
Currently playing dead by daylight hbu


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  • @Delfador isn’t Nea like the queen of emo tho 😂😂
  • Kate Denson biker outfit, maybe some shades and a bandana on her head, a nice black leather jacket, white tank top, necklace, signature tats, maybe some pale blue distressed skinny jeans with some black heeled ankle boots with laces.
  • @NurseMainBTW that makes no sense at all. The Nurse puts no pressure on me at all, hell none of the killers do. If that’s the case than all killers In dbd are bad because they don’t put pressure on me. Yeah, certain perks put pressure on survivors and honestly it’s all optionated maybe when Survivors start falling asleep…
  • @ColgateAdvancedWhite no that doesn’t mean he needs to be buffed, there are people who don’t NEED add ons or hell even perks again it’s just how well YOU play as the killer itself and using their power effectively end of story
  • @DeadByFlashlight omg yassss I would love it if killer never carried me because I got unbreakable to help me, other survs to help me, plus I have a chance to crawl to a gate or a hatch. That’s a really good idea good thinking thank you ❤️
  • @Pickens that’s not fair balanced though if we did a bunch of work and earned a bunch of ######### we shouldn’t have it all taken away from us because a killer decided to leave. If THATS fair balanced then it should be if a survivor leaved the killer gets nothing:/
  • @Oblitiry yesss I love the black hat outfit and that would be so awesome 😍😍
  • @Master just standing there isn’t a good tactic at all hell its not even a tactic in general just standing there waiting or even hoping that a survivor is gonna come by? Same with hook camping like they say they do that so they use the hooked as bait but what if no one even shows and by the time the hooked survivor is dead…
  • @Global there’s a huge different in entitlement and deserving. I said I deserve the hatch because I’m the one who opened it and I’m the one who found it. No one is entitled to a win or entitled for a kill but sometimes you deserve it like are you really saying rn that a hard working survivor doesn’t deserve to survive??…
  • @chemical_reject asking a question about removing something doesn’t make me a noob? and what does ps plus have anything to do with this if I want to I could go out to the store rn and buy the disc version but that wouldn’t be stupid asf why buy something when you can get it for free ?? and even if I didn’t buy the disc…
  • @chemical_reject wait for him to hit you first? Okay that’s smart BUT what if the killer is someone who has a one shot that can get you down with one blow? Yeah I know crawling to the hatch is possible but even when you get to it whilst crawling and the killer is there he can still grab you when you try to go inside. So…
  • @Master because I’m the one who opened the hatch I’m the only who did any work so why wouldn’t I deserve it? The killer doesn’t deserve the kill because he camped It, camping is a noob tactic it basically shows you don’t have any skill or you don’t know what else to do so you just stand there 😂 bad players don’t deserve…
  • @CheersTC have you ever done 3 gens all by yourself with the killer only after you?? 
  • no what like if I’m waiting for someone to invite me and I’m like okay I’ll start a round and then when they do I join, you should lose ranks when you’re bad at the game not cause u left it it’s bad enough u lose everything you’ve already earned like BP and items why the hell do they need to make it worse yk
  • Okay ty and I can’t find a Kate Denson tho that’s BS okay deleting my acc bye