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  • Yeah I have a bomb in my car, you know. haha. Nah I'm just joking LUL.
  • Consequences are not the same, but the comparison is fair.
  • Even tho you are not cheating, you shouldn't be saying that you're cheating at all, in any shape or form. Imaging going to the police and say: I have a bomb in my car. What you say can be held against you. Even if you're joking. Because nobody knows if it's true or not, and therefor, prefer not take the risk.
  • I could waste 50m bloodpoints on prestiging every survivor, or I could spent 50m bloodpoints on my main.
  • Yeah, blood clothes. But for a survivor you will never play? You always play 1 survivor anyway. MAX 2. The others remain untouched because you always play with the same one.
  • I can confirm. If I play survivor only for 1 week, I only get killer rituals, but if I play killer only for 1 week I only get survivor rituals. Might just be luck tho.
  • Here's a clip from AngryPug... Not the same situation as me, but still.
  • It's nothing new in the gaming industry and it's always been like that - Give a buff, then nerf even harder. However, this seems like the only reasonable approach.
  • To continue your idea, In my opinion, a map ban for survivors and killers is the way to go. For survivors, every survivor could pick a map and 2 of them would be randomly selected, and these would be banned. For killers, the killer would be able to select 2 maps to ban as well. This, for instance, would bring diversity to…
  • Having made small games for a while, if you assume that people who plays your game are always gonna go for one option over the others, you're wrong. Some will do this, and some will do that. Here's a small scenario: Player1 has the choice to go through door X and door Y. Do you say: nobody will go through door Y because…
  • In my opinion, a map ban for survivors and killers is the way to go. For survivors, every survivor could pick a map and 2 of them would be randomly selected, and these would be banned. For killers, the killer would be able to select 2 maps to ban as well. This, for instance, would bring diversity to a map selection system,…
  • I probably don't need to say this but I hope nobody clicks on their links, because it would encourage them to spam again. If nobody ever clicks on the links they will stop eventually. It's also probably sites that makes money with the number of clicks they receive. Don't encourage the behavior and they will go away. And to…
  • It really depends of what killer you play. The Doctor doesn't really have any special ability except finding people. Yes you can 4k without camping/tunnel but if the survivors are somewhat decent, it will sometimes be really hard for what we consider mid-tier low-tier killers. We could also talk about how it often rely on…
  • I get what you're saying, but here's the thing: If I want to rank up, I need to camp and tunnel and I feel bad for doing so because it ruins the others game experience... and if I don't camp or tunnel and actually try to be fair, I won't even get close to black pip... If I did get a black pip at least I wouldn't have been…
  • Here's the thing though : I did not get looped. I did manage to get everyone on the hook twice and maxed my deviousness and brutality. Yet, I got 1/4 of a black pip. Anyone realize how crazy this is? This means that, even if I did amazingly good (even the survivors confirmed it to me), I still need to hook kill at least 2…
  • For some reasons my comment got deleted, so here i'm gonna type it again. Material layering: Texture splattering: Essentially, make one material.png file, and add it on top of the…
  • Well, if that's true, that was a really poor designing choice. But it's never too late to change such a thing. If they don't want to do this, then they need to add something else than just blood clothings; as almost nobody will use them. EDIT: Does this means they are doing prestige on every single character one by one? I…
  • I've been trying to post links showing what I mean but my post keeps getting "moderated".... Basically, check out Material Layering & Texture Splattering. PS: If my 4-5 posts appears like by magic I will delete them haha.
  • Material layering: Texture splattering: Essentially, make one material.png file, and add it on top of the already existing materials/textures. Using only 1 file and a few lines of codes.…
  • To be honest just adding some sort of rewards other than the clothes would be great.
  • Best way of finding out is to try it out with one of your friends.
  • If you want to pre-order, you can. But I don't think they are giving any extras for pre-ordering the anniversary t-shirt. In my opinion, I'm not a big fan of the colors on the shirt. It's not ugly but I think they could've made it slightly better.
  • Coming from the wiki, it should only work in the dream world, as Lullabies are not considered as the terror radius, but only when the heartbeat is active.
  • Legacy would be a different case. Perhaps, what about the legacy skins with blood on them? :thinking: :lol:
  • Yeah but no. Christmas / flashy lights cosmetics wouldn't really fit in this game, sadly. Actually, it all comes down to how they design it.
  • I get your point of view, but it's honestly not that difficult, also considering that, right now, there isn't many cosmetics. It can honestly come down to make a blood texture.png file, and add it on the existing textures.Not the best way to do it, as it might sometimes look weird, but it's one way of automating it.
  • Maybe this can help : And I quote: At the bottom of the page, you can also read:
  • Interesting. I think it would be worth testing it in-game in a 'Survive with Friends' match.
  • Wow, that's a good question. Technically speaking, The terror radius is delimited by how close the killer is to the survivor. As a survivor, when you are in the killer's terror radius, you can hear your heartbeat. If you don't hear your heartbeat, this means you're not actually in the killer's terror radius. Therefore, the…
  • I agree with Jack11803. If you do give survivors in-game communication, you need to either buff the killers or nerf the survivors.