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  • I tried custom with a friend and not even custom works. It loads in, but then kicks everyone out. Come on...
  • Everyone can do that and is able to do so for a while now. This isn't playing, this topic is only about being able to get into a match which is true playing.
  • That's great to hear! No rush, of course. Maybe in the future making a BHVR account would auto make forum account or they'd be one?
  • I thought it would launch, because, unlike the vast majority of time, it loaded nearly completely. Alas, still doesn't launch. I tried on GE .42, GE .43 and on Experimental. GE kicks me out immediately, Experimental loads nearly entirely, but then crashes. I wonder if there's a compatibility layer which would load the game…
  • 1 more day of daily rewards with shards and I'll be able to buy Vittorio to use the shirtless version I bought so I cannot use the content. Grand. Maybe eventually they'll do an Epic Games Store free weekend so I can play the game I paid for.
  • Can confirm, account merge does work. It doesn't give you a free copy of DBD on EGS though. I hope this is not some insidious ploy to get Linux DBD players to buy DBD again... That'd be ######### up.
  • It's NOT free. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/dead-by-daylight It WAS free, but isn't. Unless there's something I don't know of.
  • *Got 25k for logging in today.* Still got the error, sadly. I also followed another poster's suggestion and unlocked Vittorio's shirtless "shirt" despite not yet owning him, since I had the 495 premium currency lying around anyway and only ~8k iri.
  • I responded to the comment of the person asking them if they could post further information for other people to repro to play. If anyone sees people speaking of being able to play matches on Linux, I don't understand why you don't speak to them yourself and come to post here instead. If you want to play the game, you need…
  • Can the person post any video proof and how their files look like? This is how I installed my OS (fresh install, then I install Steam stuff, i.e. Proton EAC first and much later I installed DBD) and it's never worked.
  • Oh, right, sorry, I forgot Nvidia exists. I wish you all the best of luck. You know what's most painful about no DBD access? I'm 1,2~ iri away from buying Vittorio and have enough premium currency in to buy the shirtless option. They're just afraid of me running around half-naked in all my Linux glory. :"(
  • I never used Debian, because I swapped to rolling release which is bleeding edge since starting on non-bleeding edge distros. Gaming is far better on bleeding edge for me due to updates to graphics. I'm on openSUSE tumbleweed, previously on Fedora. Gaming on both of those was far better than on ZorinOS (non-bleeding edge…
  • Windows is a considerably worse OS on mid to lower specs PCs (high specs users usually won't even notice, because framerate is irrelevant because most people don't even have screens which can display it). Most people who use Linux are tired of Windows essentially forcing planned obsolence onto absolutely functional…
  • They also purposefully disabled Linux/SteamDeck users from accessing the game after we've been able to and have the absolute audacity not to even refer to whatever the ######### that was. In 2021, they had over 900 employees. This is not an indie studio not managing, this is a big time disaster with below zero respect for…
  • Not gonna lie, I'm very disappointed. I came back from my surgery and first saw the information about it working. Launched a match, error 500. And here I hoped I could recover by daylight. :(
  • I posted a request on his profile. I hope we get to play soon. :)
  • I found him on Steam and sent an invite to ask questions. Sadly, I'm going on a sudden travel due to personal emergency and won't be back till Sunday. I hope a solution can be found by then. I really feel like my ability to deal with life's woes would improve if I could run around fixing gens.
  • I actually managed to install -tkg proton, but I got this lovely message: I tried with proton-ge and the loading screen loaded in fully (without GE it would not load in fully), but since I've been stuck on it for a while and then got kicked out with error 500.
  • Someone claims it runs on Steam. I tried with Proton experimental, but it didn't work. I'm not on Arch and don't know how to get -TKG, but maybe someone is more tech savy than me and can try. I only added EAC folder to binaries, didn't do any other tinkering, maybe I'm missing something.
  • Me too! I was so happy to be finally able to access the stuff I paid for! Last time I played there was no option to set up multiple outfits so I prepared 1-3 outfits of choice for the characters for when they enable matchmaking. I feel like this outcome means it's near. I wish they considered a temporary option of…