I’m sure it’s been brought up plenty of times through the years but… I don’t like the way teachable perks work. The fact is, the more teachable perks I unlock the more crowded the pool of perks becomes. To me, there are just some teachable perks that are too valuable not to unlock. At the same time, there are plenty of…
If I buy a cosmetic and later prestige the character, can the bloody texture apply to the store bought cosmetic or is the prestige cosmetic its own item.
Hi. I’m a new player. I’ve been in-game for less than a week. I understand to many of you that would invalidate any of my opinions. Those who understand the business aspect, however, realize that it is far easier and less costly to retain current customers than it is to bring in new ones. That means new customers are…
From what I’ve read, the purpose of Rank is for attempting to matchmake with players of similar skill level. Bragging rights is a side-benefit. If that’s the case, I do not see a legitimate point in losing pips and deranking. Friends who have various skill levels can still play together since you can queue with friends.…