Stop forcing us to cross play in order to get rewards
I am sick and tired of wasting 20 minutes to play a game where we just get disconnected by a killer on PC who realizes he isn’t getting a 4K and his response to that is to disconnect everyone from the match so that when we worked on a challenge or whatever else it is that we’re doing, we get nothing. But yet we are forced…
After eight years, this should not be a problem
Fix your servers. How your servers can’t recognize when they kick someone out is ridiculous. We lose items, offerings and half the time get a disconnect penalty with the message that you have been disconnected that the dedicated server was no longer available. Why am I being penalized for the game kicking everyone out?…
Answer This Killer Mains
I usually do about a 60/40 maybe 70/30 so I consider myself somewhere in the middle, but if we were gonna go on averages, I would probably be considered a survivor main. I know my own reasoning for what I’m about to ask, but I want to ask the actual killer mains. In matches where things are being chill and everybody is…
Remove DC Penalty Unless …
As far as console goes, there is no option to block players. Almost every game has this feature. Why does this one not have this feature? Especially considering that you give penalties for disconnecting from a match. If I’ve played against a cheater or just generally someone that I don’t want to play with I should not be…
Initialization Error PS5
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Played a single game after the new update. The game ended saying that it did not record the match properly and to restart the game. The game was restarted now it says initialization error. The game has initialized incorrectly. It may not save your game properly restarting your game may resolve the…
Imagine if other companies had to deal with the same stuff that goes on on this forum. Let me paint you a picture. I will use bicycle as an example because it’s a widely known playing card making company. Imagine this, it’s poker night with the boys. First hand: you get some pretty decent cards for a straight flush you’ve…
Dracula is a tunneler’s dream
he ignores, pallets, and windows his bass speed seems to be twice that of any other killer as I’ve tested this on a few of the Maps and yeah he’s just a tunnel machine with no downside to doing so.
Pain Res updated?
I have had three games now where people being put on second and final hook are popping pain res, is this intended? Because if not, it’s definitely a bug. But the description still says that it’s one token per survivor so that means first hook. Yet I’m having it pop on second hook and third hook and it seems to be taking a…
I’m just gonna say it
There’s one thing that absolutely needs to be deleted and it’s about time that it happened. That would be this forum section. This one in particular, but perhaps others, if the same thing carried on. Although there are some members that actually post some constructive things, most of what goes on here is destructive. You…
Are we done yet?
Seriously with just a few days back on the forms I have to ask and I’m talking to both sides here. Are we done ruining the game yet? Every thread is nerf this perk, nerf that perk, killer is too strong, survivors are too strong. It seems as though every time a member of these forums has a bad game or a few bad games that…
Offerings bugged
I am on PlayStation five. The rules of offerings state that is an offering contradicts another Only the one that is excepted will be used yet during map offerings if another is accepted, I still lose my map offering. This also occurs during a disconnect before the match even starts, I still lose my offering. Then there is…
2v8 is broken
The Maps are a disaster. There are areas that survivors can go and sit in front of a killer and heal and not be able to be touched. There are invisible barriers there are pallets that are inside of rocks which survivors can’t use. There are also rocks that form over hooks, which do not allow survivors to unhook another…