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  • there is a big difference between slugging four survivors and leaving them on the ground to bleed out and slugging the second to last Survivor to find the other one. The first one is unnecessary and is definitely a toxic place style. If you have all four survivors down, there’s no reason not to hook them. However, slugging…
  • But you are not wasting the killer’s time. You, in fact are the one wasting the time of your teammate. The killer already downed them so they are going to die regardless. When you sit hiding in a corner and you’re not going to help them up or work on generators, you are the reason they are sitting on the ground for four…
  • I main Plague. I have since she came out. But there are several killers that I also play pretty frequently. Mikey, Chucky, Trapper, Pig, Pinhead, Pyramid Head, and most recently Houndmaster has been fun. But I always go back to the vommy mommy
  • Yes, I did. You are not going to convince me that somebody loads up a game and thinks about what fun the strangers that they get paired with are having. That’s just not happening.
  • and I blame 90% of this on streamers. Not directly but indirectly. You have people watching these streams and seeing what these survivor streamers are doing and they try to replicate it and it doesn’t work out for them and because they think that by playing this set of perks that the streamer told them to they should…
  • in my experience on both sides of the fence, the only time it EVER becomes a 90/10 is when the survivors are going out of their way to not do generators and attempting to BM the killer constantly. I have had games as survivor where my teammates decided that that was what they were going to do rather than doing objectives…
  • Why is this the only game where people talk about thinking about other peoples enjoyment when you play? how many games of call of duty have you decided “you know what I’m not gonna kill that person on the other team because they might’ve been killed too many times already and it’s probably not fun for them.” If the answer…
  • I wasn’t accusing you of being a survivor main. And my post was more in general as almost everyone of these threads that complain about tunneling all of the survivor mains come and say it’s not because of gen regression … so that is in fact, the survivors having thick skulls. But yeah, I was being in general not directly…
  • The only incentive for killers to not tunnel is to undo what survivor mains did to themselves. Generator regression. It basically no longer exists and so long as that remains the case enjoy your tunneling because it will not change. You guys complained about gen regression to the point where it’s not even a viable thing…
  • so you don’t want there to be any risk for going to grab the item? If you want to move it to the corner of the map, that’s a risk either you’re willing to take it or you’re not. Nothing needs to be changed so that you don’t have to have any potential consequence to what you do
  • 2v8 didn’t have items and most perks that get brought to make gens go even faster. Plus, there is the fact that there’s two killers and yes, there’s eight survivors, but even still. So what they did for that mode worked, and was necessary, but it will not work, and is definitely not necessary in regular mode where people…
  • what is the whole category of perks that Lightborn is negating? Because that is not the same. It’s negating an item, one that is brought for the purpose of being toxic. And the idea that you can counter it in pre-lobby is absolutely a joke. Residual manifest x4 and the survivors don’t have to show the killer that they are…
  • meanwhile, they are working on the next set of killers that will have seven different powers. But yeah Chucky is the problem and needed to be nerfed 🙄
  • spoken like a true survivor main
  • You’re complaining that 45 seconds to completely REMOVE one of the killers perks for the rest of the game is too excessive? The entitlement is deep with this one.
  • it’s not unique, but it’s much more common and this is much easier for them to have access to cheats than players on Console
  • So basically, what is being said is that you don’t wanna have to work around anything. The fact that a survivor can completely deactivate killer perks is strong enough. Now you’re complaining that it takes longer to do it that you can’t just walk around the map and effortlessly disable the killer. That’s laughable.
  • I missed question two, because I never even thought about what it was called. Ha ha. And I missed question eight just because I couldn’t remember all of them. Well done trivia!
  • Lots of fun as both killer and survivor gameplay-wise. But it’s unplayable as killer … I mean that literally. 20 min queue … 😫
  • Not my main … but a fun niche build I thought I would share. -Trapper This works best on Indoor Maps but you can use it on ‘most’ pretty effectively. Some of the really large ones I would not recommend, however. Bring the bloody coil add on. Iri stone as well just to make it better. You can run whatever perks you want but…
  • It’s crazy how this game is not designed in the slightest for new players (mostly on survivor side). You can jump into a game like Call of Duty having never played before and have time to figure it out. DBD? Good luck, hope you have a friend to carry you. I legit feel sorry for new players.
  • I’m curious as to how this killer mmr is supposed to work because… if a new killer drops, on day one you pretty much get them every match. However, based on the assumption that this is a killer that you’ve never used before you should be getting brand new players, and yet people who have been playing this game for a long…
  • If you didn’t get the point of my post, let me explain further. I am not advocating for the DC penalty to be removed. I am advocating for an option to block players that you do not want to be paired with again. The fact that we have a disconnect penalty and yet are forced to play with players regardless if they are…
  • You make a lot of assumptions. I don’t advocate for things to be one way for survivors, and a different way for killers, the same would be for all. And if I’ve played in a lobby with a cheater, and I get the same person again, I should be able to make it so that I don’t have to play with that person again. You also make…
  • PVE would be better than being paired with people that you don’t wanna play this game with, and basically being forced to play the game with cheaters/toxic players or take some ridiculous penalty.
