It's time to disable the Haddonfield map
I don't have to explain how broken this map is. We have more than enough maps to cycle through without ever having to touch this map. The devs have the power to disable maps and Haddonfield should be disabled until it is revamped.
What they could have done with Freddy's addons
Saying that Freddy's addon rework is uninspired is a bit of an understatement. They could have done so much more to make him stronger/more fun to play. These are some ideas that the devs could have implemented. Black Box: Freddy can no longer attack survivors who are awake. In addition, Freddy is now invisible to all…
Leveling the playing field against SWF's
I think at this point everyone knows that SWF's give a massive and unfair advantage to survivors. They're essentially playing with 2+ additional perks in addition to the callouts of the killer's location and gen repair percentage, as well as who's going for the hook save. This makes them much more efficient than solo…
Should DS really deactivate when you heal yourself?
Yay or nay? I feel like there's going to be a few survivors who accidentally self-care and have their DS deactivated, which I find is a bit much. Every other aspect of the DS nerf is perfectly fine though. Yeah I know, self-care in 2021 but it is a perk that exists and has its situational benefits. It's also better than…
Cheryl gets fatshamed
This doesn't seem like a bug but it also doesn't seem intended. After finishing the gen and opening the door, you can't squeeze in through the gap because the cagey bin is in the way.
Nurse is Sick and Tired...
of these MOTHER****ING KEYS IN HER MOTHER****ING LOBBY!!! PSA: Do your fellow killer mains a solid. Run Franklin's until keys get nerfed. One Franklin's can save one killer main a day. :'(
Some changes to weak killers that actually make sense
These small changes to weak killers have been requested for a long time and would not break the game. They seem easy to implement but they seem to be glossed over for other unnecessary/unwanted changes. Clown: Reducing the reload time was a step in the right decision but it doesn't really change the core design of his…
So locker DS is still a thing...
One of the most tilting things as killer is when a survivor decides to enter a locker to avoid being slugged while their DS is still active. I'd rather have DS deactivated when you enter a locker and another survivor is hooked than the current conditions. Edit: I retract my statement on the heals because I misunderstood…
A hidden nerf to survivors that no one is talking about?
Am I just doing it wrong or is it near impossible to do a 360 with the new character movement in PTB? Not sure if this is a bug or a feature but if it is a feature, it does kind of blow a bit.
Console lag switching
Been getting a few of these every time I play killer and it's honestly annoying as hell. As soon as I'm about to hook the survivor, the survivor pulls the plug and I'm unable to hook. I'm also unable to drop them which allows them to wiggle off. This forces me to leave them slugged the whole game or just go for other…
New map changes are necessary but badly executed
Let's start off with Ormond. It really had to be nerfed but implementing unsafe pallets everywhere? This isn't Hawkins with an infinite amount of pallets and walls to break los so it doesn't work. These pallets need to be replaced with mindgameable loops like the cars on Badham. The tractor should be similar to the cranes…
Any Means Necessary Should Be An Exhaustion Perk
As it is currently, noone really uses it. If it is made into an exhaustion perk, the lower cd will entice more survivors. They will also have to be wary of when they use it if they have other exhaustion perks in their loadout.
These Console Gamers Were Really Freaking Good
Most of the time, I'm just "left 4 dead" while everyone else just escapes but these gamers actually made the effort to flashlight save and pick me up in endgame. These 2 were also Claudettes and they did the gens while I was being chased for most of the game. Therefore I need to give these guys a shout out. Props!!
An actual reasonable nerf to 3 man and 4 man SWF's
Allow the use of only 2 of the same perks among them. This way, killers don't have to worry about 4 DS, DH, BT, and Unbreakables. Coms is already an incredibly useful tool. It becomes increasingly unfair when they bring 4 of the same perks that erase their mistakes. Are these teams impossible to beat? Absolutely not.…
Doctor is bugged
Screen flashes white every few seconds while in the lobby and ingame.
New killer is Smol asf
When you're so smol, you can't see what's going on in the Badham shack QQ.
Some Survivors are Lag Switching
Played a hag game on Azarov's. Every time I went to hook the person, I couldn't. I went to check the ping and their ping skyrocketed to 1000-2000ms. However, when they wiggle out, their ping returns to normal. Anyone else encounter this?
Almost no pallets on an entire side on wretched shop
I know that the devs said that they'll address deadzones on certain maps. Well, it's time to add wretched shop to the list because 40% of the map spawned only ONE pallet in a recent match of mine. I guess just 360 better?
Freddy needs a higher skillcap
There have been a lot of complaints about Freddy being boring or overpowered and I honestly think he's mostly fine. He has a lot of synergy with certain perks and does great in chases, wasting time, and putting pressure on gens. These are great things to have in a killer when you're playing killer. I don't think he needs a…
How this game should have been fixed
Everything that was done to fix this game has been done at a really bad time. The devs could have avoided all of the backlash if they decided to nerf ruin with this upcoming patch rather than earlier. Also, if they decided to make it so that survivors can't keep their addons, they should have removed every useless item,…
Old Ruin should be implemented into the game
Early game can be brutal for killers and ruin was gutted instead of fixing the core issue of the problem. My suggestion is to have old ruin activated for a certain amount of time depending on the rankings of the survivors. This will fix the issue of ruin being too difficult for new survivors while also teaching them how…