Just had a really fun match and wanted to add the killer, but couldn't see his profile. What is BHVR doing? There needs to be away to socialize post game if people close chat, every game does that.
I assumed EGC.
Then the team is indeed dumb. Just move on. If you are that good, you will be able to grind to rank 1 survivor easily, a place where I don't see much of this type of situation, honestly... As @FGC_HELP said, the time that Bubba is camping the hook is sufficient for doing all gens and (almost) everybody escapes.
(On EGC is) Your fault. You should have killed yourself on hook to prevent the death of your teammates if you known that was impossible to save you.
"Survivors can, once again, get stuck inside hooks. This soft-locks the game until they D/C or they’re killed by EGC." Experienced that and didn't get killed by EGC. Killer had to DC.
Additional image to show map (Autohaven Wreckers) I don't have the logs from when it happened (15 June)
I think they should fix audio bugs, which never had been worse, firstly. Now some survivors are making no sound, i.e no breathing, no pain, no footsteps, no fall sound... I hope the next chapter is the fix sound chapter.
BHRV needs to prioritize solving this... Reforcing the mentions.. @Peanits @PatBrutal
Thank you for sharing, that explains a lot.
Nurse players: are you having a good time playing nurse in this map? Because I'm absolutely not.
Same tier as spirit or nurse? Firstly, he's as loopable as other killers. His power is easily dodgeable and if you don't let him approach to much you can drop the pallet early (as you do with clown and doctor) and force him to break in the same way. Secondly, he has the same mobility as most 115% movespeed killers except…
Absolutely outrageous. Not buying anymore.
Object of Obsession and this map is absolutely ridiculous and needs a fix.
Use the matchmaking to your favor. When I see that my teamates are potatoes, I get the killer attention and try to loop him until I drop every possible pallet that I can (because I assume that my teamates doesn't know how to play around a safe pallet, so I prefer to drop in the right moment myself). That usually ends up…
Proxy-camp and slug until everybody is on the ground. After match ends, I watch the replay. Such a pleasure to see them getting rekt.
I think you should elaborate more about killer toxicity. Tunneling, camping and slugging are valid strategies that a killer can choose to adopt. On a personal level, I don't think they are fun, but sometimes is your last resource when dealing with a almost lost match. I've lost count of the matches that I won on the last…
When speaking about game balancing, the developers are clearly amateurs. At this point I just play the game casually and mostly with survivor because it's guaranteed fun, and I suggest you to do the same. As I already spoke in this forum, DbD should adopt a more serious ranking system based on Glicko2 (like Valorant,…
He has no mobility or map presence so, once you have finished the central generator(s), he will have trouble patroling the others. This is an issue for most of the killers so most of the time I log into the match I try to rush the central generator(s). He has no great chase potential if you always drop the pallet before…
@Speshul_Kitten Next time you slug everybody make sure to keep then in the floor for a minute waiting for the unbreakable and after that, do a favor for your health going to the kitchen to drink some water. If you don't want to eat or make exercises while they bleed out, open the dead by daylight forum and answer some…
I'm posting the screenshot because most of these people who say "bring a key" or "bring a [op-offering]" are not consistent rank 1 players and for that reason are talking [bad-word]. The screenshot is just a proof that I have been there. Firstly, winning is not escaping. You should persue a pip or safe pip, even if you are…
I got it. This comment was published before posting that.
Yeah! Before Hex:Ruin nerf I went to rank 1 because even if I was going to die, I was still piping.
This doesn't end the thread because I'm asking for developers "How much now?". As @yandere777 pointed, there's a lot of changes since last stats. And still, there's no lie about the thread. The fact that I missed november stats don't invalidate individual stats from April because there're a lot of things that we can't see…
Yes, you're right. I completely missed Novembers stats. Would like an update still.
Sorry but I'm a data driven person. I prove points with data analysis and statistics.
I don't know... for me, you can't just balance a game listening to other people's impression of the game... Most of the time they are biased and wrong. You can suggest another way to do it too.. maybe I'm the one who is not seeing something.
Interesting... Didn't remember that. Thank you! Must be something around 70% still.. Which is still very high before Hex:Ruin nerf.
Hello @BigBrainMegMain how are you going? Thank you for your post. I love how you can finally punish them for their mistakes: (1) The first dwight run into your face, (2) Claudette is camping a pallet against a Huntress and the (3) last guy choose to run to a open area instead of running to the line-of-sight-breaker main…
Memento moris are as balanced as keys.
Just limit it to 5 to 10 players.
What a joke. I should start recording my games so you can see my 20 escape-and-winning streak at rank 1. This game is bullshit for the people who know how to abuse game design. Games are so boring for me as survivor that I firstly stopped playing, then stopped watching after seeing Zubat being rekt by trash survivors on…
This is not intented and devs are already working on a new matchmaking system. Just have hope! There's a lack of killers at red ranks so you WILL be matched against red rank survivors no matter your killer rank. I have been grinding because of rank reset from rank 14 to 6 and 5/6 matches I have a red rank against me. Try…
If DS deactivates when someone else go hooked I would be very satisfied. Most of the time the unsluggable and unpickable survivor calls my attention after I hook another survivor and after the down he still has DS.
I don't agree that DbD is a competitive game nor that DbD is a casual game, what I have plenty of sure is that MMR separates people who play for fun, whom stay at lower MMR, from people who like competitiveness, whom tend to the top.
Maps are officially named Badham Preschool I, Badham Preschool II, Badham Preschool III, Badham Preschool IV and Badham Preschool V. If you can't tell the difference, see dead by daylight official wiki information here ( Answering the questioning, I see no negatives…
I love to play against doctor and most of the time he gets destroyed. He's not even close to be a A tier killer and I believe you should practice with some kind of skill check simulator.
This is not the topic of this discussion.
Speaking of LoL, they could use actual ranking system (red, purple, green, yellow) as the medal system (diamond, gold, silver, bronze) that LoL implements. I think this would be very welcome. What I am saying is... X and Y are rank 1 killers. If MMR is kept hidden I can't tell how better X is from Y and that is horrible.…
How do I feel? Every time I want to win a pip as survivor I burn Red Forest or Ormond Resort. Every time I'm playing with my friends we rush the center generator and start expanding, leaving the edge generators. In the end, no matter how good he is (and he is not playing billy), he will not be able to patrol the 3…
Oh.. you can see your own mmr? That is very, very good news if true. Where did you get that information? I didn't found it on the latest status update about matchmaking. Edit: they only said you can see your rank in the actual ranking system, which is useless for me on this scenario.
Honestly it's very easy to implement a Glicko-2 based rating system that a lot of competitive games use. There is an article about it and personally I (as a developer) implemented and tested in less than 5 hours. I understand why some changes take time, but *if they are going to choose a known mathematical model for the…