Houndmaster builds
Just wanted to see what you guys have been using on her. Figured with the bug fixes, people might be hopping on her again. Here's mine. The rope+ rapid brutality has a tendency of throwing people off for a 2nd hit. Might change once I get higher MMR as her...
Thoughts on Houndmaster?
Now that the killer is available to play for everyone... What's your thoughts so far?
Do you think we'll see a decrease in the usage of map offerings?
For those who haven't noticed, sacrificial ward has become a brown offering. Now players could very well use them EVERY match if they want to avoid map offerings whereas before, it really wasn't common enough to be able to do that. Do you think this will lead to a decrease in the number of map offers people will use since…
Does 2v8 Wraith feel odd to anyone else?
Played afew games as Wraith since that was what I used most LAST time and couldn't help but notice what felt like a delay after uncloak before you can swing. Is anyone else noticing this? It kinda removes Wraith's super lunge.
New killer has built in Lethal Pursuer and corrupt, SUPER OP
Incase people haven't noticed, the new killer has a dog that she can sick on people. This actually has an ability that DBD hasn't listed in the effects and the devs are trying to sneak in. The moment survivors SEE the dog at the beginning of the trial... THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING!!!!
DBD shorts
I find myself scrolling through YouTube shorts more than I'd like to admit, and there's plenty of DBD ones sprinkled in there. I keep seeing the same exact survivor play over...and over... and over again. Does anyone find jumping into a locker with DS, head on and a flashbang to be some kind of 500 IQ play? It makes up a…
What would YOU do?
You're the last Survivor alive. You have both wake up, AND sole survivor, so... SHOULD be a fairly easy escape. For some reason, the killer keeps only checking 1 exit gate (the ones where you're at) and is checking the nearby area. You're injured, so it's only a matter of time before your grunts of pain give you away...…
Why does Plot twist not count as self healing?
Was just a thought I had while scrolling. If you get unhooked and you start using self care, DS gets removed. You CAN use plot twist though for the same result of healing yourself which doesn't affect DS. What's the logic behind this?
Can we give green keys a basekit effect?
Green keys are the only item in the game that require addons to have any function. Would ANYONE be against simple adding one of these functions to the green key itself?
2v8 "hooking" gonna bring back remote hook bugs?
Based off what was shown, they intend to reintroduce the same remote hooks that they had in the anniversary event in an attempt to open a window for saves. Does anyone remember what happened with save attempts during anniversary event while the killer spammed remote hook button? The survivor would get glitched and…
Lvl 1 perks in chaos shuffle?
I noticed when you pause the game, it'll show lvl 3 perks but it's ACTUALLY showing and using lvl 1 versions in match. Considering the Chaos shuffle overview screen stated we were suppose to have lvl 3 perks... Is this a bug?
13 Ghosts
All the talk about licenses from the IPs listed on the survey made me remember THIS gem of a movie and it's great character potential. Who else things maybe afew of these would be good picks for the entity's realm?
What's the minimum prestige lvl a character with Legacy skin can be?
Just saw a Legacy nurse that was P2... looked a wee bit suspicious, lol. Anyone know what the lowest could possibly be if someone got their skin and immediately stopped playing until today?
Shared aura reading
This was a thought I had back during the 2v8. One of the roles was setup to basically only really help your team in sharing information in the form of aura reading. It didn't really help the user, but overall still had a strong effect. This had me thinking of 2 possible perk ideas... have no clue how busted this would…
The use of bardic inspiration
Don't get me wrong, I can read a perk description but... I was just wondering the REAL reason people equip this perk. Do you do it for the faster gen progress, or.. did you just wanna serenade your teammates/the killer. After all... SURELY between the sweet moon and the used up medkit on the ground, he'll give you hatch,…
Anyone dusting off their neglected killers?
I like to cycle between about half the killer roster and at this point, I don't consider any killer my "main" anymore. That being the case... there's definitely alot of killers that I hit prestige 3 and basically ignore after only playing them a handful of times. I went ahead and played afew games of Singularity afew weeks…
What Maps are suppose to be Dredge's good/bad maps?
I've heard he's very map reliant... I'm probably gonna stick with him for awhile and just wanted to know which ones are suppose to be his hard ones.
Steamroll via new killer syndrome
I'm not necessarily talking about Dracula, but rather any killer a person JUST picks up. How many games do you think you have to play before your MMR for that killer settles? I've been playing Dredge basically for the first time starting last night and now this morning. At what point does it go from "oh, i only won because…
When is slugging NOT seen as toxic?
Saw this clip while scrolling and the comments section was divided. Thoughts?
Is Playstation slow on the update?
They're offering the new DLC for cash on the PS market, but I'm not seeing any actual update... Anyone else?
Myers stats LIE
Just noticed this... Myers is pretty sneaky, but he ain't THAT sneaky This a leak on an upcoming Myers buff? Lol
1v4 killer stress vs 2v8 killer stress
Just a thought I had that I was hoping for your thoughts on. It has nothing to do with balance or anything but... Do you feel like it's just a less stressful experience on 2v8 for killers? Like if you lose in 2v8, it just feels easier to shrug it off than a lose in 1v4 IMO. Does anyone else feel the same?
Countering NOED... in 2v8
Anyone else seeing survivors cleansing dull totems in this gamemode instead of doing gens? Lol
Why is hooks being permanently broken on death a thing?
