How about banning people who are obviously abusing such exploits? Make incidental exploit abuse not so innocent.
Reporting back to say that XMP is now re-enabled without issue. Turns out, something was faulty on the cable modem. Ordered a replacement from Spectrum and have not DC'd ONCE in 2 days, ~5 hours of game play in the past 24 hours. Got Frontier fiber coming in on Monday, so meh, whatever.
I suspect the cause is different for everyone, but I felt it was worth sharing my case for others. Playing fine this morning, still no issue. Even the intermittent stutter typical of DBD is completely gone. Could very well be that DBD code is just not resilient to errors, and the errors in my case specifically manifested…
So, I've been plagued by this issue for months. Contacted support, no response. Nothing anyone could offer or do fixed it. I've replaced: all network cables all network equipment (modem, router, wifi) tried ethernet vs. wifi tinkered with NCSI settings, wifi adapter configs, etc. reinstalled windows upgraded internet…
24 hours now, and I'm honestly afraid to try again. I don't know if there's a better support channel, but at this point, the game is literally unplayable. I've reinstalled steam and the game. Tried without Windows Firewall. I've upgraded my wifi. Tried with a wired connection. Updated all drivers. Rolled them back to…
6 hours now... I can provide a DBD log, but prefer not to post it openly.
And... now I have a 1 hour penalty. Please, someone, help?
Sitting here typing this as I await another 30 minute penalty. Posted in another thread, but at this point, all I can do is shout and hope someone pays attention.
As with @neuromances , I'm getting this several times a day and each time it gives me a DC penalty. I'm up to 30 minutes now and I may as well not even try. Seems to have come with the last patch. No issues before that.
I had a game the other day where the survivors all threw the game and I asked why. They said the pallets were bugged and I was passing right through them. I didn't see the pallets in question. They were completely invisible to me. It was like the pallet never spawned.
Same same.
It's a bit premature to say for sure, but I went into Windows 11 Antivirus settings, under App and browser control, then under Exploit protection, and added program settings for the DBD shipping .exe and the Easy Anti-Cheat .exe and turned off all of the 23 options listed, and haven't had any issues since the last big…
So... I guess I quit then.
Adding my discontent to the pile here. I'm up to 6 hour timeout because of this crap. I had some DC issues a few months ago which I tracked down to a faulty wifi driver. I'm a networking guy by trade, so I know when it's hardware / internet / whatever. This is not on my end. I can't play more than 3-4 matches without the…
Happening to me too. Seems like it just started in the last week or two. No other network issues as far as I can tell.
He feels bit clunky, because of his cooldowns and slow when charging your power. I just played 10 games with Wesker and this was the single biggest frustration for me. Charging takes way too long given the movement speed decrease. And with such a long cooldown given the small hitbox, it basically makes his power useless…
I have been having this a lot lately. Ever since the last patch. I kept thinking it was a keyboard problem, but I've tried everything and only experience the issue in DBD. Basically, at random, pressing W does nothing. No forward movement. I have to press and release it a few times to get it "unstuck" in game. The key…
OK, the twitter post linked above is INCORRECT or at the very least, INCOMPLETE. In my case, I had someone down at the gate, they wiggled off, and I re-downed the exact same survivor. Immediately on picking them up after the 2nd down, they got off (no DS perk). So it has nothing to do with transferring wiggle state to a…
Can confirm, I just experienced this two games in a row as killer.
It absolutely is getting worse. I'm seeing some variation of obvious cheats at least every 1 of 15 games or so. More on the weekends.
I'm a rank 1 killer (just a man, not a god) and I hardly ever use gen slowdowns. I just had a 4K on Freddy with 3 endgame perks and discordance - and I didn't even reach endgame. When I do, it's typically pop goes the weasel and I'll tell you why. It takes a long time as a killer to realize that the best strategy to score…
Uh, no. Every survivor has the exact same amount of time in end-game collapse. You teabagging at the gate does nothing to extend the timer for others. What is this? I can't even...
Can confirm this bug. Mentioned it in a separate thread about nurse issues, but same exact issue at the exit.
Is it possible someone did a drive-by syringe on him and after he picked himself up, the syringe kicked in bringing him from injured to full?
I wonder if some people realize that a 100% negative approach to discussion is likely cause your input to be disregarded.
That's why it works. Because it's optional.
Take a look at my suggested perk linked above. It's a pretty good way to deal with end-of-game BM, IMO.
