I think i got idea how to solve balance problem and it is rather easy solution - Ranked and Casual.
Hello. I want to present you my idea how to remove much of a toxic game and complaining of both camps. Ranked Mode: Will be determining your skill level (vissible one) and you can que up only with 4 friends. No randoms are allowed as it is supposed to be team game. So you need people to communicate with and cooperate to be…
I think i finally solved the problem of game balance and make it more fun - Two Gamemode.
Hello. So i came with this easy solution of two game modes, Casual and Ranked. Now let me explain. Ranked: This mode is for SWF only, the killer have adjusted capability, and you can gain rank with friends, to become ultimate survivor of trials. Casuals: Casuals are for randoms only, as Dead by Daylight is meant to be…
So after so many games, i formed better opinion on game (Rank 8 and climbing)
Survivors are super strong, i mean, i am trying to play both sides now, and when i die as a survivor, its because of bad teammates or my own mistake. But i never feel like i am powerless. I can outrun killer, outjump him trough windows, stun him trough pallets and flashlight ... I am sorry so many times for killer its not…
Short games and de-dip ...
I would like to suggest idea to solving this issue. Make multiplier for killer points, from some number up to 1x multiplier after reaching some time mark in a match. And do negative multiplier for survivors the shorter they survive. Why? Becuase all of us happend that you had survivors which you did not camped and they…
About bloodlust and thrill of the hunt ...
... Why we lose it when we break pallete? I mean i know survivors have to have something to delay the killer ... But why we lose the bonus when we destroy it? No wonder the looping is so powerful. If pallete stun you, sure, its your bad, you lose bloodlust, but no matter if you dodge hit, and destroy it, you still lose it,…
Hello, i did little DbD survey, its about balance and how you could feel about the game ...
https://forms.gle/TAKqQ2NiWuAhKe1C8 It is trough the google, and it is not for personaly profit, i would love to anyone to fill it up, and be as honest as possible thank you. Explanation why i did made this survey is in a first place should be there. Have a nice day.
Looping and the generators.
TL;DR:Looping is really strong ATM and killers are not a threat at all, this is rather 1v1 game atm then 1v4. Hello, because this is closest you can get to devs, i would like to share my experience. First i share my experience from a killer side, then from a Survivor one. My GF got me into this game and i enjoy every bit…
Hag Hitbox ...
... I just played Hag and noticed something. When i was standing far from a palet, waiting for survivor to drop it, it actuly hit me, could this be that Hag hitbox is little off? Or am i missing something?
Some ideas for killers i have. Feel free to critize as much as you like.
1.Predator His ability would be:On the hunt! And i have two version for this killer. A)You have charged plasma canon (Kinda like Rabbit axes) but instead of aiming it, you just need to stay 12 seconds in vision for the survivor for it to automaticaly shot. Recharge is every 20 seconds. Addons can make it 1 hit down or add…
Camping, Variety and suggestions.
A lot of killers been camping lately? And there been A LOT of loop abusers in recent games as well. So how to solve those issues to keep survivors and killers happy? How about add/replace category? For killers there could be - Bloodthirst - You will get points for keep moving, vaulting, and overall dont staying on one…