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  • There is just 1 thing that I think is toxic, and that is when a survivor tea-bags at the gate. There is nothing more then I hate when this happens. No matter if I play the game right, they still do it. And 9 times out of 10 the one that does it did nothing to help there team out.
  • Now i don't kill my self on the hook, but everybody say it's wrong to #########, but what about you have 1 solo survivor and 3 swf. And you are the hook for the first time and they never come and get you. I have had that happen to me a lot. In my opinion that's wrong. I just wanted to get the one of my chest .
  • @darkwolf I would have to agree on that also. See it's the small stuff we over look that is funny... If anyone has something to add to this plz fell free to add... We can call it: The small stuff that count's...
  • Now I been playing for awhile now and my best perk I have on every build is, steak out ! I use it because I see it moving before I hear the killers radius sound. Also it's great against ruin.
  • Lol I just noticed it the other day after 6 months of playing. So sometimes you have to think about that when you select your perks trying to help your teammates?
  • @Kamikaze_Rose yes that's it.. So when I run perks like that it helps other people? And what perks do that. Like self care does not ? What does?
  • No like when I play a match , I can see the killer but I did not equip that perk. I look down at my perks and right beside mine there is a 5 th perk and it's the perk where u can see the killer. Forgot name of it. Or when I do a gen sometime the leadership perk shows up .i hope that helps maybe when I get off work I can do…
  • I have noticed a big difference while playing survivor. I love the change. As far as killer goes I played just a handful of games and like what I seen. No blurry screen. But I do run that perk that lets you have a wider view (can't think of the name at work right now). But that's just my opinion. With that said I can't…
  • Ok, so I am at work looking this over, now as a killer I do not use this perk at all. I would rather use better perks to find and kill survivors. Now with that said I am a survivor main, and like I said I am at work so I can't remember the perks name, but there are a few perks that work in favour of a survivor that is…
  • How can you tell how many hrs you have played?
  • I just started steaming dbd I have fun with it .. Check it out sometime. twitch.tv/male4707
  • 20 sec lol have you played against a hag that puts traps around them. That's is a well played end game tactic. Lol
  • I will agree with you as a solo, I try to do 1 gen then look for totems. Sometimes I get crap over it but more then often the others are a swf group and think they are going to win.
  • The only reason I posted this is because I am sick of people saying they need to slow the game down. And survivor's complaints about NOED. Lol don't gen rush and do totems. Both problems solved. That's all I wanted to say.
  • This is what I do, you tea-bag me I don't get salty, and I don't DC , instead I will Chase them (no matter how many gens get done) when I catch and hook them I will camp the crap out of them. They will not survive the round. 9 times out of 10 they will DC
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