A replacement for NOED - perfect. I'm in.
noed would be fine if there was a totem counter on the side or something. What do you expect me to do if im a solo, walk around the whole map to make sure EVERY totem is broken....i don't think so Jeeeez, you millenial gamers want everything. minimaps, quest NPC indicators, objective counters, etc. Back in my day, we had…
Well you should stop listening to other folks. I run various builds all the time to mix things up. And I experience varying levels of success with all of them. Just last night, for example, I ran Hex: Devour Hope, Hex: Thrill of the Hunt, Make Your Choice and BBQ N Chili on Billy. I had 2 4Ks and a number of 2/3Ks. It was…
Aside from the complete cryfest this post represents, the option to leave a queue is a part of multiplayer gaming at its core. Forget about your whiny survivor BS or your killer crynanigans, no player should be forced to begin a match against someone with a connection that prevents the two from communicating smoothly. The…
I don't know if that's why, but my survivor lobby has been taking ages lately. There's a good 30-60 seconds between "Join Lobby" and actually getting a lobby. That's incredibly rare.
3 d/c... on a PIG... before the 2nd gen is done. The quitter issue is a real problem. It seems like the DBD playerbase is mostly 5 year olds in older peoples' skin.
Chiming in to say that the devs really need to play their own game AS OTHERS DO, not in some kiddie sandbox where real world game mechanics mean jack #########. This buff was already unnecessary, but they made it even worse by going OVER THE TOP. Watched McLean on twitch today suggest that the mechanic wasn't giving any…
There will always be trolls, for sure, but consider that a good majority of the time, those people who come across condescending and flaming have such a negative attitude because they feel their input falls on deaf ears. Legion is a mistake. It's mechanics are poorly thought out and not at all stress tested. Anyone can see…
I'm one of those "toxic killers" that people like to speak of. I'll use Iridescent Hatchets and Moris all day long and not feel bad about it. I'll tunnel your ass if the other players are being super stealthy because, why should I look for something I can't see when you're bleeding right in front of me? To answer your…
I have 1500 hours in this game. Not as much as some, but more than a lot, I'd reckon. I know billy has better map pressure. This isn't really about map pressure. What I'm suggesting is that either an overall evolution in strategy or a dreadful run of bad luck is leaving me with the impression that doing gens has become…
I main huntress, but I also play pig, clown, spirit and occasionally myers/leatherface/billy. I encounter these groups regardless of the killer I'm playing, but I'll say huntress since she's 70% of my games.
HAHAHAHAHA That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. Let's ask BEHavior to provide some statistics on how many games contain at least one DS and/or one insta heal. Do you REALLY think the numbers will favor your ridiculous point of view?
And I use them every time one pops up in my bloodweb. Why? Because there's a distinct satisfaction in seeing a teabagging tryhard go down because they farted around thinking they could take one hit and run away. You know what's really not cool? People suggesting major changes to a game because this or that doesn't fit…
Because the user is making a point that flew completely over your head. Both sides have addons and/or perks that are annoying to play against. This in and of itself does not justify a nerf just because of a few whiney children who think the game should adapt to their needs.
This x1000. Apparently it's 100% A-OK to body block the hook x3 man at the end of the match, but standing on the stairs to nail a survivor trying to escape the basement is BODY BLOCKING! BANNABLE! REPORTING!?!?!. The cognitive dissonance with survivors grows stronger with each passing day. The volume of twitch survivor…
player id: c2f40518-7247-490f-9a9a-8902b5f3167d exact time failed: 11:52AM UTC exact time try again: several times immediately thereafter I play on PC. This happens to me on killer about 2-3 times per day. I join a match, and within 30 seconds, I see 4 disconnected survivors and the post game tally begins. Upon leaving and…
Don't you know? Anything that takes away the happy fun times for a toxic survivor needs to be nerfed to hell and back. Nerfing killers is the real survivor meta.
This line of thought is self-defeating. People are already quitting. The average player count has been in decline. Survivor queues are getting longer as it is, not even accounting for lobby dodging killers. Fine, killing SWF will kill the game. Not killing it will as well. It'll just take slightly longer.
@TheBean said: There's always room to reconsider. Silence never brings change.
This argument keeps being made over and over, and it's bollocks. When was the last time you tried getting a game going as a rank 1 killer? Nobody wants to discuss lobby wait time issues there. Wonder why? If the queue time is too long for your SWF group, break it up or play another game. It's not legitimate argument to…
SWF in the context of a ranked match has absolutely zero to do with playing with friends and absolutely everything to do with the unfair advantage. You know it. I know it. Everybody else knows it. You can play dumb all day long but at the end of the day it doesn't change the facts. And attempting to play the "You must not…