buying tiers past the max level of the rift.
You are able to buy rift tiers past the max unlock (85) when you get the last deep rift cosmetic. I know it seems minor but allowing people to spend $1 for 5k bps is crazy, make the rewards more worth or just disable spending past rift completion. a warning. something. I have no idea why this is an option to do since more…
What are some killer changes you would like to see/in your opinion need to happen?
Here are mine: rework twins - twins are in a pretty bad state, we heard rumor of a rework thats never seen the light of day and its needed. Addons Freddy - 90% of his addons do nothing or minimally, which they did need changed to stop (forever freddy) he badly needs an addon pass Pyramid Head - again the only thing worth…
Ping Limits or notifications on players pings
Can we Please have ping limits. I'm tired of loading into a game to discover the killer has the worst ping on planet earth. when i go to stun them they teleport 5 feet through a pallet stunned and hit me or a survivor lying on the ground then magically disappears because they used dead hard and the server just caught up. I…
Survivor map exploit, unreachable on father campbells.
On father Campbells chapel as survivor you are able to get on a trash pile located near a pillar on the ground floor. If you go to the second floor you are able to drop down to the first and land on it. This is unreachable by the killer.
Killer needs huge improvements.
Killer is the most underwhelming babysitter sim it's ever been. I just need to say, killer needs some major improvements. It's all the over powered second chance perks that are making the game feel like a chore. Dead Hard at the moment is completely uncounterable, you cant afford to swing through pallets anymore. it just…
Map offerings.
Map offerings should be changed, 25% per map offering or something similar. its kinda bs 1 person can bring a map offering to force a map when so many of them feel terrible to play on. rng should have more of a pull than an offering. If it where 25% if 4 survivors brought one, bam you get the map. 2 its a 50/50. killers…
What's your experience with cheaters?
I can say now that mmr is a thing I've gotten at least 6 people that blatantly cheat. That's playing off characters as well like Mikey. I had quite a few before but this is ridiculous. I want to know what your guys experience is with hacking and if its gotten this bad for you. For me its really running rampant, and even…
cheating in general
Can we just talk about how cheating in general is soo easy to do and is a constant problem. When someone cant launch the game and play the first match of the day without a script kiddie ruining it. This isn't just a one off case its a constant problem. Then you get a penalty for being forced to leave. Just anything to help…
Nerfing Thrill?
So thrill starts with 5 stacks. for each stack you get 10% penalty to cleansing and blessing, as you cleanse totems it becomes weaker and you no longer get totem touch notifications.... So thrill is just useless now. I just don't understand why mediocre killer perks get buff and niche perks get nerfed to a useless state.…
I want to play the game.
It doesn't matter what time of the day or killer I play I have to wait 10 - 15 minutes to get into a game. Then if someone doesn't load or dc's into loading I'm back to a 15 minute que. I just want to play killer again, I'm tired of playing survivor, I can't do my archives. How's your guys experience?
Mothers Dwelling able to get stuck in hill again.
I was able to get trapped in the hill of mothers dwelling. Seems like this bug is back.
Getting stuck in hills is back
I was able to get stuck in a hill on mothers dwelling... so this bug is back. please. help.
Bug wtih father campbells chapel
As survivor you can fall from the second floor onto a trash pile near the pillar holding the second floor up. You can sit there and recover while the killer cannot get on it/pick you up. was a fun bug to find out existed....
Screen tearing
After this update, I'm having screen tearing that wasn't there before and lower fps.
Hillbilly too strong
Here I trying to do a hillbilly daily, but I cant get 1 saw before people rage quit. It's taken me 2 games to complete sawing 3 people. btw if you want to make survivors rage dc, run this op build I run! ttvs will dead hard into walls and rage DC. Please turn back on dc penalties....
Observations from a killer main playing survivor
Generally I tend to play killer alot more than survivor, but with que times and events causing killer que times to sky rocket I guess I've become a survivor main for a 3-4 weeks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Here are some survivor observations from a killer main and I'd like your guys feedback. Nemesis is insanely boring to verse. Here is…
adrenaline giving infinite speed boost
the effect of adrenaline persists, not sure how to replicate, had a 4 man all use this against me in the end game.
Fixing Franklins
Thanks MAN! I use to get so mad when I ran key and hatch spawn offerings... now the killer cant counter it at all with franklins demise. Thanks behaviour... for not fixing keys first and nerfing franklins now I can just dodge key lobbies bc i literally have no counter perks anymore.
