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  • I think the GameUserSettings.ini at the old location is not used anymore? I have similar thing, with Vsync on and FPS capped at 60. Where is this file? Anyone know?
  • Decreasing is a nerf, no matter how small it is
  • When I see someone on a gen I am not like: "oh this will make us slow as #########" instead I am like: "hell yeah! coop points!" Even if first gens fly by, there are later gens which they either repair separately and do much more work than needed to be or they stack and the debuff applies. In any scenario it will slow down…
  • I think there was a missunderstanding. I don't want more points for that. I want the actual area to reveal him further up on my screen, like above survivors head. So i can actually see where I am pointing to and don't have it covered by the survivors body.
  • If you want to get out of such a match, just hold shift when on the ground and your teammates can't pick you up. I think it's 2min for bleeding out?
    in [deleted] Comment by kreX February 2020
  • I only say that it is the wrong way to give SWF any disadvantage. But providing solo players at least with some benefits, which SWFs have is a much better approach. It doesn't need to be exactly kindred, that was just an example. Groups that don't say "I could use a heal, I am at this spot" are pretty rare. There are…
  • Don't nerf SWF, but buff solo players and adjust the game to reflect this. Give solo players advantages in their base kit, which groups have through comms. E. g. Kindred or indication every minute or so where the others are (not what they are doing exactly, just rough position). As soon as you are in a group of 2-4 those…
  • Yellow teammates are most likely SWF with someone high rank, which is another topic for its own, but the fact that there are too many red rank survivors (plus the ones which are teamed with reds) is coming from the lack of deranking. Ofc you shouldnt play against yellow killers, but what should they do? Wait 30min until…
  • I would not count a DC in the early game towards the ranking system. That is a scenario where the depip could be completely replaced by a black pip. I dont want to have "ez games". I like the challenge and I am totally fine with no kill if the game was fun. But if I play multiple games and can barely get 2-3 hooks and…
  • there is no real need for old ruin. i never used it much and had great games. also i got games i was dominated and still there was a chance. old ruin is only needed when learning a new killer, but why should you be in red ranks for that...
  • not really, there were maybe two games with a mori and 2-3 with op addons per day on average. but what's going on now is just bullshit. waiting for 15min in survivor que for a bullshit 3min game. maybe im going for an immersed build and sneak around all the time just to have a bit more play time instead of waiting time.
  • What do you think about the idea of starting games with a debuff on gen speed. Actions like the killer hooks a survivor or a gen is repaired removes a part of this debuff until the gen speeds are back to normal. This would result in slowing down the start of the game, but leaving the endgame as it is. Additionally to that…