as long as possible. Drop every pallet. Don't let him hit you). And unlike Artist, Skull Merchant, etc, his power is on a LIMITED timer that you can WAIT OUT. It's not…
  • Those offerings are still technically in the game. People who played back then more than likely have some stashed away on a character. They never remove offerings like that, just disable them. They would have just made it so the bots have every offering available, including disabled ones. No point coding some new thing to…
  • idk I kinda dig the Cyberpunk McDonald's worker fit
  • Sadako isn't the best example I believe, being condemned literally gets you killed and out of the game. The Ghost Face mark simply makes you exposed and insta-downable. It's the same reason Pig cannot see the timers of her RBT's; it would encourage unhealthy tunnelling (as if that wasn't already a contentious issue) and…
  • Ok cool thanks for letting us know
  • I don't think BHVR know you can use the words "Pig" and "buff" in the same sentence
  • This post isn't the flex you think it is
  • Wraith, while having high mobility, is not a killer I would consider as needing nerfs. He sucks. Hit and run strategies have been mostly dead in the water since COH was added. Balanced and smaller maps would be a nice, needed buff for him. The only killers I would consider nerfing straight away if maps were changed would…
  • Unfortunately that is just something that the devs need to work through - it's going to be impossible to properly balance killers if the maps they play on aren't balanced themselves. It's what I think is the biggest issue DBD has. If maps were balanced, making changes to killers would be much easier and straight-forward.…
  • You've clearly not read anything else I've said in the replies. TL;DR other killers have gameplay + lore, while SM exists solely to be sexy. I am NOT against sexual characters. I am also not even focusing on the cosmetics, it's the entire chapter. Her skin was just the thing that made realise sexualisation was BHVR's focus…
  • My point is that the win streak gives you teams of all calibres, even sweaty SWFs with thousands of hours (eventually). I was saying it takes skill and knowledge to win in ALL scenarios. I agree matchmaking in DBD isn't the best, but I think it's ridiculous to say it proves nothing. I don't think Nurse is a good example…
  • Probably win streaks. It takes a lot of skill and game knowledge to consistently escape/4k every game. As survivor doing escape streaks, you have to take into consideration your teammates and how they perform, their perks, YOUR perks, the different killers you'll be facing, trying not to be camped + tunnelled, the maps,…
  • Hooked on You is a different game though with the whole point of making the characters sexy. Regardless of that, they already had proper backstory + lore BEFORE this. Skull Merchant exists only to be sexy and not to have interesting story or gameplay. Like I've already said, no problem with her being sexualised. It's just…
  • This is 100% what I am saying. It makes SENSE for Trickster to have sex appeal and show skin - it works with his lore and who he is as a character. It's, for the most part, well written. Skully on the other hand, clearly only had her sex appeal as the main focus of selling this chapter and not her story or gameplay. Hence…
  • I'm really not mad about it being distracting lmao, it's just so clear that they forced the sexualisation of this chapter because everything else about it is so boring
  • The thing about other chapters is that they were still at the very least interesting. This whole release just screams "we realise what we're making is boring and uninspiring, so we're gonna overly sexualise everyone in this chapter so we have some hopes of making money"
  • Wesker isn't an original character and isn't sexualised in DBD. This whole chapter screams "buy us cause we're hot" and not "buy us because we're fun and unique". You can have both, but this ain't it. Even Thalita and Renato's cosmetics are "please look at all the skin we're showing"
  • Ultra-realistic DBD: None of the survivors actually know how to repair generators. The survivors must hide. They get found, the killer immediately kills them and moves on to finding the next. This repeats until all survivors are dead or they die of dehydration from not being found. Most of the time it's good that games…
  • I'm also glad it's over. I refuse to believe the Ormond rework actually did anything for the map. It's still awful for most of the killer roster. Now we have that awesome new chapter to be excited about, right?
  • This is such corporate BS. Lots of points with no proof. Sure, you say soft-cap isn't easy to hit. But I beg to differ since no matter what killer I'm playing, I still get put against people I know for a fact are competitive players. Why not just SHOW us the MMR numbers to prove it? I seriously doubt it "broadens" as the…
  • Me when I can't think objectively and realise Skull Merchant is utter dogshit
  • Twins need a rework. Blight needs an add-on pass. Myers probably also needs a rework, but might be hard with the licensing.
  • Like I said, I think it comes down to whoever directs it. I'm just praying they realise that good adaptions are Arcane and The Last of Us, and not.... RE, Silent Hill, Mortal Kombat, etc...
