Wow, my last game was so much fun! Laying on the ground for almost three minutes while Blinded because of Hex: The Third Seal while the Killer went off to go find the other person who had no chance of being able to find me because they were also Blinded. Bleed Out option. Please.
I typically go find a corner to stand in, look at the wall, take my head phones off and go grab a drink or use the bathroom or something, maybe alt plus tab out to read a story or check reddit, coming back every so often to see if the last gen was finished or not so I can open a gate. Basically I just don't play with the…
~Holds Scratched Mirror over his heart, lovingly caressing the rim of the pane.~ I haven't noticed any changes. The Shape plays the same as he always has for me. (Reading the patch notes I was so excited for the speed buff, then I got to the part where they nerfed my most beloved of add-ons for him to make it so there was…
Lets say that the last two Survivors get base-kit Unbreakable, they can each pick themselves up once as soon as two other Survivors are dead. The problem with this is that the Killer slugs the second-to-last knowing they will be able to get up but this still buys them more time to try and find the fourth then if they…
I was just slugged as second-to-last in 2v8 mode so the Killers could find A BOT as the last. Not even another player. A bot. Someone who had already DCed. They slugged me to find a [insert long string of profanity here] bot. I don't even know why I bothered coming back to this deities forsaken cesspit of a game.
I was mostly making a "spaghetti code" joke about it Changing it from "Three (Killed OR Sacrificed) Survivors" to "Two (Killed OR Sacrificed) one (Dying)" shouldn't be too hard. It just comes down to if the devs are willing to make more Hatch changes after they changed it from "Gen math" to "Last alive". I'm all for built…
I've said over, and over again NO. Base-kit Unbreakable is TOO STRONG and was shot down when the developers themselves proposed it for good reason. Base-kit Unbreakable would make slugging a really bad option, even if you only restricted it to once per Survivor. The goal isn't to remove slugging, it is to make slugging…
Fully agree that Killer Adept should be decoupled from "Merciless Killer" and should instead require something like ten or eleven hook states (because sometimes someone just goes second hook from first because of bad teammates), to give the possibility of letting the last one go slash taking the Mori. As it is right now if…
As I've said I'm a Killer Main, over three-fourths my games are on the Killer side. The reason for this is that for me playing Survivor sucks and I want the experience to be better and more fun. I WANT Killers to get 4ks, but I want them to do it via twelve hooks (or eleven and a Mori now I guess). I do not want to see 4ks…
The only thing I do not agree with here is opening up chests while slugged. I get the idea behind it but think it'd be a little bit wonky. If the chest is already open then, yeah, swap items but if the chest is still locked you can't wiggle the lock to get it open. Base-kit Unbreakable but better! No thanks. Base-kit…
I consider myself to be a "Killer Main", something like eighty to eighty-five percent of my games are on the Killer side because I HATE playing Survivor because of games like the ones I'm talking about. I play Killer like I wish other people would play Killer and part of that includes not slugging to get a 4K when I've…
I installed an autoclicker program. Set it to click once a second, place it over the autobuy option and walk away or do something on my phone. Not the best option but until they give us better tools we have to turn to third party.