I briefly mentioned this in another thread but felt it deserved its own. Hooks already have janky spawns at times with multiple floors and with the amount of boil over I see lately, the possible hooks I can get to is pretty limited at times. I can understand if a teammate does a Sabo play, but why does the game itself…
Killswitch Azarov's in 2v8 mode
Every time I get this map on 2v8 mode, I find ppl just running outside the map and jumping off to escape chases... It's also just a buggy mess with the amount of invisible stuff to bump into.
What do you spend YOUR iri shards on?
Figured this would be a fun topic since alot of ppl have quite the hoard after the cross progression update. Do you save your shards for characters? Do you use em up in the shrine? Do you blow em for your 50th Meg/Feng outfit?
Is Weave going to make OoO Meta?
Saw a video of a popular youtuber using OoO to counter weave. He'd purposefully expose his aura by dropping an item, then run the loop perfectly due to aura reading. My first reaction was "neat", but didn't really think anyone would follow suit until Inow. just got out of a game with 2 OoO users. Figured this MIGHT be a…
Why still no kb/m support on consoles?
We're at a point where you can plug a keyboard and mouse into a console and play other crossplay games like warframe with no problem. Why doesn't DBD have the same support? It'd really odd that the options available for PC players who can choose what they want to play with is missing on console.
Weave without franklins
I've seen ppl complaining about this combo but... how would one really use weave WITHOUT comboing it with something that makes survivors drop their items? Generally ppl don't just drop and pick up dropped items unless the original owner died. It just feels like unlike other combos where both perks have some use…
I guess I didn't get enough bloodpoints...
Can anyone make this make sense? Lol
BP offerings=life, lol
I was just curious if ppl's offerings might change how you play against them. Even if it's not necessarily farming points if they use event offerings but... do you find yourself going harder on someone if they use a map/hatch offering vs if they use a BP offering?
Universal offerings
Why isn't this a thing yet? Why does each character have their own collection of the same offerings? It sucks having offerings like BPS on characters I only lvled for their perks.
Any new curve billys?
So... this update to Billy has really lemme do something I didn't think I'd be skillful enough to do EVER, which is curving on Billy. All of a sudden structures that have no business being curved...are doable, especially with the change to his hitbox letting you hug walls better without bumping as much. It boggles my mind…
What killers have YOU faced in lights out?
Just curious how much away from the norm ppl are picking. I know Legion and Doc's pickrates are probably through the roof.
Shards only cosmetics
Just noticed this while browsing... unlike other cosmetics which can be bought with auric cells, THIS one is iri shards only. Feel like either the devs forgot to add the auric cell price, or they wanted to have some stuff you can't buy and have to grind for.
Dramaturgy strategizing.
I was just wondering if this is common practice or not. Dramaturgy has 4 secondary effects that vary from beneficial to horrendous depending on timing. Being able to pull out a medkit from NOWHERE is nice while you have time to heal, while getting exposed during a chase is rough. Since the effects won't trigger twice in a…
Lack of useful active power addons
I've noticed a bit of a pattern. Many killers have multiple powers... One is meant to be used in chase to attack survivors while the other/others are more of a support role. When it comes to addons for these killers, 90% of them will be to tweak that support power. Look at Pig for an example of this. Look at how many…
QOL Demo change
One thing that drives me crazy alot of times with Demo is if I try to do a short shred at pallets... it just doesn't. I'll be holding L2 to charge shred and I guess I hit R2 0.00001 second too soon so it just turns into a normal swing. Can we maybe change it so he DOESNT do a normal lunge when I'm holding L2 to charge his…
Flash bangs
As annoying as flashlights can be, there's at least counterplay in that I can face away/face a wall when picking up. Flash bangs... not so much. Some how a flash bang BEHIND me can still blind me... How does THAT make any sense? If my eyes are staring 180° away from a source of bright light, how is it possible for that…
About new Billy
Just played my first game as him and... he feels REALLY strong. Tossed on the turning addons and not a single gen got done. It probably has to do with the fact that I haven't played many matches as Billy so my MMR is low, but if even I can do that... experienced Billys are gonna be scary.
Dear Plague mains
This is a situation I have often when I play as Plague... Do you prefer when survivors cleanse and give you red puke, or would you PREFER to go against broken survivors all game? I run PWYF on her so oftentimes I ready for M1ing, only to have ppl start cleansing. Sidenote... Do you ALSO giggle a little when you load into a…
How is this BP gain possible?
I can understand during events... but this JUST happened.
When to sweat...
With MMR being a random mixup, things can be kinda confusing. I'll have games where I go in against really good teams and If you don't start off spreading as much pressure as possible you'll get stomped... but then I'll get games where I'm in that same mindset and I accidently end a game super quick with under 20k BPs for…
Killer BP gain
I really feel like this should be more...even? I don't mean killer vs survivor but rather between each killer character. Some killers wrack up BPs like crazy and others starve feels like. Currently playing Plague tonight and I feel SO poor, lol. Thoughts?
AFK crows+Head on
This is one of those interactions that doesn't come up very often, but can be a nice thing to remember for when it does. Head on does not work if there's AFK crows on the locker.
MMR can be wacky
So... apparently the MMR thinks my P2 Nemi is pretty OP, lol. Don't know if I should be flattered that the MMR thinks so highly of my skills or what.
Is Twins a killer alot of ppl DC from?
I'm currently lvling twins to P1 and get their perks and... I'm seeing a pattern. Is this the usual for twins or something? I've only had 3 games so far, so... maybe it's just a fluke, I dunno.