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  • My boyfriend and I got the Dwight crow almost immediately when he did it on his dual screen PC, while watching Cahlaflour on twitch. We had the stream on one screen, and the shop open and ready to redeem on the other. When she posted the full codes I read the code out to him (he is a VERY slow typer, not speedy in any way)…
  • NOED honestly is more of a mind game IMO than it is a good perk. Why? "The community's IQ drops by about 100 points when NOED comes up." This man gets it. NOED isn't good, it isn't even great. There are killers that have the same effect, exposed, built in and it lasts the entire game. The only reason people don't like the…
  • Is this a suggestion for devs or already implemented? There is no noise cool down, it triggers for every time they cause an action that is considered loud. IF it is the case that there should be a cooldown then this is a bug but I doubt they would have that implemented just because in theory, after 3 vaults for example now…
  • They sort of used to because originally teachable perks didn't exist. If you wanted to use adrenaline, you had to play Meg. If you wanted Thanataphobia, you had to play nurse. They changed it and made the teachable perk system instead.
  • It fluctuates for me, depending on if I'm playing survivor, killer, + ranks. I've had instant games or 10 minute waits. Though that isn't really the topic.
  • Thanks so much, that was everything I was looking for!
  • Wouldn't that be considered taking the game hostage? I'm not talking about how survivors will get in the way of hooks or other survivors so they can't be hit, I'm talking being literally trapped in a corner not able to move. I may have the terminology off. Considering if I wrote it out on the forums it would actually all…
  • Not really a dirty build, but I've been having fun all day running essentially any sparkly hex + a location perk. In my case Devour and Whispers. You are now playing tower defense, because even if it is a useless hex survivors do not want to let shinies stay up. They will flock to you in groups like flies, and batting them…
  • I just spent an entire game as killer defending my Devour totem, that was next to a survivor on a hook. As in within 3 feet. Cause the second anyone went for the save, they would do the totem first. They also kept unhooking the survivor in my face. Needless to say, I got 0 stacks and after the first survivor died on that…
  • The way they do bans for card games and card development, especially like MTG, are way too different to apply here to a game like DBD. Sets for TCG are made years in advance, put under a lot of development, tweaked constantly, and depending on the format only used for a limited amount of time. Not to mention they will have…
  • I don't understand why so many DC, especially at low ranks on first down. You've wasted everyone's time, get no BP, and then have to wait to requeue. Though it seems like survivors get matches a lot faster than killers do, though that may just be the difference of my ranks on each.