Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • I've actually gotten this mori numerous times. It seems to me that - in my games, at least - survivors don't seem to think they're actually at risk from it. Anyway, last night I managed to condemn someone during the EGC, they then tried to mind game me at a palllet for well over a minute. The condemned status never left.…
  • It wasn't a waste though. There were no pallets left for anybody to use. If the survivors gave me a choice, I'd have them do this every time on this map. The number of pallets is the worst thing.
  • I played The Game as Demo just last night. The first survivor I chased would wait for me at every single pallet. I shredded each one, then chased them to the next. I actually stopped trying to hit them and just let them drop the pallets for me. Not sure, but it felt like every single pallet was gone in about 2 minutes!
  • I guess you could learn something from this - hunting, chasing and looping survivors, all while defending gens, actually takes some level of skill. Camping takes none. No camping = more bloodpoints.
  • No. Maybe go read it for a third time. He's not commenting on Clown AT ALL. "First, you get accused of being in an SWF..." - the example given where Clown was the killer. "...and of the strongest killers..." - the example given where Blight was the killer. SMH
  • Don't need to... what? Read the OP? You also don't need to reply at all, yet you still choose to. Even worse, you then try to belittle people, when it's you who is wrong. That's toxic.
  • I don't know the OP - I'm fairly new here myself (more of a lurker). And I certainly don't agree with them. But, I just wish the forums weren't like this. I've had it happen to myself a million times, on numerous fourums - people don't read, jump to conclusions, then act all high and mighty when they really don't know what…
  • And 2 would be plural... 2 pictures, 2 different killers (plural). The clue in the OP is where they said "...and then..." before mentioning the "strongest killer". That would indicate that they are talking about a separate occurrence, as indicated in their 2 pictures, of 2 different games, with 2 different killers. So,…
  • I don't agree with the OP, so I'm not here to defend them.on that point, but... I do wish you people would read. OPs statement about the strongest killer is referring to the second picture - the killer was Blight. Please, please, please read what people post, and make sure you understand before replying. Not doing so just…
  • I know it happens at a different time, but I've been missing way more BNP skill checks than I used to...
  • I love Hag. I've been trying out different add ons with her recently. Waterlogged Shoe stops you from teleworking, but also makes you move faster. Combine that with Grandma's Heart, you can have almost no TR during chases, and have no TR when a trap is tripped. Makes her an M1 killer, but a very effective one in my…
  • I know. But I don't want to watch people play - I want to play myself.
  • I mean, I'd rather be playing the game than sitting there waiting for the game to end...
  • No. My preference, as I mostly play killer, would be for SWFs to not be able to communicate at all. But I know that's not possible, so I accept it. But the game absolutely must know that I am not in a party. So as a solo survivor, it would be nice to see the Killer's perks after I die, so I can maybe learn a thing or two…
  • Is that really possible? How long would it take to find your teammates? This game is still pretty highly populated, surely just randomly getting matched with friends is unlikely... Of course, randos can always form a party, but not once have I ever had that happen to me...
  • "Hey lads, I'm being chased over by the shack, carry on with the gens. Oh, he's hooked me, but he's proxy camping, carry on with the gens. He's gone now, come rescue me!" See, as I said, SWF is already a problem. Why are they worried about them sharing perk info...
  • They need an iconic killer, an iconic survivor (or two) and a new map. They only thing incan think of for that would be Alien, with the Xenomorph, Ripley and the Nostromo. Or IT, with Pennywise, maybe two of the kids (Beverly for sure, then perhaps Bill or Richie) and a sewers map.
  • I haven't seen any either. Had two Piggies yesterday, wanting to boop, but that's it.
  • I think there's some confusion here. Yes, you can locker grab, drop, mori. But I think Budhha is referring to Evil Incarnate - Myers can't get his tombstone kill out of a locker, it needs to be in a chase.
  • I just got my Evil Incarnate, using iri Tombstone and Judith's Memorial... Just sayin'.
  • How would you want to do this? Like a boon - walk up to a dull totem and hex it? If so, you would have to spend time at the start of a trial looking for a good totem to hex. Until you do that, you're getting no benefit from having it at all. And do you just ignore survivors until then? And what if the hex collects…
  • Not to speak on the matchmaking, cause that's always hit and miss for me, but my matchmaking times haven't changed - I'm in the UK, and when I play after around 7pm, I get instant killer queues...
  • Arms up, like it was chasing me. That's why I say it directed Nemesis to me. He knew I was hiding there, because of the zombie.
