They want you to play In team, then play in team. It does have nothing to share with spirit undeserved nerf
Right. They are incoherent, let's stop playing
Thanks for sharing your honest thoughts. We would like to see more support for this. She is not unfair, her power can be misleading a lot. Remove prayer beads and its fine
They make numbers speak in their favor, when they need a rationale for what they do. Its way too risky to admit that they have to follow the vast majority of survivors crying, since they must be 4 for each killer.
Why spirit should have become an issue just recently? She has been the same till the beginning. Oh I know why, because now that you got nurse nerfed you start looking for the next "sweaty" killer to destroy.
No, we can not agree. Some of her addons were too much, but not her.
Why you should be entitled to say that playing spirit does not take much effort? Are you a main killer who played her consistently or its just your gut feeling?
Respect, bro. This is the truth to be said. Plain 3 mins if not 2 sometimes is not funny for anybody. Plus, all that complaining for killers with a different gameplay. Learn it, counter it. Really appreciate your post, thanks
No! If u use spirit are noob, if you can't use trapper you are more noob. Everybody complains of that but nobody acknowledges this truth bro.
I bet you are the same person who cries about insta heals aren't you?
Agree. One important point is: which data the dev are looking at and How they interpret it - yes, all data need to be interpreted and it makes a huge difference in the outcome decision. Let us know why they say a rework is needed, and what will impact. Not like nurse, which should have just been an addon rework which then…
Gg bro. Complain about her? Well give you more to complain about... Till devs nerf all killers, so we will happily leave this game and those damn swf will queue 4h for a single game. Take that
I had a match in which killer power broke and could not be used anymore. Another one in which I could not kick gens or place traps. I mean ######### guys, won't play this game anymore it's getting just fck boring
Annoying does not mean that she needs a rework. Some ppl are annoyed by the doctor, now let's be honest doctor is ######### tier, should we nerf it bc of this? #NONERFSPIRIT movement raise your voice lol
Be the one to prove spirit is OP firstly. You can't blame somebody for not providing stats and then you do the same. People crying for it has zero value
Good bro, this is the thing. Devs provide a different gameplay and then regret because people cry about it. Many people are good against her, and there is a bunch of perks which are very helpful against her. Also, nerfing her would do nothing different than perpetrating the same, usual, boring meta. Keeping her the same…
Fungoose is right. This Perk is extremely powerful in map awareness, helping you to get the most out of your pop kicks.
Or you know, you could just learn how to play against her and stop f***ING complaining about every killer that has some different feature from the plain ones
Man, having played rank 1 both console and pc I can guarantee there is a huge difference between the two - either bc of fluid 120 fps gameplay and bc of hardware performance
I think that we should all step down with the expectations we have. For example, it's a killers duty to kill so I don't get why I should let somebody go: has some survivor disconnected? Is somebody playing poorly? That's all part of the inherent risk of playing survivor. As part of a team, if the team performs poorly you…
You ask items as a counter to lobby dodging - that is totally nonsense. Devs should focus on PREVENTING dodging - what you are talking instead, is empowering survivors which is totally a different matter.
It's not a try hard fact. It's the likeliness of them to communicate verbally, which definitely impacts the match management by their side.
If they can't remove the swf or the outside comms, which is clearly not viable, at least let killers get 150% bp points to compensate the disadvantage
How can you consider more efficient to play surv when you have bbq and chilli?
Like all that genrushing and unhooking will make new killers quit... Pretty balanced job so far.
Genrushing and unhooking will drive away players fanbase, it should be considered a bannable offense
Nurse has teleport Teleport means no collision That's quite easy to understand
I would reason with a priority perspective: given that the Survivor DC seems much more impacting, and given devs limited time, I hope they will first start taking care only of this. Also, survivors queues are much shorter so its not really undermining survs game experience
Please stop complaining about this. Face camping IS a legit strategy - and it's not comparable to DC. Also, if a killer is face camping its easily punishable with a heavy gen rushing because he is not doing the main thing he should: applying pressure on gens.
First, people complain just because they can. There will always be something that somebody will complain about. Today, that is spirit - just because it's a top pick so the spotlight is on her. Secondly, people complain because Spirit forces into a completely different playstyle especially during chases. Similarly to Nurse…