[Bug]: various strings into italian language - INBOX
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When i click on the "Inbox", there is this message aren't localized into italian language. (Screenshot 1). If i change into english i've this message (Screenshot 2) PLATFORM: PC - Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I launch the game from the steam I'm awaiting to load the main…
[Wrong text]: “WINTER CHEST & WINTER PARTY STARTERS” - Gameplay details – Bone chill event
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When i see the description of the gameplay details on the new event called as “Bone chill”, i can see this wrong text into italian language (Screenshot 1). If i change into english language i don’t have this issue (Screenshot 2) PLATFORM: PC – STEAM STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED:…
[Bug]: “Medusa’s Hair” – Addon – The Dark Lord
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When i put the mouse over this addon called as “Medusa’s Hair” the variable are totally wrong into italian language. (Screenshot 1). If i change into english language i don’t have this issue (Screenshot 2) PLATFORM:PC - Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I launch the game I…
[Bug]: “Spiked collar” – Addon – The Houndmaster
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When i put the mouse over this addon called as “Spiked collar” the variable are totally wrong into italian language. (Screenshot 1). If i change into english language i don’t have this issue (Screenshot 2) PLATFORM:PC - Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I launch the game I…
[Bug]: “Gunpowder tim” – Addons – The houndmaster
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When i put the mouse over this addon called as “Gunpowder tim” the variable are totally wrong into italian language. (Screenshot 1). If i change into english language i don’t have this issue (Screenshot 2) PLATFORM:PC - Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I launch the game I…
[Bug]: Truncate text killer’s power into italian and english language
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When i put the mouse over the icon of the killer’s power, the tooltip are totally truncated because the text are too long instead the right side into italian, same for english language. (Video 1) The truncate text of these killer into italian language: The Shape The doctor The nightmare The pig The…
[Missing text]: "View collection"
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: When i open the first time of the game, the game shows this screen where there is a new collection of the chapter. Here there is a missing translation into italian language of this "View collection". (Screenshot 1) PLATFORM: PC - Steam STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: 1)I launch the…
[Bug]: PC -Overlapping issue avatar with a black box text to add new friend on the 2vs8 Mode
What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 :I click on the "2vs8" mode button Step 3 : I select to Survivor button Step 4 : In this screen there is an overlapping issue with my banner and black box list of the characters into italian language (Video 1) Additional information Frequency of the issue: Always…
[New idea]: Add an achievement for the new mode "CHAOS SHUFFLE"
I'd like to add always new achievements for Steam platform for new modes added into the game.
[Mancata traduzione]: "Punti Sangue Obtained" - Negozio
Quando vado nel negozio e clicco sul pulsante "Evidenzia", c'è sotto un regalo gratis. Se lo clicco mi appare questo testo che risulta essere metà tradotto in italiano (Screenshot 1) Step by Step: 1)Avvio il gioco da steam 2)Aspetto che si carichi il menu principale del gioco 3)Clicco sul pulsante "Negozio" nel menu…
[Mancata traduzione]: PC - Negozio => Bundle Speciali" e "DLC Packs"
Descrizione: Quando vado nel negozio e clicco sull'etichetta Bundle speciali, ho queste tre offerte che risultano non essere tradotte in italiano (Screenshot 1) Se clicco sul bundle Rift, vedo altri due testi non tradotti in italiano. (Screenshot 2) . Se clicco sull'etichetta "DLC packs" mi appaiono sti tre pacchetti che…
[Testo errato]: Sciame di Oscurità - Volume 19-Splendore
Descrizione: Quando seleziono sta missione denominato come "Sciame di Oscurità" dagli archivi della nuova spaccatura Volume 19 - Splendore, ho trovato questo piccolo errore di testo in italiano (Screenshot 1) Testo errato: "Invadi 6 sopravvissuto/i al lavoro su un generatore incompleto, una cassa non aperta o un totem che…
Where is the new shrine?
Where is it the new shrine?
