Suggested Monstrous Shrine Buff
Been playing the game since 2018, main both sides, etc. and I've been thinking about a buff to this Monstrous Shrine a lot lately. Suggested Buff: keep the current conditions of the perk AND allow a basement style 4 indestructible hook setup on the main level of the map opposite of the basement area. Thoughts?
Wounded Healer just popped for me on PS4!
Not sure if I am late to the party lol...but... The mysterious Wounded Healer achievement just randomly popped for me! I literally dropped my controller and the missed the last skill check when it happened lol. I didn't believe it because I thought it was bugged. 🤷🏾♂️. Just playing around with some builds on Nancy and…
🤔 Idea for SWF/Solo balance
As a general survivor main but definitely enjoy playing killer more as lately (Freddy Main, but been showing Clown so much more love lately lol) I always thought SWF (myself included playing with my friends), should all lose a perk slot to make up for the unlimited communication we have. All SWF whether 2, 3, or 4 will…
Switch's "Wiggle"
My main console is PS4. I feel as though you sometimes AT LEAST have a chance to wiggle off at times. Played a few trials on the switch and it is like why even bother to wiggle because you feel like you are going to break that lil ol thing lol. Devs - please consider a button option on switch for wiggle even if the wiggle…
The Plague needs a Buff next patch!
Survivor Main here...but enjoys Killer side 30% of the time. I made her my temporary new killer main since she was released. Here just what I noticed... Base kit. All games (about 50 played), her perks only (all T3) Level 50 with those questionable add ons. Lol 1. Absolutely no Map Pressure at all. 2. She is SLOW…
Suggestion for End Game Exit Pressure
What if the entity started to use the exit gates as another tool to give survivors false hope? Lol - survivor main here :) Mode: Exit Roulette Some examples: Once an exit gate is opened, should a survivor walk past the entrance threshold but does not exit the trial, they can no longer enter back on to the map. Survivor is…
After seeing all the DS rework suggestions...
Here's mine lol (from survivor main here) Maybe...just an idea here lol... Whoever brings in DS is in "exposed status" effect for 1st hit only to balance the one time use of DS. Survivor will still have to hit skill check to make use of perk. If said survivor miss skill check after 1st hit, the DS perk is dead for rest of…
Adept Legion
As a survivor main, I was shocked to get the Adept Legion trophy after 2 tries (Rank 10 currently as killer but known as a p3 rank 1 Freddy lol) I like to play new killers with their base perks first before running my killer meta. The (Legion) was def fun to play as. The mechanic is just "different" and you would need to…
The Truth About Freddy (IMO)
As I see it...IMO...(70% Survivor 30% killer here) Freddy is my main... 1. Playing as him, his mechanic is more mental for the player than anything. You have to think 2 possibly 3 steps ahead playing as him. Most of the community probably do not think about his power this way thus possibly all the complaints about him.…
What's w/ all the "Food" on maps?
Have any of you noticed the "food" references in the game? To my knowledge (I may be wrong), first there was "Cheese" Now...I am seeing "Hot Dog" or "Sausage." While playing stealthy, I realize there is a cargo container in the dead of Badham referencing "Shrimp." Did I miss a connection, purpose, hint, or possible lore…
Killer's 1st Person View Hit Box
How about a change to the "hit box" for killers in which if a survivor PURPOSELY and literally run into the body of killer, (killer can't see survivor due to 1st person view), the game acknowleges this and the hit box is increase to the point a hit is guaranteed with blind swings? The reason I say this... (in theory) a lot…