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  • You can easily go into the matchmaking discord and be like "hey guys can you help me get adept x survivor" and people will literally throw the games so you can escape, I got all of my adept survivors in one game after another over the course of an hour. It really is that easy. I would say that all killer adepts are unfair…
  • I am self employed/ basically unemployed and live very frugally.
  • I get that a lot of people say the game is fun because it is not balanced, but playing against SWF is never fun. They wouldn't have to add voice chat if they added some kind of radial menu callout button similar to left 4 dead, or many other games of this nature.
  • here are my logs, it did not upload as well
  • Here is the picture, it didnt upload with the original post
  • Man if you eat ds against anyone who isnt a 4 man sweat squad at red ranks then you need to get better, literally just slug for 60 seconds its not rocket science. "Ohh buh muh unbreakable" ok cool just hit them again? You should be slugging to apply pressure to other survivors if they spend the time to get back up then you…
  • I get all of that, but I was constantly being put in a situation where if I committed more than 20 seconds to any one survivor I was going to lose a generator, so I was forced into a situation where I would hit a survivor, and then I would have to peel off to apply pressure to the gen so it wouldn't finish. And then I got…
  • 1) I frequent red ranks on both killer and survivor and in all of my games I made a mental note to keep track of when and where I would gain bloodlust and how much time it would save me. On average accross 20 games bloodlust generally would have given me around 10 to 15 seconds advantage on chases that I normally would…
  • I doubt anyone will even ready my comment or even care. But the dev team has stated multiple times in interviews that the game is literally impossible to balance between solo play vs swf. The point of no communication is to give you an immersive experience as a survivor and at its core and integral, designed, and desired…
  • PH can negate a lot of perks because of his cages. Especially DS and BT users are NOT happy about that. Wooow killers get to have fun. Just another case of survivors being entitled babies. DS is toxic and unfun to play against as the killer but no one seems to care about killer mains having fun. You know without them you…
  • Update: Just tried relaunching and trying to join a game 3 times in a row now. Are the servers down?
  • Wow the perk that says "play with one less perk until the part of the game where you are definately probably going to lose the game, heres a power you can use for like 30 to 45 seconds tops and MAYBE hit one person while everyone else leaves because they know its up now." Really rewards you for tunneling 1 person all game,…
  • Everyone in this thread saying they need to make this game competitive has no idea what they are talking about. They literally tried to make this game a competitive esport and it almost killed the game. This game is not dying, if you don't enjoy the game because you think its repetitive its because you don't use mind…