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  • I'm not so sure I agree with that rundown, personally. I think the ideal situation for Weaving Spiders after this buff is probably going to be two survivors doing the Invocation, both with the perk equipped. That's a 30 second total investment, which may still be about 60 seconds of potential generator time but it gives…
  • For the record, BNPs are 10 charges, not 15, so Weaving Spiders does have the same numbers as 7 BNPs. It's also worth mentioning that it's only 60 seconds if a single survivor is doing it, that number can be lowered pretty dramatically depending on other circumstances. I wouldn't say this perk is too strong by any means,…
  • But by the same token, perks that people consistently stack because there's nothing stopping them from doing it and it's perceived to be better than running anything else isn't good for perk variety either. When stacking slowdown can cause the problems it does for the health of the game and it harms perk variety,…
  • I don't have any issues with the slowdown nerfs, personally, so I'm going to cover those only briefly. I think nerfing these perks is fine, but ideally I would look towards something that limits these perks stacking, like some kind of Exhaustion system. They're definitely too much in combination right now (and Pain Res is…
  • That's kind of why I point out that they'll still be perfectly worth running, though. If you aren't relying on them to replace natural pressure by stacking multiple and relying on super short chases, and instead you're playing the match out by spreading pressure and forcing survivors to react, any one of these perks is…
  • I disagree, I think this is probably fine. The combos of all those perks together (or even just Pop and Pain Res) were definitely in need of some adjustment, and short of introducing some kind of Exhaustion mechanic for gen regression, the only real way to address that is to nerf the perks. They aren't necessary so there's…
  • Try shutting down Steam and opening it again, sometimes that does it.
  • Did last year's anniversary have any balance change announcements like that? I may be misremembering, but I feel like the anniversary stream is more for system mechanics and other less granular changes. There's a separate roadmap we've been shown a few times for specific balance changes, right?
  • I don't know, this does seem to rest on the assertion that there IS a spike of faster gen speeds. I don't think I've noticed that, though. Survivors still spend time healing, survivors still generally stick on gens if I don't give them something else to do, my games don't feel like they're any faster than before. In fact,…
  • Okay, but a surprising amount of the playerbase also doesn't seem to realise that the base healing nerf DIDN'T happen, so it's clearly possible that people agreeing healing isn't worth it anymore might not actually mean it's true. As for people staying injured, it's fine. Unless they're bringing some of the unbalanced…
  • Her previous version was bad stealth for more reasons than just the footsteps, to be fair. I could see her footsteps being made a little louder than they are and her stealth still being appropriately good. I'm not saying that should happen, just that there's a clear reason why she doesn't have an audio tell when other…
  • I mean, no, it didn't? That nerf replaced the base healing nerf, only medkits are hit with that increase now. It's also not really overkill, that's still more efficient than someone else healing you, it just takes longer in real time.
  • General healing Reverted Survivor heal interaction seconds to charge from 24 to 16 seconds. From the "Changes from PTB to Live" on the 6.7.0 update patch notes.
  • CoH stacked with medkits, though. The only ways to fix that problem would be to either make CoH so restrictive that its number cannot be changed by any means, or to just remove the self heal entirely. Personally, I think either would've been valid directions and both would've resulted in people claiming the perk was trash.…
  • So, a couple things. First, finding the totem is a massively variable number. For some players that's actually noticeable and for others they'd know exactly where to check while doing other things so it's not an investment at all. Second, blessing the totem isn't wasting time, it's spending it. You got that time back in…
  • Every time this comes up, people act like healing was a timesink before. You could heal yourself significantly faster than someone else healing you, multiple times a match, for very little overall investment. CoH only needed to be blessed once, by one person, and then everyone on the team could use it to heal SIGNIFICANTLY…
  • To be fair, Skull Merchant's stealth is more balanced around a very short duration, so I'm not sure if giving her a proper audio tell would really be appropriate. Maybe just making her footsteps a bit louder would be a good middle ground, if the devs decided to address this?
  • Probably because of that last part? Windows is nice, but it doesn't have anywhere near the level of direct impact on a trial as Deadlock or the other regression perks.
  • While I agree with you overall, it's worth mentioning that healing times were NOT nerfed across the board. That change was on the 6.7.0 PTB, but it was scrapped before coming to live, being replaced with the medkit nerf we actually got. For the record, you're right to say that killers don't NEED slowdown and these nerfs…
  • Defending the generators is one of the tactics a killer might use in order to achieve their goal, that doesn't make it part of that goal. Moonwalking at a tile is something you might do to increase your chances of winning, it doesn't mean it's your objective to do it.
  • You can't really disentangle it being easy to activate from the justification, though. The two halves of that statement both rely on each other to be true. Which is, for instance, why other perks that give you value for comparatively little effort may not require nerfing. Windows might be as easy to activate as Pop -…
  • Being tunnelled isn't, though.
  • Well, that brings things back to my previous point, which is that it's not JUST how easy it is to get. It's the ratio of strength and ease of use, probably combined with pickrate and overall community sentiment for good measure. Plus, DS is being nerfed. DS is being nerfed in the exact same patch that Pop is being nerfed…
  • Referring to being hooked as "failing" is stretching it a little bit, but might be strictly accurate. Referring to being tunnelled as failing is definitely just wrong, there's a reason people do it and it's because it's difficult to punish if you aren't exceptionally skilled. As you might imagine, starting a chase on an…
  • To be fair, the logic wouldn't necessarily require every perk in that vein to be nerfed, it'd just require all of those perks to be comparable to other tools, right? They can still be strong, as long as they don't eclipse other tools to make them obvious choices. Also, you aren't losing an objective to activate Deadlock.…
  • Presumably because of the other half of the statement, which is how effective it is in conjunction with how easy it is. Also because it's one of the top picked perks on top of being very effective + easy to activate, I'd assume. Also, not the point, but DS is being NERFED and the survivor isn't failing at anything by being…
  • I think you're maybe focusing too much on one half of that statement instead of the whole thing. Like, it's not just that it's easy to activate, it's that it's VERY EFFECTIVE for how easy it is to activate. If you do the bare minimum with DMS and Undone, for example, they are nowhere near as effective as Deadlock. For…
  • Like I said, I'm not weighing in here on whether or not Pop should be nerfed. That's a very different conversation.
