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  • If you think needing to resort to toxic tactics to get a 3K or 4K makes you a good killer, then you're wrong. It's a sign of weakness, and proof you just suck. Killer mains can hate that fact all day long, but it won't change reality. When I'm killer, I have zero issues getting, at minimum, 3Ks, regardless of which killer…
  • I don't think so. BHVR seems to be anti-survivor a lot. But there 100% should be something to stop slugging. I get BHVR wants to claim its a valid gameplay style, but all it does is ruin the fun for everyone. Same with tunneling and camping. Killers are already overpowered, they don't need more help.
  • The whole point of hooks is to give survivors a chance. Killers are already overpowered, with most of them being darn near impossible to face as is. Slugging is a sign of a terrible player - nothing more, nothing less. If you were good at playing killer, you wouldn't need to slug, or to tunnel, or to camp.
  • Nah, I mainly just notice I have less fun as survivor than I do as killer. Too many killers are playing like absolute cowards - they slug, tunnel, or camp, and while they play a BS killer. For example, I just got tunneled out of a game while the killer was Dredge - literally watched him stop chasing who he was chasing to…
  • Look, if you want or need to hide to get out of a chase or avoid detection, that's fine. But hiding all match is throwing, plain and simple. That's not a play style, that's choosing to play survivor and then not participate in the actual match, making the game way harder on your teammates. The reason it's fine for hide and…
  • See, I agree that gen rushing isn't fun for the killer, but at the same time, as someone who plays both roles, killers are far stronger than people in the community give them credit for. Not to mention the toxic strats of tunneling, slugging, and camping. If BHVR isn't going to do anything about those issues, then I see no…
  • To be honest, I wouldn't even call Vecna an A Tier killer. He kinda sucks, tbh. His stuff is both too slow, and easily dodged.
  • Wish I had your luck, I haven't gotten to play on the new map yet.
  • I respectively disagree with a lot of your takes, but that's okay. What I will ask, however, is this - Are you a killer main? Cause, a lot of your takes feel like they come from someone who either doesn't, or never has played survivor. Like, most of your takes would make it extremely unfair or unfun to be survivor, and…
  • It's getting to the point that I'm regretting coming back. It's just not fun playing survivor right now - I have had 10 straight games of the killer tunneling, camping, and slugging - it's pathetic. Killers who resort to this need to stop playing the game - you clearly have no confidence in your abilities, so why bother?…
    in Slug Fest Comment by kosaba11 May 1
  • I have a few new ones - Tryhards ruin the game. It's fine to try and win, but actively refusing to let the other side do anything, either with your perks or add-ons, ruins the experience for everyone involved, and frankly, I doubt even the tryhard is having fun. Pig isn't fun to play against. If you're a streamer, stop…
  • All tunneling, camping, and slugging do is ruin the game. Sure, people who stick around will eventually get better, but that's IF they choose to stick around. Lord knows I stopped playing game for 4 years because of those toxic strats. All you, as a killer, are admitting is that you suck at the game. End of story. If you…
  • Wiggling DOES cause the killer to move, making it hard to move. At least it does when I'm playing killer. It's part of the function, and it doesn't do it well at all. And there isn't much of a time limit unless the killer just doesn't decide to hook you.
    in Wiggling Comment by kosaba11 April 27
  • Even if it's just meant to make it harder for the killer to move you to a hook, it doesn't do that job well at all either. More often than not, I'll face a killer who isn't using a perk to limit how much wiggling affects them, and yet my wiggling does nothing. They move like they're not being obstructed. Like, in my…
    in Wiggling Comment by kosaba11 April 27
  • Again, like with the others - did you not read my post? I'm not speaking as though my list of killers I hate facing are fact - it's my opinion. Also, I don't care about whether I die or not - I care about whether the experience was fun. Like, I never survive against Oni and Ghostface, but the experience is usually a fun…
  • And I agree - play who you want. And yes, as someone who switches between survivor and killer frequently, there is plenty of things I hate about survivors, and like with the killers, plenty of perks and strategies that are just unfun to face. And that's the point of the post - who do you not like the face. As in - what's…
  • When I talk about fun or unfun, I'm talking about whether I have fun or not when I face them - whether that's because of the base kit of the killer themselves or the many ways you can make them OP is redundant. Like, did you read my post, my guy? I have yet to have a fun match against any of the killers I listed. Whether…
  • People really complained about it? Did I miss the golden age of the flag or something? Cause I can't imagine how such a niche thing would ever be a problem. I only discovered it today, and I've been back a month.
  • Sure, but it's still redundant. Sure, if you know where the flag is, and can get to it, then by all means. But you can lose the patrolmen pretty easily without it, making it just… there. Hell, I didn't even know that flag existed till today. It's really only useful if you can find it before the hunt is over. And if you…