  • so what are you suggesting that killers just throw every game so that all four survivors get to be in the game till the end and then escape? That sounds pretty mean to me. It almost sounds like you don’t care about that player’s feelings.
  • Update: Now it says that I have no Internet connection. And then when I restart it again, after that, it says cannot connect to store. So I’m just getting all kinds of different errors.
  • By the way, this brings me to the point of what the actual problem is and why solo queue is so painful for so many players. You can’t force anybody to be a team player. That’s the reality of it. There is no game mechanic that you can create that’s going to make someone be a team player if they don’t want to be. The answer…
  • If you are the first hook and your teammates are not making the effort to save you or trade, if they have to, then this lies in the fault of your teammates you shouldn’t just be given a free pass. You got caught, it sucks yes. But this is where the four verses one comes into play you have three people that are capable of…
  • trying to tell someone else how to play their game is the equivalent of going to the movies and talking loudly and disturbing everyone else. You just don’t like it when the other people in the movie theater (killers) tell you to be quiet.
  • The fact that you have people complaining that they’re not able to do something the entire game if they’ve got caught and hooked or slugged or whatever is ridiculous. It’s entitlement. It’s an elimination game. One person is going to have gameplay mechanics taken away from them as a CONSEQUENCE of being caught. To complain…
  • The PC perk … and what I mean by this is those lovely players that have access to six or more perks in a game, or just permanent aura reading because you know, they have to cheat. Ran into this three times last night. They don’t even try to hide it. Perma aura reads with no aura reading perks equipped. Or my favorite, when…
  • And they have no interest in doing the event. They just have an interest in ruining it for other people. I think if you’re playing a game and not doing anything for the event but you’re playing the event you should be locked out of playing it and have to go play normal mode if you wanna play like a complete jackass.
  • This! Absolutely this!
  • Nor is AFK. I wound up with a stomach bug that came over me suddenly. So we were playing a few matches and then we were starting one and my bowels said oh no there is only ONE thing that you’re gonna be doing right now. Then, about an hour later, it happened again which made me realize I had something going on. Obviously I…
  • I will never be OK with receiving a penalty for leaving a game when your teammates can actively work against you. I literally just had a Dwight that did everything in his power to lead the killer to everyone other than him because he was a scared little coward. No reason you should ever get a penalty for leaving a match…
  • plain and simple. This is supposed to be a team versus a single player. The problem lies in the fact that you cannot force players to be a team if they don’t want to be. No amount of changes will fix that if people want to be selfish or if they want to be a troll they are going to be that.
  • I can understand that. But more times than not it has to do with your own team and not the killer. When the game is very noticeably unwinnable, it’s usually because someone gives up on first hook or you have two teammates, who are deciding to go hide in corners and not do generators or even participate. Yes,, there are…
  • 👍 so then I guess you should not be playing since according to you every game is unwinnable. Why are you here again?
  • I am still of the belief that hiding things has made it worse. I see more wait times in lobby shuffling through five or six killers before a match will start. I think if they had a match or two where there was some P100s they just start dodging multiple ones assuming they’re gonna get the same. To me it just feels like I…
  • you’re another one who makes me laugh. The reset just happened. I got maximum blood points for survivor, I got 20,000 blood points for killer that shows you how much I played each role. Granted, there are months where I max out on both roles, but I play Survivor a far greater deal than I play killer and I don’t seem to…
  • They are supposed to have an advantage because they have to deal with four players. It’s not one versus one. You can’t balance a game to be in favor of the four because sometimes you get trash teammates. There is nothing that can be done that is going to help that situation. The only thing that you as an individual can do…
  • Go play a different video game. Seriously just go play a different game. You’re trying to argue that in a game where one player is going against four players that each individual from the side with four players should be as strong as the side with one player and you somehow think that would be fair? Yeah, you definitely…
  • 😂😂😂😂 you really do make me laugh.
  • 1v4 … your advantage is the 4. That’s why the one is stronger and it always should be that way. Everyone who complains wants to be able to defeat the one player by themselves and that is a ridiculous ask. You’re asking the game to be balanced around the fact that you ended up with bad teammates and again that is a…
  • his idea fair would be 100% escape 100% of the time. That’s literally what this comes down to this idea of talking about skill is a joke. These people have ego and they think that they are the best video game player of all time and if they aren’t “winning” all of time, The game needs to be changed to be more “fair”. When…
  • This is the first honest survivor who has posted something about this. It’s right there in his words. Tunneling is a problem for him because there is no guaranteed way to get a win. That’s what this comes down to, anytime a survivor main posts that this is a problem it needs to be fixed that is a problem that needs to be…
  • please look up the definition of the word hypocrite. You say that there’s plenty of evidence that killer is easy and then contradict yourself by saying it doesn’t need to be proven. Yes, it does actually. You make a claim, back it up. You can’t, so instead, you make baseless statements of why you “won’t”. It’s not that you…
  • this is it right here. I’ve been in plenty of solo queue matches, where you have somebody available to unhook you, but they choose to hide in a corner. If you’re letting me go to second stage on my first hook, I’m not doing the skill checks. That’s not me ruining the game. That’s the player who is available: not being…
  • no, this is happening upon hook. It’s not like a down regression and then a hook regression. It’s all immediately on hook.
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