4.6.0 Killer Tier List
4.6.1 Killer Tier List
Got bored, decided to make a tier list on the upcoming patch and I probably have a controversial one, feel free to discuss. Yes, Blight is the third strongest killer in the game, I will fight you on this.
Survivors: Freddy, Nurse, Spirit and every other meta/top tier killers are boring zzzz Also survivors: Wow Demorgorgon with a meme build is so boring zzzz Y'all complain about anything
I genuinely think Trickster is the worst killer in the game.
Zero map control and almost no lethality in chase. It takes forever to down even a half decent survivor with his ''power'' and if the loops are too high to shoot over, enjoy getting run around for 2-3 minutes every single time you want to down a survivor, because this guy is absolute garbage and the laceration metre is…
Dead Hard needs to go.
It's not used the way it was intended to be and has zero counterplay on the killer side. A perk, that's intended for the survivor to dodge a killer hit, is now used instead for distance, to reach a window or pallet. Where's the counter-play on the killer side? You can wait it out if they're using it to dodge a hit, but for…
DS Nerf
I've had enough of survivors feeling invincible with this perk. Sitting on generators right in front of the killer, unhooking right in front of me and shoving it in my face that they're untouchable despite there being absolutely no presence of tunnelling. I can't wait for the nerf, such a dumb perk that SO many survivors…
Breakable Walls.
God, there's nothing more boring and annoying then being in a chase against a survivor and needing to break a wall next to a vault or loop to stop making it an infinite. Such interactive gameplay and the developers seem insistent of making infinites or super strong loops and just slap a breakable wall next to it for…
I'm so sick of survivors killing themselves on hook.
Normally, I don't care if a survivor kills themselves on hook, whatever, makes it easier for me as a killer main. However, now, I'm trying to get the adept achievement and every single hook is extremely crucial, so for a survivor to kill themselves on hook and rob me of another two potential hooks basically means I can't…
I don't know how people have fun as survivor(s), really.
I don't understand how you have fun in this role, with exception to SWF, when red ranks consist of the same four to five killers (Spirit, Freddy, Nurse, Deathslinger, PH) which promote a unfair game play with little to no counter for the survivors, whilst your teammates are borderline useless and offer no altruism for you…
Which killer(s) do you think are underestimated in strength?
As someone who mains Bubba and Demogorgon, I firmly believe they are the most underestimated killers in the game. As for Bubba, people underestimate just how lethal his chainsaw is. You can't loop it anymore since his rework and have to drop the pallet, or you just die. He punishes survivors who stick together and is…
Make gates closer, please.
A lot of games I'll eliminate three of the survivors, close the hatch and then see the doors activate on the very opposite sides of the map where it takes me a good 30 seconds to walk to one door, then walk back to the other. Competent survivors will just wait for me to check one door and as I immediately leave, they'll…
Christmas Event?
Any Christmas event or is a handful of skins all we're getting?
Why are green keys visually the same as purple and red keys?
Green keys cannot be used for the hatch and only for aura benefits, different to how the other two versions of keys CAN be used for hatch. From a killers perspective, it would decrease the amount of worry as you would know its a green key. From a survivors perspective, it would decrease the amount of tunnelling and allow…
A LOT of Keys now..
Might just be a bad night, or being unlucky, but I've just played a sixth game in a row and there was a key in all of them. It wasn't like this before, has the mori nerf and the conclusion of keys getting nerfed soon as well made survivors want to use them before they get changed? Because if so, I'm happy to tunnel and…
As a Killer main, I'm happy with nerfing mori's
People are now complaining that they are ''useless'' and pointless. But I'd argue that they should be non-impactful, being able to mori someone only after one hook was extremely powerful and oppressive to the survivors. Mori's being strong isn't healthy for the game, I'm down for them being useless. They just need to nerf…
Unpopular opinion: Killers are more scummy than the average survivor.
As a Killer main, whenever I play solo survivor or with some friends, almost every game has the killer acting ''scummy'' in a way. Albeit by tunnelling off the hook, literal face camping or slugging the survivor whilst standing near/over them until their DS has ran out, hooking them and then doing the same again when they…
Why can you not switch Killers in lobbies anymore?
Why was this change? I miss queueing, seeing four med-kits and switching to Plague as a counter.
Huntress is worse than Deathslinger in design, change my mind.
Deathslinger is hated in design because it's impossible to dodge his gun at a range that isn't his max, with the addition of him pulling his gun up and down repeatedly to zone you and gain easy distance for an M1. Yet, isn't Huntress the exact same, but even worse? All she has to do is pull her hatchet out and it forces…
Anyone else find Killer just SO much enjoyable than survivor?
It's getting to the point that playing survivor is just frustrating and far less enjoyable for me. Almost every game the Killer will be a Nurse, Spirit, Deathslinger, or a Pyramid Head who runs the typical Ruin/Undying/Tinkerer build with the occasional tunnel or camp into the mix. Add this with potato teammates and you'll…
Tunnelling Killers.
I don't know why but I'm seeing them more and more recently, just had a P3 Nurse tunnel me off hook till I was dead and even with DS, there was nothing I could do. Dead in 2 minutes, what a fun match.
Buffing the Demogorgon.
As a Demogorgon main, I think he needs some help to be stronger as although he is underestimated, he still struggles against optimal and efficient survivors, especially in certain situations and maps. Here are some changes to help eliminate that: -At the beginning of the trial, the Demogorgon's portals appear randomly on…
Survivor logic..
-I, as Killer, hook a survivor, and walk probably half the map away to scout some generators and give them the chance for the unhook despite having no BBQ & Chili auras, etc. -Survivor gets unhooked, so I'll go back to the hook as that's my only lead/option. -Healthy survivor who rescued proceeds to stealth & hide, leaving…
Demogorgon main reworks his add-ons
I'm pretty happy with Demogorgon, he's a strong killer (probably 7th or 8th strongest IMO) and is fun to play as and against, but his add-ons really suck and it annoys me that they are so bad, so I thought to make a new list off add-ons for him. I'll only list the add-ons I believe need to be changed, so check the wiki if…
Spirit.. what fun =)
There's no other Killer in this game, even a 10/10 Nurse that makes me lose the will to play immediately other than Spirit. Anyone else feel like this? She's just horrendous to go against and unlike Nurse, you don't have to be remotely good at the killer role, as long as you have stridor and a good headset, you're all set.…