Spread NOED across Totems
Trading early-game utility for a dramatic increase in pressure at the end leads to the most “horror-film-like” moments in the game - the sudden drop in your stomach as you discover how you played into the killer’s plan all along. Except NOED isn’t fun to play against. It isn’t too strong, but feels like a safety net that…
Active perks for survivor
One thing that's been on my mind recently is how some perks are more or less represented on the survivor side due to what they give you to do. Aside from running around and M1ing gens, it feels like a perkless survivor can have very little to actually do, seeing as toobloxes and medkits simply make you pasively better at…
Fan Chapter: Laws of the Realm (Killer, Survivor, Perks)
Killer: The Custodian APPEARANCE: Medium height man in a torn and dirtied mid-20th century military police uniform, armed with a truncheon. STATS: 110% Movement Speed (4.4 m/s) POWER: Long Patrol The Custodian leaves a dark trail behind him as he walks, which disappears after 20 seconds. At any time, The Custodian may use…
Object of Obsession Rework for SWF
Most people are aware that this perk goes from being reasonable to completely OP in a SWF game, so why not make it less relevant when the killer is at a distance? I'd suggest that instead of the effect being constant, it has a cooldown gauge that refills quicker the closer the killer is. So let's say if the killer is over…
Survivor Perk: Diversion (complete rework)
Diversion: "Take the long way - I'll see you there" Become the obsession. Every stun and chase escape from the killer confers a stack of Diversion, up to a maximum of 4. Lose 1 stack upon being hooked. Cannot gain stacks within 10 seconds of gaining a previous stack, or for 10 seconds after being hit. Upon performing a…
Killer Idea: The Custodian
>The Custodian >APPEARANCE: Medium height man in a torn, dirtied turn-of the-century military police uniform, armed with a bayonet. >STATS: 110% Movement Speed 36m terror radius >POWER: Long Patrol: The Custodian leaves a dark trail behind him as he walks, which disappears after 15 seconds. At any time, The Custodian may…