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  • This is something to contact your consumer protection agency about. They should be able to tell you if it's violating any laws and any next steps to take. I imagine Behaviour's lawyers would advise against responding to this thread regardless of whether they're at fault. Other users playing lawyer isn't very productive…
  • It's not about winning or losing, I get 4k against toxic swf teams often enough. It's about not having fun. Killers shouldn't be forced to sit through 10+ minutes of survivors trolling, especially when survivors can exit a game almost any time they want.
  • Don't be disingenuous, you were downplaying the issue hard.
  • Killers definitely need a surrender mechanic. Survivors can suicide (most of the time) or just complete objectives so they have a lot more control over how long they stay in a toxic game. If a killer is getting trolled by a SWF team there's absolutely nothing they can do to end the game quicker, it's almost entirely in the…
  • It's a major issue and "just ignore it" isn't constructive. I had a game the other day where I freed a survivor from the hole, then continued as normal. Two hooks later and I find another survivor in the hole, but couldn't rescue them in time for them to unhook their team mates. Even trying to play fair doesn't always help.
  • This would encourage camping in lockers and abandoning team mates on their first hook.
  • So you're saying you kept the killer occupied for an extended period of time while your team could complete gens... Job done? Not sure why that would warrant a buff.
  • I think it's more an issue with how you're approaching totem perks. they shouldn't be the centre of your build, ideally it would be a single nice-to-have totem perk in an otherwise reasonable build. Most matches you'll lose your totem before getting much use out of it, even if you're using other perks (eg thril of the…
  • It's been suggested a million times since the game was released. Dead By Daylight won't get VOIP because reasons. What reasons? Who knows. Probably so they don't have to bother balancing for SWF.
  • I open a chest nearly every survivor game, I'm not sure it really needs such buffs. A guaranteed medkit is powerful enough that there's a perk dedicated to just that. Speaking of which, this change would be an indirect nerf to Pharmacy that it really doesn't need. It looks like you're not really addressing the key…
  • Almost as if it's a blatantly obvious issue to a large portion of the player base.
  • Since all of the accounts are in the cloud i'm pretty sure there would be a simple way to implement this into the game. That's quite an assumption. Without seeing the back end there's no guarantee player data for each platform is even stored in the same table, database, or server ("the cloud" just means "someone else's…
  • Direct quote, from the post I literally just quoted: "You just dont[sic] know cause you obviously suck."
  • "Everyone who disagrees with me just sucks at the game". Is this a joke? Are you just trolling?
  • Is preventing people from being, in your words, "scummy" not a good thing? Regarding your other comment, that would mean you've had the perk for at least 9 months, since that's the last time it was in the shrine and there wasn't a paywall. Yes, nine months. Anyone who started playing January of this year would have had to…
  • Could you give more detail about why you want it nerfed? "It is too toxic" isn't really useful information unless you say why. Personally I think the number of traps is fine, though it should be made more obvious to survivors in some way that crawling over a trap doesn't trigger it. It's one of those things you'd just…
  • I just played a match against someone with Decisive Strike. After they were unhooked, they completed a generator while I chased down and hooked one of their team mates. I then walked across the map, chased, and downed another of their team mates. They body blocked me so I couldn't pick up the downed survivor, so I knocked…
  • SWF will not be banned. With that in mind there's two things that need to be done to fix the SWF issue. To make it fair on the survivor side, there needs to be VOIP (Not going to happen) and text chat (Not going to happen). To make it fair on the killer side, the game needs to be rebalanced with the assumption that…