any info about this small issue?
any info this issue?
already reported
Yeah, i confirm, into the game there is a column without collission, and the survivor can be hidden. (Video 1)
this build is more strong, and more players used this build. please return back these totems, Make sure to put in the old days of totem poles to purify.
I agree, disable this DC penalty, and ban this cheater with a model of cheating, seach these cheats with dc penalty and instant lock to 4x4.
yeah i agree, i want to make a reconnect feature. if a player have an issues problem , they lost the game, you can reconnect the game
Already reported here
[Bug]: Text does not fit in box - Shrine of Secrets Description: When i click on the "Shrine of Secrets" button i can see this screen where the third box has a description which is coming out from italian/english and others languages (Video 1) Step by Step: 1)I launch the game with steam 2)I'm awaiting which the game show…
il problema rimane con la versione 7.6.1
e poi il testo in italiano non segue per filo e per segno anche il titolo "Global Bloodpoint's bonus" che non c'è e il formato non è uguale a quello inglese.
With the update 7.3.2 these two translation aren't fixed, i hope which will be fixed very soon.
same for italian language
I make this error same for me, i played such as claudette morel, and the server said me Dedicated server don't working but my friends are online against a Oni and i've taking a ban for 30 seconds.
I agree, missing this t-shirt for feng ming.
please report this user creating a ticket system on the with the name of the user whose use this bug/glitch. The staff can be banning this user and rsend this video/image.
Some games have detect if people just leaving (Alt+f4, leave a match). If there are some crashes issues (where the programm tell a crash report to report these issue.). These games are Valorant, Riotgames.
I accept this discussion. The problem that if a survivor disconnects, it's not fair to put a bot and have the killer continue the game with bots, just because they leave in 3 people. To solve the problem, if it is a disconnection for crashes, you could put the function to reconnect to the match. (If the bot has not already…
same problem with europe server with pc, during a match, the server isn't available and disconnected all.
any info about this issue?
I agree with you, same italian and english language, [Wrong text]: PC- Steam- "Wailing bell" -character info - The wraith - plays as killer Description: When i put the mouse over the image of the Wraith's Power called as "Wailing bell", the game shows this tooltip about his power. At the last row of this tooltip, i can see…
i agree with you, need to killswitch
i agree i confirmed this issue, i hope which this issue will be fixed.
this issue is fixed, i can see the all old offers/items for old events, and the backgrounds are fixed. good work.
After the hotfix to version 6.4.2, the language bug is still present and hasn't been translated into Italian yet.
same problem with the last hotfix v. 6.4.2, the issue is still present.
After the hotfix to version 6.4.2, the language bug is still present of this Legion's Addon.
this issue is present to the new patch v. 6.4.2
this issues is srtill present at the v. 6.4.2 and this issue is working for all maps.
This issue is already reported from PC. All previous items/chams of the old events are into yellow/green instead of Gold background.
After the hotfix to version 6.4.1, the various clipping bugs of the Huntress with the "Apex Ursine" outfit are still present. When will they be fixed?
After the hotfix to version 6.4.1, the language bug is still present and hasn't been translated into Italian yet.
After the hotfix to version 6.4.1, the language bug is still present of this Legion's Addon.
this issue is still present to v. 6.4.1
This issue is already reported. Version 6.4.1 the game bubba is still bugged.
This issue is still present at the version 6.4.1, nothing patch to fix it.
already reported from here all old events items/cakes/charms/outfit are with these background instead of gold background.
same for me same issues,
I agree, i''ll killswitched perks or directly the Knight until to fix these issue, and put some time from the power of the knight.
I hope which these exploit will be fixed very soon and i confirmed this issue.
Have you tried this perk when you were injured?
[BUG graphic]:PC - EVENT OFFERINGS BRIGHT GREEN INSTEAD OF YELLOW/GOLD Description: Here all offers of old events are into green background instead of yellow/gold background.(Video 1) Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : I choose the different killer Step 4: I click on the Offer…
i agree, the banner isn't picked from the survivor.
this issue is still present at the version 6.4.0, please fix this description.
this issue is still present, when i reach at the level 5o of the battle pass, the reward has a tag isn't translated into italian language. the patch is 6.4.0. i hope which this missing translation will be fixed very soon. Step by Step: Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, hook…
the issue is still present to 6.4.0 and don't fixed....
[Bug]: By flashlight the Trapper's traps, the survivor passes the trap unscathed. Description: When the survivor flashes the ground on the hunter's trap, the survivor passes through the trap unscathed without closing the trap (Video 1) Step by Step: 1) Start the game 2) Click on the "custom games" button in the main menu…
this event is the best event of Halloween, and It is funny
Already aknowledge this issue.
si comunque spero che fixino presto perchè ci sono delle cose ancora che devono migliorare. (tantissimi bug, sia bug grafici, che quando salti come alla finestra del 4x4 che invece di saltare da dentro a fuori, e il personaggio è andato indietro a saltare su Rifugi boschivi). Poi c'è il nuovo torcia tech in cui c'è il…