Unbreakable is used on your first recovery, soul guard doesnt have priority if there is an active hex. If you get downed again, unbreakable will be shown as active bc you're recovering faster. But you cant pick yourself up again with it.
60GB? Steam tells me that DbD uses 40GB of my diskspace. You might have some old/duplicate data. You can change your display settings for gaming. Open up "ADM Radeon" , select "Gaming" , "Dead By Daylight" and change the display settings (brighter / more saturated etc). It will change to these specs every time you start…
yeah now change the secondary action skill check to a different button. That way you dont use your addon if you miss a skillcheck, bc its a different button now. I changed mine to m5, but you can use any other key you like ofc. Also: change hook struggle to mousewheel. Its way easier to scroll the wheel than smashing that…
he probably lagged out, got a hit on you and after he reconnected it synced the successful hit (on his end to the server). He could do that intentionally, but it could also be a "very lucky" lag spike. This is going to be fixed when they release the server sided hit validation.
if you reported him ingame and proof (video) then submit a ticket here "Additional player report information"
Yep its kinda too strong for a green addon. Imo it should be changed to rare/ultra rare (or maybe 2 addons one with lesser duration). Sole survivor (with 1 dead team mate) counters his aura reading, but he still gets the score event for uncovering someone using compound 21 (same goes for lockers btw^^ just bc your aura is…
go to your settings from the main menu, not the "play as surv/killer" screen.
Hitboxes are, for the most part, fine. You're probably talking about bad latency and killer sided hit registration. If the killer has a bad ping, your (the survivor) position wont be as accurate and therefor grant the killer a hit that should not have connected. Devs already tried to implement a hit registration system, so…
true, but it misses OP's point. To simplify his issue: it shows red, even tho 2 people repair a gen faster (47s) than one by himself (80s). Meaning that the bar actually fills faster and should be shown in yellow instead of red. Honestly idk, I think showing it red just makes more sense. I'd rather have it in 3 different…
I would have agreed with you on the old nurse, but new nurse is absolutely fine. She still needs to recharge to get her 2nd blink back, just get enough distance and LOS blocker.
well there is no "balanced" option, considering that 4/6 options are OP and 2/6 are basicly "trash". A good nurse has a lot of pressure and mobility, but also a lot of counter play. Imo she's fun to play against, but I'm really bad at playing her.
nah all good man, no animals were harmed during your stunt ;) its just the internet. Take care o/
lmao snail farmer :D good one
pls nerf deerstalker, killers OP
/woosh refers to: you did not get the joke/point New PTB isnt even out yet and he made the "joke" to basicly describe clown
Yep passive absorbing is supposed to not work after you hit like 95% of your powermeter, but this has been broken since a few patches. Patch 4.1.0 - 28 July 2020 The Oni: Fixed an issue that prevented entering Blood Fury if the power meter was filled while carrying a Survivor. Just make sure that your powergauge is low or…
Vsync disabled?
Dunno about the hill currently (havent really played a lot recently and did not experience this bug yet), but previously I got out of these spots by dropping & picking up an item multiple times. Ofc it works only if you have an item, but thats how I got out being stuck in other survivors in the past (if there wasnt enough…
Guess you didnt properly read my post. its bc you go into settings from the survivor/killer scren, you need to go back to the main menu. Thats what a dev or mod said (cant remember). I dont have that issue, so I just passed that info to you.
now I see why they changed the nurse with all these bugs - die Krankenschwester. Also billy+bubba run around with their chainsaw - die Kettensäge. It all makes sense now.
or just a player with less than 100 hours played.
well I havent played him since his recent change, but I loved playing drift king billy for fun :(
Disable Crossplay from the main menu, at least a dev or mod said this in another thread.
basicly billy got the nurse treatment... the only thing they should have changed are his addons, but they just had to touch his base kit. I've faced just a few really good nurses since her rework. Still pretty strong, but very punishing for doing mistakes/bad reads.
