BBQ and chilli from cannibal is best perk (BBQ and chilli, whispers, sloppy butcher and no one escapes death) but plague has the best perk to make the game longer (currupt intervention, distressing, thrill of the hunt and infectious fright). These are base perk builds, also I'm a very average killer.
Like a super killer vs 8+ survivors?
Killers suffer more on a bad game, get punked till everyone is done with them, survivor gets to die
Few killers fail like blight, still waiting to trick a trapper his own trap.
A good clown just put people into shock
I pretty much always use sprint burst, and the other are more useful then most perks
Rock and DBD to relax or vent
I want more beastly killers, can we get a yeti (real?) or man bear pig (South Park)
More cosmetics duh, but yes more skin faces
Not great, feels unsatisfying. Maybe give him fast aggressive zombies.
The old felt good pulling the killer, but the new one seems more powerful and it's easier on my hands and controller
It covers a pretty big space, i know the cover around it is random but it's rough to cover it
You only did well in one category, I've been grinding blood point and i usually only pip on 2 red 2 silver, 1 red 3 gold, or better. I have a hard time pip because some times the match doesn't last long enough to build a good score, also my play is unbalanced. But for killer getting a good score in sacrifice is hard so aim…