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  • This is a pretty cool update. Give it a chance and see what happens. And as for the Killer's perks... did you not hear how abusable the Survivor perks can be as well? lol. I think they pushed out two unique perk sets that synergize well with existing content.
  • I support this. Some toxicity is essential to any PvP game. Tbagging is honestly funny and if the survivor does it pregame, then expect the killer to return the favor during the match!
  • I play half killer, half survivor, and when i decide to equip either DS or Unbreakable, i never get an opportunity to use them lol. It's pretty much steered me from using them and sticking with perks that are used every chase or between.
  • Although it wouldn't bother me, proximity voice chat would just lead to massive toxicity and audio bullying towards killer and survivors. Also, as someone else pointed out, it does kind of kill the atmosphere. Minus the pregame lobby, when does anyone speak? Survivor or killer? It's a game of few words and i feel like that…
  • Definitely not infinite. If the killer can lose NOED instantly by breaking a totem, it wouldn't justify having zero counter against hope. I like the injured state doesn't allow, or even similar to resilience, where being injured IS what activates it. Kind of feels like that makes the most sense.
  • If you tie with lower ranks, it isn't always, the higher rank loses whilst the lower gains... The lower just gains more than the higher because they as the lower skill group matched a higher skill group and deserves to be closer to that skill group than what they are. Also, if you as the higher ranking tied with the lower…
  • I don't get where the black pipping became a bad thing... There was nothing lost while you gained bloodpoints. You got your pile of bloodpoints from going from power to M1 and some hooks... Take it and move on. You didn't lose ANYTHING. No, I'm not a survivor main or telling you to get better. But if you can complain about…
  • Deathslinger is definitely an S. Anything that requires precise aiming and not just M1ing should be S or A minimum. Similar argument for the Clown. You can't just throw bottles willy nilly and win. You have to predict the survivor's movement and lead your shots. Pig... M1 them until they go down, trap their head, hook,…
  • This match making could also be due to the abundance of boosted survivors that easy streeted their way to red ranks compared to the few number of killers. It's more obvious by how different queue times are. Hard to match you with a bunch of random 10+survivors when they are all red really... So either you never find a…
  • I'd like to hear this one's bypass, not saying it wouldn't be. But you could go as far as to make the condition, after being unhooked it activates for 60 seconds and if another survivor is downed the timer loses 30 seconds and if another survivor is hooked, the timer is depleted. Multiple conditions giving ample time for…
  • Just make it to where DS activates when you become unhooked and expires in 60 seconds or if another survivor is hooked. That way there was clearly no tunneling and would help fix short and long game issues. The only way the first survivor would get downed quickly again is if they try to abuse the perk and be cocky enough…
  • As a base, how would you even tier perks based on this scale? Calling it 1-4 is just arbitrary compared to each perk's effectiveness. You have to keep in mind this helps prevent bias from one side over which perks are not working as intended or are plain out breaking the intended play ability of the game. Not just your…
  • I guess I am looking toward the lore of the game in the sense that when offering, the entity will favor offering over perks, over items
  • I get that is the counter to item usage. And I know that it is within the Franklin's Demise tooltip, but I feel it is a slight over advantage of the offering itself. You should be able to wash out items if used by survivors, but it should not be effective if protected by the entity with an offering. Make the item dropped…
  • Sad seeing so many views but no comments. I am a killer main myself, but I feel this is an overlooked aspect of the survivor. Just make it to when the white ward is utilized, if the survivor equips an item with addons, no matter what, whether the item is used or dropped, retain it. Just as you would the killer's addons.…
  • Also, before anyone says it makes you drop. What is the point of the offering then. The Killer doesn't drop their addons. Why should the survivor when they use their offering? We keep our items normally anyways, now I cant keep it when I burn a rare offering?
  • Also, this has occurred about 12 times today alone.
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