The problem comes in with being hooked in an area with only one way to get into and the Guard blocking that way in on a very tight patrol where you can't swing past them to avoid being hit if you go for the save. Then there are other cases where you can come from either side but The Knight drops the Guard right at the hook…
And a lot of us care about achievements, me being one of them Just because something doesn't matter to you doesn't mean it doesn't matter to other people and shouldn't be addressed. Have some empathy for oth-, oh, wait, you're a Daad By daylight player, empathy is something the majority of this player base lacks and it…
OK, so, I get why blocking people can't be made to stop you from playing with them but can we get a short User Blacklist, something like six to ten entries, of people we absolutely DO NOT want to play with? I can't really "play at a different time" because of my work schedule so when I do get to play I run into the same…
I finished it. It is done. Now I can never play The Knight ever again. Except for the inevitable two or three Challenges when he gets a Tome spotlight. But NEVER again until then. I'm free. (It took me FIVE GAMES to get seven ticks on the achievement. And that was WITH me being a "Friendly Killer" and making it clear I…
I'm done talking with you, it is clear we are not going to be able to corm to any sort of terms since you are ignoring the fundamental nature of what I am saying. We just have two very different mindsets about what is and is not "harm" and you seem to have a very negative mindset that just because what you are doing is…
That's the thing. Just today I played lots of games and the majority of them were very fun, hade loads of great chases and lots of really good Survivors with very slim wins and losses and only two complete blowouts, one on each side. Yeah I had three games where people were being toxic and ruined things but for the most…
No, but every bad game makes the day just that bit more worse. If you add a drop into a bucket the drops add up and soon enough the bucket is over flowing. Small things matters, sometimes more than you would ever expect. There are tons of stories on both sides, of something as simple as someone saying a nice thing to…
YOU, personally, are taking actions that hurt other people to make yourself feel better. The fact you are doing these things though the medium of a game does not change the fact you are doing things that cause other people harm, in this case emotional harm. Yeah most people will just shrug it off and say "Jerks are going…
Playing in a tournament is very different than just playing a casual game. In a tournament you know you are going against the strongest the other side can bring, you accept that you will be playing against that. In random games you throw dice and hope they land on something you will enjoy. A tournament is a controlled…
It's a moot point, there is no way it can be done that won't be abused so it won't be done. But if people are blocking you because you are so good at the game that sucks for you but is their problem. You're suffering from success. Go learn another Killer for a bit until more people enter your MMR pool and you can get Demo…
My idea was it would apply BEFORE going into a lobby, so people only get matched up with other with matching block lists. You're waiting for a lobby not in the lobby. As for the other factor, if you are being blocked maybe you should change the way you play so people don't block you. And if people are being petty about…
This seems to have fixed things for me, at least if I close out the game normally. I tried ending the game via task manger and it was still "Running" in Steam but when I tried to "Stop" it it just relaunched the game so even that is sort of "fixed".
And I'm saying that is an individual problem. If you are given a tool and you misuse that tool it is not the tools fault. Should we take away every single hammer just because some people hit their hands with them when trying to drive nails? No. If you give people more control over their match-matching and they use that…
And this doesn't matter. Because the block only applies for the person making it. If someone doesn't want to play against Nurses and Blights at high MMR and only blocks the Killer players who play them then they can sit in queue for hours without getting a lobby. It is a problem of their own making. There would need to be…
Steam has this thing where you can set your profile to various level of "public access". I don't know all of them, as I have mine set totally public and never even looked at the settings but I know of at least two other options: 1) "Totally private" where you can see no information about the person, none of their games, no…
You forgot to remove the FoV changing from Monitor & Abuse. If an FoV slider is added into the game there should be NO Perk that change the FoV in any way. (It doesn't help at the FoV changes of M&A is one of the few things that gives me motion sickness so I can't use it.)
Update three: After waiting a bit over half an hour after hitting "STOP" and seeing the status as "STOPPING" the game finally actually stopped and I was able to relaunch it.
Second update: Shut down my computer, let it off for about eleven minutes. Turn it back on, get everything going again. Dead By Daylight is still "running". And I'm not sure if this is related or not but now my task manager has a totally blank "Processes" tab. I'm not even running the basic operating system right now it…
Update: Shutdown my computer, waited five seconds and turned it back on. Did not fix the issue. As soon as Steam started I checked my library and Dead By Daylight was still "Running". I am now going to try shutting my computer off again and go fix a snack, use the bathroom, basically waste about ten minutes before turning…
Yeah, I get that. Personally I also prefer to just be killed and move on most of the time but it is nice if the Killer gives you the option of if you want to farm or not when someone DCs at five gens. I'm still working my way through the Survivor Challenges in The Archives so a farming game really helps me get through them…
I wish more Killer players "felt bad" about stomping the rest of the group once someone DCs at five gens. As a Killer Main I tend to go into what I call "low-key farming" when someone DCs early, in that I sort of just pull back and still "play normally" but I drop chase often, stop kicking gens, don't proxy a hook as…
I am not leveling up my Killers for the sole reason I do no want the event items in my inventory, both the Offering and the Add-on. As for Survivors I am avoiding the Offerings as much as I can but even so wind up with far too many of them. It is a design failure when people go out of their way to avoid what was done. The…
And after having played my one Survivor game of the night I was able to redeem the bugged Daily. So I guess this thread can be closed and removed or whatever.