So you get ez 4k by playing against players who're below your skill level or have a disadvantage (lower performance, gamepad instead of mkb, maybe no headset)? Not sure what you're trying to achieve with this thread, except saying: hey look, I'm a bad player but I found a way to feel better about myself.
impressive, thats a lot of smol pp's :D
sure you can lag with a good ping. Ping is an indicator to how fast the signals can be transmitted between 2 clients, but if the speed is slower to actually transmit the amount of data, then you'd lag. Dunno about other routers, but mine shows how much of data is used at the moment. If you dont have a 2nd monitor to check…
doubt that these are windows store users so: they cant read the afterchat. Its only for pc (steam/windows store) ^^
Since crossplay is happening, is mouse and keyboard support going to be added in? There's no current plan at the moment. Sauce: It's really sad that they have not implemented a kbm support yet.
Das neue Rangsystem wurde deaktiviert: Es sollte zu besserem Matchmaking führen, hat aber eigtl nur das Gegenteil bewirkt.
- use the wiki patchnotes The reason why those only go back to april 2018 is, that there was no forum back then. BHVR used the steam page / forum and moved on to their own platform/forum (probably bc of the release on different platforms who couldnt participate in discussions).…
Crossplay is already enabled on Steam/Windows, but he's talking about crossprogression most likely. @OP: September is the date for crossplay between different platforms. We dont know yet if crossprogression will be released at the same time. But once it has been released, you can switch to a different platform with your…
Yes, very sad. People were happy getting mori'd (on death hook) by a myers or even gave me the kill at the end just for the mori.
idk about deactivating fast vaults, probably better/easier to decrease the vaulting speed. Fast vault: 0.5s Medium vault: 0.9s Maybe a decreased fast vault speed by 50% (0.75s) to 80% (0.9s). I think its pretty balanced along with the totem idea. If you would run 3 totem perks (including haunted) you wont have enough dull…
lets call this a factinion. It's imaginary like OP's sense of the game. The PTB overheat was just too much, imo it still doesnt really do what its supposed to do: revi'ng the chainsawin front of a hook. Still takes a bit too long imho, but thats fine. They changed all of his addons, which were the core of issues of his…
Change your controls for max steering Look left -> Q Look right -> E charge your chainsaw and use Q/E to get max turning immeadiately. For flicks I still recommend using the mouse, but I aint a billy main so maybe its just smth that I havent really learned/got used to.
true, but there was a new patch and it was very likely that BHVR is going to fix this. They already tried to in a recent patch but failed (they edited out the steam ID from logfiles but forgot about other parts), which lead to people not being able to see the profile at the leaderboard. But repeating the phrase "they can…
survivors are just reskins. You could argue to lock the items, but not the survivors/skins. Logfiles are now encrypted. Maybe you should read up on those topics, before posting such statements. To be fair: its not mentioned in the patchnotes, but ofc BHVR was going to do smth about this (like they already did before, but…
as a Jake/David/Steve "Main" I can confirm this list. Although a lot of nancys are braindead as well. There are exceptions to the rule ofc :)
do not give them the idea that they should look different until the new franklins it out. bringing a green key will be meta to troll killers and random mates at the same time :D
You act like swf are the only players who buy skins, meanwhile a lot of killer main players purchase skins for different killer characters which they dont really see unless they use a mori or rancor (except for ph, but hes a licensed char and there is no skin for him other than his prestige). 100% against VC ingame. You…
they never said what kind of optimisation, right? It's income optimisation by releasing the rift pass /s
I lost my progress back then, when it was stored on the pc. Stopped playing, they changed the system to store it on their end as well as got a new computer. Talked to customer service and I got a ton of bloodpoints for my lost progress. Imho you should talk to the support again, bc your progress is definetly not legit.…
I bought the game just for the mask :( I'd love if its a similar mask with smth extra (bloodstains or marks) that's available to buy at the store.
2022 ? Damn dude, I want to be that optimistic about smth in my life...
they did a survey and it had one question about the struggle phase. So we might get smth here soon™
bc survivors have that tool to see which killer it is, I like to use the blindness addons on freddy. They equip OoO and every time they step on a puddle they're blinded. with OoO+blindness they cant see you, while you see them. They HAVE to look at you while looping, giving you a huge advantage :) But yeah these shouldnt…
there is still going to be 1 rank for killers, you'll just be matched with different (aka probably lower rank) surv. Currently ranks are not that important for the matchmaking, since survivors reach purple/red ranks within few hundred hours, who do not have the experience to be there (imo). It just states how much you play…