PC - Sometimes only receiving 1 bloodpoint... lost over 250k+ by now.
Sometimes I would play a match and then I'm supposed to have 20k+ bloodpoints but I only receive 1. Even when I'm back to the menu, I still don't have them. This seems to happen quite often. The latest map it happened on was Swamp, killer was Myers, and I was Claudette.
Why would you prestige more than 1 survivor?
Why would you prestige more than 1 survivor? For the killers, I get it. Killers have different abilities. But for the survivors, why would anyone waste points on more than one? They are all the same, they have nothing unique.
Best Update Yet in terms of quality content?
First of all. The killer. She gives me chills as I play her. As a survivor playing against the Spriti, I often get jumpscared, something that no killer could achieve. The map design is sick. Never seen before. Something brand new and fresh. Unique atmosphere. New perks are fun and also a game changer Maybe some nerfs and…
Quite disappointed...
I just played a match as The Doctor. I did a really good run. I didn't get any hook kills but I got everyone on the hook at least twice. I ended up with 25k bloodpoints, more than any survivor. And guess what... I got 1/4 of a black pip... Yep. Almost nothing at all. I've in fact deranked. I guess that's the price to pay…
Prestige is now useless...
Let me clarify.... Before, there was only a very few cosmetics available. This made prestiging one way of getting sick customization items. Which were cool because people were able to tell what prestige you were just by looking at you. Now, with the Store system, you can pay for skins. Yeah, I want to equip skins from the…