I WAS able to finish and redeem the Ritual I got tonight. So it is just a problem with the one I got yesterday.
Yeah, if you have an actual game you can definitely always safety pip no matter what Grade you are, three Silvers and a Gold isn't too much to ask for in a normal match of even skill across the board for all five players. The main problem is when you have so many games in a row where the Killer just refuses to play a…
Thankfully the way things are now you cannot go DOWN Grades and it is just a matter of grinding. That's why I was saying after the next reset I might just try and grind it out. It might take me all month to get there but play enough games and statically you'll move up each grade slowly. It might just be a slow and painful…
I like how so many people are saying "Don't expect to escape" as if I ever mentioned anything about wanting to escape in the first place. Which I never did. I already don't expect an escape. I don't expect more than two generators to be finished, as I've found that's the average number that does get done in solo queue as…
As Killer I just go stand in a corner, turn "Mute Focus" on in my options, then alt plus tab out and do something else for a while, checking in every so often to see if they are even bothering to do gens and if so how far along they are. Because as Killer I'm the only one on my team and I'm not relying on someone else to…
Honestly the fix I'd prefer to see for this specific issue is a nerf to Boil Over by adding another bullet point to the end of the list: You can not completely recover from the Dying State without being healed by another Survivor. There, now they can still do their little run to the dead-zone cheeky play but have to wait…
I like this idea over being instantly moved to the Hatch. There have been so many games where I want to give last Survivor Hatch but I can't find it so I just drop them until they wiggle off so we BOTH can look for it but that just isn't as satisfying as dropping them on the Hatch myself. So having the Hatch's Aura…
I want the "Mori the last person" as an option for my games not something that is forced on me so I like your idea change. However I'd say rework the Moris to still let you kill more and more Survivors: turn Cypress into what Ivory does now, Ivory allows for two, and finally Ebony gives you three. So you would be able to…
Can also confirm, third time trying it because I forgot it had been bugged the first two times. PC/Steam version of the game.
The problem with what they "tried before" was that it didn't take into account other Survivors being around, only the Killer. So of course it was abused to loop around the hook. If they make it so things check for the Killer being within 16 meters of the hook AND no healthy or injured Survivor (so excluding dying or hooked…
I'm a Killer Main, I know the pain of games where you have three Dead Hards and that one Survivor who makes it really obvious they have D.S. or the B.T. Body Blockers when I just want to go after the unhooker or that 59 second D.S. on the person who run into you in the middle of chase with a third unrelated person. My…
The problem with a multiplayer game is you rely on other people to get the most out of the game. By face camping the Killer player is purposefully not playing the game as intended and depriving the other four players of a worthwhile gaming experience. A Killer's job is not just to kill one Survivor but to protect the gens…
I've had Killers who, when asked why they face camped at five gens tell me "Because I face camp people" or along those lines. I've run into people that have "Face Camp" in their names in some manner and wow, they only ever face camped the whole game. These people didn't care about points. They didn't care about gens or the…
The devs have gone back and forth on FACE camping so many times you can't really use what they say about it as an argument for it to not get changed. In the infamous video about shots on goals camping was brought up and they said that they do want to do something about FACE camping but not PROIXY camping. I'm not sure if…
OK, I just want to know: what is a "One-stop shopper" in this context?