Emote Only After Chat? Your thoughts!
Hello Community :) bc there is no after chat on console and on pc its a nightmare most of the time, would you be in favor of an "emote only" afterchat? People could express themself without throwing around insults or endlessly typing on a controller across different platforms. Ofc this would eliminate regular after chat…
Is no one gonna talk about the new early game mechanic here?
Seeing a lot of post about the new killer, perks etc, one of the things I was genuinly interested in, but isnt really a hot topic on here, was the mechanic for the early game. Statement from the dev stream: They'll look into a mechanic similar to the Endgame Collapse, but focused on the early game Scott Jund already made a…
Not exhausted from adrenaline due to different status effects
Survivor was not exhausted from adrenaline due to different status effects (borrored time + he said he used dead hard) Xbox First time seeing this and its hard to reproduce by myself. Please watch the 0:09 twitch clip attached: https://clips.twitch.tv/SarcasticYummyGazelleRalpherZ Basicly surv got unhooked with borrored…
Implementation of Breakable Walls on old maps - bring back double window jungle gym?
We'll sure enough strong windows will be breakable (looking at you, iron works of misery) but what else? Some veteran players might remember the old jungle gyms with double pallets and double windows (both pallets have been used here): One of these windows is breakable and there will be a single pallet on the opposite of…