  • I'm pretty sure they meant that it's easy to use when it comes to what you're doing specifically because of the perk. Yes, you have to invest time and skill into getting a hook, but you're doing that anyway. The unique thing you're doing to activate Pop is going and kicking a generator within 45 seconds of the hook after…
  • The more reasonable interpretation is that I disagree with you, but sure, we'll go with whatever that means.
  • I would definitely contest that there's a particularly strong correlation between strength and pickrate. There is a correlation, but it's generally only moderate, not particularly strong- I'd even point to the current top ten as evidence of this. Some of the strongest stuff is there, we can see Sprint Burst and Adrenaline…
  • I think it's kind of a stretch to say that WoO actually is the most effective survivor perk in the game, especially as I assume BHVR are looking primarily at Pain Res' impact on the trials it's present for. It's just picked a lot, it's clearly not the actual strongest thing survivors have so I don't see any reason it'd…
  • Just gonna answer the stuff that I have something to say about here— When you say that you want a chance to win every game, you don't need slowdown for that. You have a reasonable chance to win almost any game as long as you have a solid plan behind your build and as long as you play well. I say almost because there are…
  • No, you go there to chase, because you already have a survivor on the hook and that means someone else goes for the save, dragging three survivors off generators. Yes, that's not permanent, but that's where skill in chase comes in. Get that down quickly and you can start the cycle again, all while survivors only had a few…
  • In order: 1: Well, if you're preparing for the lategame, you'd probably be better off bringing endgame perks instead of slowdown. Slowdown kind of inherently is just better at the mid game, when you've had time to get the ball rolling but there's still multiple gens left to repair. 2: I didn't say good teams. Getting good…
  • Why would you kick the gen when the entire reason you're going over there is to start a chase, though? Gens aren't your objective. Survivors are.
  • So do that, prepare for the worst. You still have slowdown perks and other strong perks/addons so you can still absolutely prepare for the worst if you want. I'd say that preparing for the likelihood of the matchmaker failing so hard you're matched with literally the highest possible skill players around is a little silly,…
  • Sure, I don't disagree with that, but specifically Deadlock and Grim Embrace are definitely going to be fine. Small numbers matter a lot, but GE's nerf was two seconds. And yeah, you can't guarantee you'd get those four tokens activated, but that's honestly why I just don't use those perks to begin with. That's going to be…
  • There's a difference between Azarov's actively punishing you for not 3-genning via terrible layout and other maps just having 3-gens you could defend if you wanted to. As to everything else, you're missing that every single step of that is a time investment and it's not like you're standing still during it. If you truly…
  • No? But that's obviously not a majority of games and speaks pretty cleanly to how the tools he used - haven't watched the video, just gonna assume it's toolboxes specifically - are in need of a nerf. And as for whether the perks needed a nerf… sooooort of? They are oppressive and obnoxious to face, especially on top tier…
  • Ehhhh. That depends on which one we're looking at, surely. Like, Pain Res, Deadlock, and Grim Embrace are gonna be fine, those nerfs are almost imperceptible. Pop is gonna suffer, but that's pretty much the only one that isn't still going to be top tier.
  • This presumes that killers DO have only one viable option to slow down the game, when the options we're talking about - slowdown perks - aren't even being taken away, let alone the other options that aren't being changed at all.
  • You're stacking this situation heavily by putting it on Azarov's, that's a terribly designed map where you win if you 3-gen and lose if you try anything else. Assuming a different map, hell, any of the other maps in that realm, we can start talking about things. The next thing to address is that you're also stacking the…
  • I'm not familiar enough with those games to really comment, but based on what I do know of other games, I'm willing to bet they absolutely make changes aimed at lower skill levels too.
  • I do think that's a big hangup some people can have, and to be fair it's not like the game goes out of its way to convey otherwise. Your objective progress isn't tied to your opponent's, at least for killer; they can get almost all the way to theirs by finishing all the generators and you'd still absolutely have a shot at…
  • Well, it sounds like we almost agree, save for saying that balancing for everyone is impossible. It's not, it's just difficult- and it's still necessary. Players aren't going to have fun if they're facing things that are too strong for them to reasonably deal with outside of just investing thousands of hours into the game.…
  • All I'm calling out here is that the ONLY thing you're referencing is how fast you can down. What about everything else? Super fast downs and only super fast downs can work against less organised opponents, but a good team is going to be able to overcome it, especially if it comes with more invested time actually finding…
  • Being fun for the entire playerbase is the only goal, and being balanced is the way you get there most of the time- obviously there's other factors at play. The fact of the matter is, you can never ignore any section of the playerbase. You have to keep all of them in mind for every change and make sure you've got a good…
  • No, I did answer that question. How do you stop from losing time while hooking? You make the time investment for hooking pay for itself by making sure you get the full benefits of hooking. It's not just overcoming losing time by "playing good", it's understanding the time dynamics of the trial and what time isn't actually…