Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.



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  • Browse internet, go on youtube, if Killer has Ebony it costed him 7k Bloodpoints, he has full right to use it as he wishes. Same for Brand new parts and other expensive addons survivor have, is it fair and nice? Propably not. Is it bad? Heck no. Both sides have their overpowered offerings and addons, addons for survivors,…
  • And thats the problem the perk is useless. I would like to rework it and make it useful, because as you said thats the thing, nobody uses hexes in reds because it is too much of an RNG and most of hiding spots sucks and are mostly near generators. NOED, Ruin, TotH are all useless because they can get destroyed pretty…
  • How about making it on token use which recharge? That could work? One token per perk level.
  • I dont want it basic, but i would love to have perk which is not based on those perks which it suppose to protect.
  • Okay i feel like i am oficialy ending with this game. Looping and survivors being faster then me as a killer, thats okay i am willing to deal with this. But Survivors using glitches to be invurable like Combine on a wheat fields map ... This is simply too much. This is too strestfull and i need a serious break. This game…
  • So in-game chat or voice-chat ... Otherwise the SFW will always be at advantage.
  • Which again would make SFW in advantage. Because of third party. It cant alert the killer as it would be disadvantage again.
  • I have three questions if i may. First off. When as a killer, i kill 2 survivors and two escape. Why do i dedip when 3 and such should be memorable? I do certainly well as a killer, kill 2 survivors and hook almost every one of them, and entity still can be displeased which results in de-dip ... Second ... If you are not…
  • It might sound stupid ... But can we get ping system like Apex Legends has? You can ping that here is generator, i need healing, killer is there etc. etc. Pings would not spawn on a map, and can be obstructed by environment ... I mean. As others said, without good info for solo survivors, game cant be balanced around SFW…
  • The Conjuring is not really that bad i think. But she is supernatural so telekinesis and such? I mean ... Nurse is also spirit, and she have a cleave. Why not give Nun Claws and make her teleport to the range of the survivors, not exactly to them but within terror range ... Would be nice and wild ability.
  • Thats some really good ideas, i especialy love the one with totem being reignited.
  • Any good idea on that?
  • I gave you advice, and been friendly, in your other post you littelary said ######### off. If you dont want to improve fine by me, but as i said before, everyone have bad games, and unless the gates dont been littelary corner apart you had a bit more time. If so? You been just unlucky it happens. But if someone tried to…
  • I belive Killers speed is the reasson why we are arguing here. Make more objectives - Makes game more tedious, make new actions for survivors, wont do much either ... I belive from my opinion. Two things needs to be done. I feel like Survivors are extremely fast at looping, even faster then a killer. Game needs to be more…
  • If you are not here for the tips, then why are you here? To cry out loud? Any user on this forum tells you the Trapper is one of the weakest killers there is. Bad games happen, i dont know why you posted here then. You could managed to win if being a bit better in a game, and if i gave you advice, you decided to ignore it.…
  • Problem is, he uses Nurse, if he had any other killer, he would lose on the whole line. He won only because he is great with Nurse and Nurse with The Spirit are only killers which have a chance end chases quickly. I dont see ANY WAY same results could be achived with trapper, wraith, clown etc. It is simply not possible to…
  • I would just make better hiding places for totems. They are sometimes so obvious. Also dont make HEXes light up like an lighthouse ... And it would be solved. hexes now on higher rank are unusable ... They get destroyed faster then Nicolas Cage career.
  • Traper and fast as hell? Eh did not hear gopd joke in a while. Anyway here goes the tips. Defuse trap, and occasionally make progress on the gate. Unless gates been really just corner apart, i bet Trapper had a bit more time to get there. You can feel lucky killer was not a Nurse (Also Nurse and The Spirit are considered…
  • Ah thats something i can agree on. The thing is, most people dont know how to play survivor good or cooperate. Also they dont need to because playing as killer is really rather EASY ... At least in my opinion, its much less relaxing and frustrating then playing for a killer.
  • Would second that
  • I feel like most people agree though. Which is nice.
  • Thank you man! Also NOED is bad from survivor stance, and i think Devour hope is way supperior perk which makes you earn it.
  • Exactly, i belive its because of loops being too strong or killers being so slow at chases. One of those.
  • Traps autoactivation should be in his passive, not an addon. Or make him more like Hag ... This way? Setting up trap without addons take just TOO LONG for genrushers and we are not talking about finding all the traps on the map.