[Bug]: PC - Various issues My Little Oni
Description: When i'm starting a match from the Killer with Oni, the camera see only from mid-body downwards instead of the entire body of my enlarged oni (Video 1, 0:00s) . The second problem when I use the power of my Oni, when I take a run-up, I see my head in the middle taking up my whole view and I see nothing. (Video…
[Traduzione mancante]: "Gameplay Sopravvissuto e Killer - Event Community Objective" - Luna Sanguino
Quando clicco sul pulsante dell'evento "Luna sanguinosa", mi appare nella sezione "Panoramica" questa schermata, se appoggio il mouse sopra alla barra dei Punti sangue, mi appare questo tooltip. In questo tooltip è presente un piccolo testo non tradotto in italiano (Screenshot 1). Se cambio nella lingua inglese non ho…
[Bug]: Formato </b> Dettagli Gameplay - Evento Luna Sanguinosa
Quando clicco sul pulsante "Luna Sanguinosa" mi appare questa schermata , poi clicco sul pulsante "Dettagli Gameplay". Sul fondo delle varie traduzioni c'è un formato </b> che non dovrebbe esserci nella lingua italiana (Screenshot 1) mentre se cambio la lingua in inglese questo errore non c'è (Screenshot 2) Step by Step:…
Loading Screen Banner
I would like Dead by Daylight to have the possibility of being able to choose the various interfaces and loading screeen during events. For example, I would like it if when this event ended. When you find the survivor and killer matches, the various loading screens and logos remain. You could have various banners in the…
[Missing translation]: PC - Devotion - Profile player - italian language
Description: Here on my profile there is a word isn't translated into italian language but it remains into english language. (Video 1) What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : I click on the "Play as Killer" on the main menu Step 3: I go to the "Player Profile" avatar Step 4: i Can see…
[New idea]: Add the perk of the Stranger Things on the info's characters
When i click on the info about the Demogorgon (and the same the two survivor (Steve Harrigton and Nancy Wheeler) I don't see the perks of this killer/survivor. If i see different Killer/survivor i can see the perk of each charracters. (video 1) Video: Video 1 =>
[Testo non tradotto]: Notifica "Haunt Released" - nel vuoto
Descrizione: Quando faccio la mia partita, e vado nel vuoto, voglio rilasciare il fantasma con l'energia del vuoto, nelle notifiche delle azioni c'è il testo che non è stato tradotto in italiano ma è rimasto nella lingua inglese (Video 1, 5:44) Cosa aggiungere nella descrizione Passo 1: avvio il gioco Passo 2: clicco sul…
[Testo non tradotto]: "A Ghastly Sting from the void" - PC
Descrizione: Quando clicco sul banner "Persecuzione Aurorale", posso vedere diversi nodi, in una sfida manca la traduzione in italiano chiamata "A Ghastly Sting from the void" sia nel primo livello che il secondo livello (Video 1) Cosa aggiungere nella descrizione Passo 1: avvio il gioco Passo 2: clicco sul banner "Haunted…
[Testo non tradotto e testo errato]: PC: "I gingilli oscuri" tooltip errati
Descrizione: Quando gioco in molte partite in cui posso guadagnare alcuni Trinket Oscuri, e metto il mouse su questa icona, il gioco mostra questo tooltip. In questo tooltip c'è una descrizione errata evidenziata dal numero 1, e il secondo problema è che una parte del testo non è tradotta in italiano (screenshot 1). Se…
[Wrong text]: PC - "Dark Trinkets" tooltip is wrong and missing translation - Haunted by Daylight
Description: When i play into a lot of match where i can earn some Dark Trinkets, and i put the mouse over this icon, the game shows this tooltip. In this tooltip there is a wrong description highlighted by number 1, and the second issue a part of the text isn’t translated into italian language (Screenshot 1). If i change…
[Missing translation]: PC -"A Ghastly Sting from the void" - Haunted by Daylight
Description: When i click on the "Haunted by Daylight" banner, i can see different nodes, in a challenge has a missing translation into italian called as "A Ghastly Sting from the void" (Screenshot 1) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2: I click on the "Haunted by Daylight" banner Step 3: i can see…
[Missing translation]: "Into the void" - Haunted by Daylight - Collection - The Archives
Description: When i'm making this challenge called as "Full of Nothingness" from the killer, i complete this clue of the lore. I click on "The Arvchives" button, I click on the "Collection" button, there is a list of the quest called as "Haunted by Daylight" and i select it. The game shows an image with a text doesn't…
[Bug]:PC - Lag camera of the killer when i see a match to spectator mode – custom match
Description: When there is a match in the custom match and I switch to the spectator mode, it loads the match where the survivors and the killer put ready. When I switch the killer's camera to the spectator mode, all the actions the killer does is like it lags (Video 1) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game…
[Bug]: PC - Crazy Animation of the Ace Visconti against the Mastermind
Description: When my streamer friend opens the wresker's supply case because he was previously infected, to use the First Aid Spray item. The wresker who took with the second shot of power my friend. Here after visconti's animation he went crazy. (Video 1) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play…
[Bug]: PC - 7.2.2 Black Hole of the tail of the Xenomorph into the loading screen of the survivor.
