I played uncapped with stable and smooth 120 fps on medium/high from 2016-*2018-19* I started with GTX 1070 and a 4 thread? **Intel i7 4770k- if remember correctly**. I had lower spec 32 gb ram In October 2019, I upgraded to a different computer with an AMD Ryzen 7 2700 and GTX 1080. After awhile, I noticed that my game…
After using a brand new part with Stake Out perk it will not use tokens for great skill check when brand new part is completed. It's a minor issue, you just need to get off gen and go back on but with recent perks such as Dead Man's Switch this will impact the game. I got 2 good skill checks and noticed it on the first one…
So just a server thing? during the kill animation, she went fully invisible and I really thought she had escaped and was I just stuck in the animation, but it looks like I actually got her? I just went for it as they were leaving, does tombstone take priority if it really close? Don't usually play Myers, does this happen?
I think I may have tabbed out or did some weird clicking to activate it. The power recharges while I was moving with it. video on reddit-> https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/grd6x3/row_row_row_your_boat_infinite_rites_of_judgement/
Just wanted to see how other people feel about the current place of these perks, I made a suggestion on how to balance and buff them here -> https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/146445/buff-and-balance-windows-of-opportunity-and-zachin-tactics-suggestion#latest
I beg you devs to make the pinecone addon slightly increase charge rate for blink. I shouldn't be on the verge of getting a pip for a 29k bp game
I think Windows of Opportunity and Zanshin Tactics need changing. I think they would be way more useful if the auras persist for at least 3, 5, 8 seconds after the current disabled cooldown event. For example with Zanshin Tactics (basically windows for killers) after you injure a survivor you can still see pallets and…
Edit: So Rancor's mori is only activated when all gens are completed, they gens aren't considered completed when you close hatch and block them off?/power them up to open the gates.. I feel like I should have been able to mori kate.. idk if this really is bug. So I finally made it to the Rancor Rampage Challenge and I have…
then jump back to regular 62?
I always loved the 4% chance to free yourself from a hook. I think dead by daylight needs more of those moments. it always feels good to do that and make a clutch escape. Imagine if once you load up into a killer game, a fog of darkness envelops you and you become The Entity.. the Entity takes control and punishes the…