  • I hope, i just want a games where i can keep at least one hex xD ... Darn it. But i see where you coming from and love idea of counter. I just wish killers been on. Better spot overall i find to play in higher ranks extremely frustrating :( Even unfun. Thats just my personal killer view. Also i am as well. I mean i tried…
  • I certainly hope so. I mean, i dont ultimately hate chases they are fun. But when oponent have time to T-Bag you whole time or all of survivors circle you like you are total looser altough you play the best you possibly can its sad. Thats something i would like to change as a killer, and i dont mind more challenge as…
  • No i totaly agree. I play survivor too not just the killer. I want to know if what am i complaining about is legit or not :P Anyway yes counter or some hint like every two minutes sound of canon firing like from hunger games. Each shot for totem still standing. But in this case i just wish the totems would be harder to…
  • Depends on the killer really ... Also if you get hit while Vaulting you simply dont been fast enough. Or you have bad internet conection. On killer side you just vaulted and on your screen you stepped away. Happend to the best of us. And then again, you need to take killers weapon range into consideration. Also if you have…
  • You got me wrong man i do not stand for camping. My main perk is Devour Hope = Rewards non Camping. But it gets destroyed all the freaking time :( Anyway i onow chases are core of the game, but they take too long even on a straight line, and when survivor gets to looping? The guy is faster then you. Survivors have…
  • Agree to that. What about better hiding spots for totems. And for return? Something like hint of how many HEXEs are still active in the game? I found the survivors find Hexes too easily, even during a chase. You have to be extremely lucky to have totems on some good hidden place.
  • Oh so rank. Thats right. I prefer lower rank though because it is not as infested with SWF groups. Its nightmare to play againts those. Can we do the same for looping? Hiding and mindgames should be weapons of survivors. Not outruning the killer.
  • Yeah indeed it is. But tell me how many survivors above Rank 5 dont do those objectives? Above rank 5 NOED is useless. Heck i have problem keeping alive just Devour Hope. Totems should have better hiding spots in some maps.
  • I agree, that odds should be even. My idea behind all this is just that, if Killer spots you, you simply messed up. When killer spots you, he should not chase you ALL around just to HAVE A CHANCE to catch you up. Thats non-sensical in my opinion. We need a bit more balance, and killer being actual threat. This game turned…
  • I play both sides too. I feel killer get rewarded much less for being good and successful compared to survivors. And its not that hard to open the gates, its WAY harder to keep totem up.
  • Just noobish question. What is depip?
  • NOED weak! RNG perk vs uncounterable Adrenaline. Change my mind.
  • I am fair killer, no camping. But good grief ... Survivors can outrun me and even though i try mindgames and everything, survivors almost always overloop and eventualy outrun me. I feel sorry for you, and no legit killer should camp. But on the other hand i see why they do it. Survivors are SUPER rude to all the killers…
  • Survivors right now, can run around you, and flame you post lobby "because you suck" ... Mostly they can outrun you and outperk you ... Its super hard these days to play like fair killer, at least for me. Rank 10. And i fought Rank 2-3 survivors, it was a nightmare and hopeless.
  • well thats why we as a community are here, to communicate and discuss, hopefuly help the devs to make right by us. I am also glad i could help man.
  • I had the idea the other day that a neat perk or power for killer would be a placeable hook. Pinhead would be perfect for that. Pinhead downs a survivor, M2 to hook. A chain drops from the sky and hooks the survivor. Only one survivor may be on the chain at one time. The power would be "No Tears, Please." Perk 1: A Waste…
  • I respect your opinion sir. Now to counter-argument if you allow. The slowing down perks are Overcharge and Ruin, ruin can be EASILY countered by any good team. And it still dont slow game much. Problem is not in slowing generators. Problem is in killers being so slow especialy in the looping againts survivors. Increasing…
  • For me legion as a killer is amazing. Only problem i see personaly with him is deep wounds effect. It tooks AGES to put survivor into dying state. And in deep wounds it should be your strenght, but after you apply it. Survivor can run easily almost as long as he wants. And any use of ability and hitting same survivor…
  • Thats some REALLY amazing tips thank you! Will put some of them in use latter. But we still have a lot of probles with other killers. To name few Wraith, Trapper, The Shape, Clown etc ... This game simply needs to get some of the things together. Killers overall feel really weak at this very moment. At least again thats my…
  • Also when you pick survivors with hag, they are in a really weird angle? can this be releated? Anyway i learned to step a bit further from palets, its a workaround, but i needed few palets to get used to it. But it feels weird, you stand in a range you should be safe by others killers and still get hit.
  • I find it is rather useful, and alread yused the tactics, but the time it takes to put Hag trap down make it kinda counterproductive. I put traps infrom of everyloop i find while guarding a generators, but thats the best i can personaly do. But i still find it difficult to master this. But i belive i get there. So i hope…
  • Why the game should be balanced about playing just certain killers to have chance? It does not sound fair or even fun.
  • Man if only, if you let on loopers, they will start looping you again. YOU NEED to get a kill and hits, otherwise you will lose eventualy. You cant endlessly push on generators, because you cant protect them all at the same time thats the issue.
  • So oposite? The closer you are to killer the more points you get? Vaulting should not be rewarded then period. And devs need to motivate the killer to move more. Of course you cant keep generators to be as easy as their are. What they need is figure out punishment for killers who facecamping. How about terror meter? When…