  • Can I just ask why you don't have much faith? They've produced some incredible horror movies in the past (Get Out, Us, Split, Sinister, among others). I think it more-so depends on who the director will be. They even mention working with James Wan who co-created Saw and Insidious. I actually have decent faith in this…
  • STBFL on Pig Lethal + BBQ on Huntress. I used to be addicted to Iron Maiden, but I think I've become confident enough in hitting hatchets that I'm only ever reloading after getting a down or hook, so it's not a huge time saver anymore. Sloppy on most m1 killers.
  • People falling for egg_'s bait posts are funny, there is no way you can't tell he's joking
  • Surprised no one has said Twins yet. As SoloQ, the slugging and camping nature of Victor just makes the game incredibly boring. And most people don't know how to correctly play against it, so it's usually an automatic 4k for the killer.
  • It seems like a very selfish perk, though I can understand it's use. With BT being base-kit, it does make it difficult for the killer to go after either one of the survivors. However, I see this perk + Guardian being a good combo for both survivors to make it away from unsafe hook saves. I might actually use it in an…
  • I promise you cannot get more than a 1k against a comp team of survivors. Trapper is an objectively awful killer. Your experience in public games against random survivors does not mean much.
  • Play some killer at high MMR and get back to me
  • Realistically, unless you're playing Nurse/Blight/Spirit, you will only win if the survivors aren't great, or they're screwed by awful map RNG. On a level playing field (all 5 players are equally skilled, the map is "fair" e.g. Coal Tower), no killer is gonna get more than a 2k except the top 3.
  • Yep, exactly why I learned Nurse. Whenever I get fed up with map balance, I just play a few games with her to feel better.
  • At least you understand me lol Yep, I used to main Pig. But change after change, it just wasn't fun anymore. Now I mostly play Huntress or Nurse. Personally I don't think the Eyrie change did much at all. The map is still huge, riddled with safe pallets, and has an extremely strong main building. I agree with you, I'd…
  • Again, please read other comments. I wanted Eruption nerfed as much as the next guy. But there is nothing being done to help m1 killers. Power buffs would be nice, but I think a better thing is map balance. I would like it if people stopped misinterpreting this post lol. I never said I wanted to keep Eruption as is. I just…
  • Personally I'm going to dislike if they're just re-using things from Meet Your Maker. Crossover makes sense, just not something I'd call creative. Main thing is as long as the killer's fun, I don't really mind too much what it is.
  • And here I am getting told off in another thread that m1 killers are fine; that the Eruption nerf doesn't change them much. Forums never cease to amaze me.
  • If you read the other comments, I already stated I wanted Eruption nerfed. Not gutted. I am not saying it's the answer. I am simply pointing out that M1 killers are being left in the dust. Before then, we had Pop. Then it was nerfed and made awful. Before that, it was Ruin/Undying. It was also completely gutted. It's an…
  • I do not even use the Erup/CoB combo, I am just being objective here. M1 killers already struggle enough, now their best form of regression is completely dead. I wanted Eruption nerfs, not for it to be gutted. Thanks for your meaningful input though. Yes, which is my point exactly, they are not viable. Eruption nerf makes…
  • What other good regression perks are there? They are all either inconsistent at best or benefit killers who are already strong. Pain Res/DMS combo is good for killers who can get fast downs and then pressure survivors off gens (Nurse, Blight, Artist). DMS timer is extremely short anyway. Ruin, while having awful…
  • And are these 'killers' in the room with us now? Absolutely no one wanted this, we want more perk variety to be viable and for weaker killers to have buffs to be viable. That is all.
  • Pretty much all of her purple add-ons are good. Not exciting, but very good. I personally like Matias' Baby Shoes (survivor aura reading near birds) for anti-loop, it takes away the guessing of when to send it out. And like you said, Severed Hands is probably her best add-on. But Ink Egg and Severed Tongue are still great…
  • Mate you're mad now, there didn't even used to be an end-game timer. You should be extremely thankful you didn't play in those times. Just accept the bleed out, go on your phone for 4 minutes, watch something on a 2nd monitor. The game is progressing and that is not hostage taking. No amount of you whinging about it taking…
  • So if we both agree Eruption is bad on her, why did you initially reply to my post? You started this lol
  • Leon's definitely are usually the worst, but I'm gonna also say Rebecca players seem to think they're really good but don't last long in chase. At least from what I see.
  • And 100 metres of walking is about 21-22 seconds for killer, which is barely any game time at all. It all adds up over the match. If you're playing to kick gens with Huntress, you're playing her ineffectively and probably going to lose. I say this as a Huntress main. You said Eruption is bad on her but not because she's…
  • The thing about Huntress is, Eruption is terrible on her. You don't have time being 110 to kick gens. So she is double screwed by the current Erup/DH meta.