  • No, the person that is being transported, that the rest of the team won't let you hook; drop them and camp them. Hit anybody that comes in for the save. It sounds to me like you think it's okay for survivors to bully killers, to ruin their experience, and just wave it off as a part of the game, as a valid tactic. But God…
  • So accept being bullied and don't do anything to try and claw back some points, maybe even secure a kill? Why?
  • In that situation, I would've slugged. Just camp the downed survivor until they bleed out. If people are going to play like that (I won't call it toxic, but... you know...), just tunnel them out.
  • Just had a game on it. It lasted over half an hour. I was Demo with Leprose Lichen, and I could see the survivors just wondering around, clueless about where to go!
  • I still play hag. She's not boring to play as, or against. Yes, there are boring players out there, but they play all killers.
  • Why not? Do you have a better suggestion?
  • That's kind of the point though. No "fair" killer will hit the unhooked survivor - that'd be tunneling. And you, as the rescuer with borrowed time, should expect to get hit. That's why you should only go for the rescue uninjured. I always run borrowed time as a survivor - it's a great perk and allows for some pretty…
  • Just curious - why did you struggle so much against 4 No Mithers? Were you trying to slug them all? What happened in that game that made it impossible to win?
  • Haha. Yeah, OP is complaining that a Hag wasted their own time downing, hooking and camping an AFK player. They should've thanked them for giving them the free time to do gens.
  • I haven't seen that one yet, but as soon as it shows up, it'll be going straight in the trash.
  • 😆 If 27 zombies had to spawn at the same time, I'm pretty sure your pc/console would just melt. Do you understand what it means now?
  • "...the tentacle definitely needs to be looked at. It has a massive hitbox..." 😳😳😳 🧐
  • Curious; why do you despise TCM? Like miketheratguy, I'd say that it's one of the greatest horror films of all time.
  • Don't get me wrong. I understand; it's not good, or fair, for anyone. But the answer is for the problem to be fixed, not to introduce additional problems.
  • But, again, you don't have to play at all. If the game keeps crashing, why would you want to? By removing dc penalties, you would be punishing players like me, for a problem you are experiencing. How can you possibly think that's fair?
  • Trouble is, they're only talking about the issues that have appeared since yesterday. They're not taking about the optimisation problems that persisted before 5.0 dropped. Since yesterday, even on my Series X, I get the odd frame drop here and there, nothing too drastic. On my Xbone, the game is unplayable and has been for…
  • No, it makes no difference to me if they are disabled or not; it hasn't been effecting my game. If it's effecting your game, you can stop playing. Again, removing dc penalties won't fix your game for you. It'll just remove the (relatively minor) inconvenience you face when your game crashes. Your idea is to saddle all of…
  • But getting rid of dc penalties won't fix your problem... It'll just create a bigger problem for the rest if us.
  • I don't know about that. If there was a BP incentive, I think lots of people would still play. I would think that, for most people, points are more valuable than actual kills. This is an SWF. You'll be lucky to get 1 kill. But fear not, you'll still earn more points than you would against a solo team. I think most people…
  • But I'm telling you, as a killer main, that if I knew I was playing an SWF - and I was incentivised to do so - I'd still play that game. Yes, if I was told it was an SWF and there was no incentive, then I'd quite possibly dodge, especially if it was a 3/4 man. Any changes need to all come at once, not one or the other.
  • Not if they incentivised killers to play with SWFs, as the OP has suggested. I'd still play with SWF. Knowing which players are communicating would change a killer's play style. It might alter which perks they carry. It's just basic knowledge to help counteract the massive advantage that SWFs automatically get. Or are you…
  • I don't think you understand the OP. They aren't suggesting SWF shouldn't be allowed - we all know that without SWF this game would be dead. But killers should know that they are facing a team that will be able to coordinate far better than a group of solos. The reason we're not allowed to know that, is because many…
  • I haven't been able to play on RPD yet. I hope it comes back soon. When it's fixed, of course.
  • Yeah, I'm not liking him at all... The tentacle attack is hard to land. Even when you do get the infection up, it's pointless. The zombies are useless; the number of times I've had to help them get unstuck from behind a tree is just ridiculous.
  • It's not Nemesis. At the start of the original Resident Evil, when you press start, the same voice says "Resident Evil". Then in Resident Evil 2, it said "Resident Evil... 2". Then in Resident Evil 3, unfortunately, in didn't say anything... Not sure why.
  • I've played 5 games so far, and I have zero kills... 😭 Hopefully it's just a case of having to practice a little more. I'm also having to wait several minutes to find a game, but I guess that's because more people are playing killer tonight...