Description: When I first enter as a survivor in a public game, and encounter the Xenomorph, the loading screen shows this hint with the image of the Xenomorph. Too bad part of the image of the bone turns out to be missing. (Screenshot 1) What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as…
[Bug]: % dying recovery speed "Unbreakable" - italian language
Description: When i search this perk called as "Unbreakable" into italian language, i've this tooltip where the value of % is totally wrong (Screenshot 1). If i change into english language i've the right value % of dying recovery speed. (Screenshot 2) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2: The video…
[Wrong text]: PC - Dead Hard - italian language
Description: Dead hard into Italian has been called as Morto Stecchito. While in the descriptions it is referred to as 'Duro a morire' . (Screenshot 1) In English, the name of this perk is correct. (Screenshot 2) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2: The video of the Nicolas Cage is under…
[Missing translation]: PC - New rift presentation "Tome 16: Existence - italian language
Description: When i see the video of the new rift, there is a video, after the video, there is this screen with two buttons, here more texts aren't translated into italian language (Screenshot 1) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2: The video of the Nicolas Cage is under reproduction Step 3: I'm…
[Wrong text]: PC -Steam - Twisted Tailor Pants - Twisted Masquerade - italian language
Description: When i put the mouse over this rewards "Twisted Tailor Pants" about the Twisted Masquerade event, the game shows this tooltip into italian have more wrong text (Screenshot 1) If i change into english language these descriptions are okay (Screenshot 2) What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the…
PC- Video "End Trasmission" don't have the subtitle into italian language
Description: When i launch the Dead by Daylight into Steam, the game shows at the first time this video about the new chapter "End Trasmission". Here the subtitle of this video isn't translated into italian language, but they are only english language (Video 1) What to add in the description Example Step 1 : Boot the game…
PC - Comment doesn't localised loading screen of the event "Twisted Masquerade"
Description: When I start a game as both survivor and killer, I found in this new loading screen this comment by this developer that it has not been localised. (Screenshot 1) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer or survivor in a public match Step 3: Here there are more loading…
PC - Killer and Survivor pass through the pallet
Description: When this survivor had the new killer's biopod on his back The Singularity. In the map "Blood Lodge - Autoheavern Wacker", there was a pallet that was down, but both the killer and the survivor could pass through the pallet without doing the vault animation (Video 1) What to add in the description Example Step…
[Traduzione mancanti]: PC -"Show/Hide text" - Ricordi frammentari - Collezione- gli Archivi
Descrizione: Quando ho completato la prima missione da killer "Ricordo Focale" dove bisogna raccogliere 3 frammenti di memoria, c'è una foto che ho sbloccato nella "Collezione" => Ricordi Frammentari" e seleziono il pulsante con la lente + per visualizzare correttamente l'immagine (Video 1). Cosa aggiungere nella…
[Bug]: PC - During the nurse blink near the locker on the RPD map
Description: When a streamer is blinking with the nurse right in the middle of the locker, you saw the survivor inside the locker for a moment. Actually when you blink, you should not see the survivor (Video 1) What to add in the description Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : During…
[Traduzione mancante]: "Glorius Trousers" - La spaccatura - Gli archivi
Descrizione: Quando voglio vedere la nuova Spaccatura, al livello 50 della Spaccatura c'è una voce chiamata "Pantaloni Gloriosi" che non è tradotta in italiano (immagine 1). Cosa aggiungere nella descrizione Step 1: Avvio il gioco su Steam Step 2: Attendo che il gioco si carichi Step 3: Sono nel menu principale e clicco…
[Traduzione mancante]: "Golden Details" - La spaccatura - Gli archivi
Descrizione: Quando voglio vedere la nuova Spaccatura, al livello 55 della Spaccatura c'è una voce chiamata "Dettagli d'oro" che non è tradotta in italiano (immagine 1). Cosa aggiungere nella descrizione Step 1: Avvio il gioco su Steam Step 2: Attendo che il gioco si carichi Step 3: Sono nel menu principale e clicco sul…
[Bug]: PC - Durante il blink dell'infermiera vicino all'armadietto RPD map
Descrizione: Quando un mio amico streamer sta blinkando con il battito di ciglia dell'infermiera proprio in mezzo all'armadietto, si è visto per un attimo il survivor dentro all'armadietto. In realtà quando si fa un battito di ciglia, non si dovrebbe vedere il survivor (Video 1) Cosa aggiungere nella descrizione Step 1: Il…
PC - [Missing translation]: "Golden Details" - The Rift - The Archives
Description: When i want to see the new Rift, at the level 55 of the Rift there is an item where this item called as "Golden Details" aren't translated into italian language (Screenshot 1) What to add in the description 1)I Launch the game on the Steam 2)I'm awaiting which the game is loading 3)i'm on the main menu and i…
PC - [Missing translation]: "Glorius Trousers" - The Rift - The Archives
Description: When i want to see the new Rift, at the level 50 of the Rift there is an item where this item called as "Glorius Trousers" isn't translated into italian language (Screenshot 1) What to add in the description 1)I Launch the game on the Steam 2)I'm awaiting which the game is loading 3)i'm on the main menu and i…