We need to players with bad ping/connection to servers.
People with obnoxiously high ping, sup par internet connection via wifi etc., make the experience miserable. Honestly the hitboxes, vaults, and pallets are better than they have ever been. The issue lies within people having server connection of 100-200+. My idea would be one of the following: 1) limit ping to 100ms, sure…
Disconnecting at match start
I feel like this is going to get burried and I want to know if others are experiencing this. There is a bug that loads you into a game, shows you have no network connection and sends you back to the menu. I can confirm this is not a network issue as I did not get a DC timer for leaving a match. I seems to happen to the…
DC Bug
There is a bug that loads you into a game, shows you have no network connection and sends you back to the menu. I can confirm this is not a network issue as I did not get a DC timer for leaving a match. Dont have screenshots but i have witnessed this as survivor.
This is clearly an issue
idc what people say this is exploiting and people know what they are doing... either fix this or start banning im tired of it being "okay". One survivor was kind enough to kill themselves bc they know they are exploiting, the rest I slugged and luckily got someone in basement. its not okay to say this is just a bug and…
Doctor Blood Test Cosmetic Bugged
Doctors bloodtest cosmetic from the rift is scrunched and doesn't flow/look correct now. Its one of my favorite cosmetic.
Exhaustion Perks and Gen Regression Perks
I think they both suck for the game, they make chases boring and the games less interesting. I'm interested in your guys thoughts.
Pale Rose Log Spawn
Log is wide enough for survivors to get through, but not the killer.
Deception Question?
Why would deception be space bar instead of the e key? how does that make sense in perk pairings. what if im running and i want to fast vault into a locker instead of deception?
turn off dc penalty
If killers are going to be this broken dc penalty needs to be turned off.I got stuck to the point I had to dc 4 times as the new killer. just saying, not fair I'm forced to dc.
FOV experience
As killer fov can make a huge difference for certain killers. EX. nurse, hillbilly, huntress... etc. Deriving away from perks and allowing killers to have increased fov would allow for perk variety without adding or taking away from the survivor experience and should be an option within the menu. I would love to see this…
rift cosmetics for sale?
How do you feel about the rift cosmetics you've earned being buyable? I earned nurse a year ago. through the god awful first tome. I mean, yeah i got a bunch of cosmetics for 10 bucks, but still kinda feel betrayed for working hard on something anyone can have now.
Why do killers have half the challenges survivors do in the rift?
Just why? Its been that way ever chapter of this tome, 7 to 11, pretty much half the challenges. I don't really want to play survivor as much and I would like to opportunity to earn as many bps via challenges.
autoaim "aim dressing"
I'm having particularly terrible issues with autoaim. I've been really into playing oni lately, I've noticed that it sucks me into the side of object and can completely turn me around. (deadhard etc).Next time you have a survivor dying on the hook, try swinging into them and see if your camera doesnt spin in circles and…
what if we could get a stranger things p2 dlc next summer?
Officer Hopper, Joyce byers... any other ideas? fix demos addons maybe? maybe a map in the abyss?
Can we talk about the dc penalty and self suicide?
Why oh why was the dc penalty removed in the first place, and why is there a button to leave the match. First off, I don't think you should be able to struggle or ######### on the hook. struggling is boring, and timing your death for teammates to get advantages is just kinda bullshit frankly. secondly, playing survivor…
How many people?
How many people only play survivor, or survivor main? I deal with the toxicity well, but its apparent that this is all this game cares about.
Keys are Busted, FIX THIS NEXT
When survivors use keys to escape and they find them in a chest, its an oh welp it happened moment. When you see someone with a key you can dodge the lobby, or tunnel them down. When you chase someone and they instantly jump through the hatch Its kinda #########. I think if we had a timed animation similar to doors on hatches…
Best first killer for newbies?
I’m curious what you killer mains think the best first killer is for newbies getting into smashing survivors. Obviously best to level first is bubba for bbq and chili teachable which is going to get you far more bloodpoints. I think a great base killer to play first is wraith. Pinning survivors and uncloaking has by far…
Hag thoughts after a few plays...
i’m not a huge hag fan mainly because her power doesn’t constitute her slow movement speed, like spirit does well. This might take some add on tweaking. what I think she could benefit from is having a normal movement speed when she hasn’t teleported to a phantasm for a high set amount of time. Like 90 seconds. This means…