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  • Well, I figured I'd update here since this is where I started: I am legitimately in the range of 85-95 games as a survivor. As you'll recall (or could go look) Tuesday was brutal curbstomping all day long ending around 40-50 missions. Yesterday, I played another 30 and by 70 matches total over 2 days, I finally had around…
  • I am legitimately in the range of 80-90 games as a survivor and 20 games as Doctor. All day Tuesday was brutal, curbstomping. Yesterday, at around 70 games or so, I had 7 great games in a row... win some / lose some... but all were challenging and felt good. I log in today and literally every match has been against rank 1…
  • I guess I need to stop screwing around and start killing again. I used to be a killer main but had to switch survivor due to long queue times. I like the 3 and 4ks but I also like to farm. When I farm I call it "Killing with Kindness," because I'm letting people go on 3rd hook and escape, etc. Really, it's because every…
  • Well, I don't know what to tell ya. You can check and see I was pretty annoyed about all of this yesterday. My first few matches tonight were no different. Then, it was as if a light switch flipped. The last five games were all... pretty awesome. It was win some / lose some, but I was matched with teammates who knew what…
  • Every possible perk combo is a-okay to use for either survivor or killer. Have fun and enjoy your day! 😁
  • Yeah, Steam screwed something up today. I was getting that message. When I logged all the way out of Steam and logged back in, I stopped getting the "Updating ticket" message and now I get "Preparing to launch Dead by Daylight." It shows that for about 30 seconds, and then nothing happens. It's a known issue now. As the…
  • As far as the DLC, on the main DBD page in Steam it does not have the "in library" icon next to any of them. HOWEVER, when I click on "Browse All" every DLC shows as in my library (as it is supposed to). I imagine this issue will be resolved ASAP and we will still have our DLC.
  • I click the Play Now button. A Steam pop-up appears very quickly saying "Updating ticket." That goes away and nothing happens. Play Now is still lit up. Just tossing mine on the pile.
  • Well rank is supposedly meaningless, so there is that. ;) NOED slows me down. It doesn't matter how I get the 4k. Rarely is anyone happy about it, except me.
  • If you win you're bad. If you lose you're bad. I've been trolled for actually not 3rd hooking survivors. Yes, in a match where I completely dominated the map, I let people farm and was trolled for days over it. My advice: Either you enjoy the game or you find something else to do. There are literally thousands of other…
  • I thought not being able to see the red auras or traps was working as intended. LOL I may never play Trapper again.
  • Edit: never mind. I forgot I'm not welcome around these parts. GLHF... sometimes that's all you can do.
  • I'm starting to think it's only bad for the first 40 games or so. For me, it was 30 before there was a difference. By the mid-30s it was win some/lose some. By game 40, which was my last, it honestly felt like like they made no change at all. The only difference for me at this point is the queues for survivor at night (CST…
  • Sadly, it's not your fault. I empathized with our killers much of the time. They aren't having fun either.
  • I must admit, the description of this match made me laugh out loud... literally. The alcohol helped, but thanks for the anecdote.
  • Honestly, drinking is about the only thing that saved my night. Once I hit tipsy, MMR became funny. This is not meaningless. I DGAF what they say... match 32: We were destroyed. Edit: and yes, I had perks. Just another bug that they didn't show up. Edit 2: I think 30 was the magic number because match 33 was better. We…
  • 31 matches before I had one that felt close to balanced. Every one was red except me. I'm still green. Ranks don't have to matter but this was literally the first game where people worked together and acted like they had a clue... 31 games. Now that I actually won one, I'll update and let you know if it takes 31 games to…
  • Edit: It doesn't matter.
  • There are literally perks in the game that 3rd party applications render irrelevant, freeing up the players to choose other options making the game much easier overall. I know it's true because I also do it. But by all means, continue to feign ignorance if that's working for ya.
  • Yeah... I'll stop using BBQ as soon as I no longer need bloodpoints. I can usually guess where the other survivors are without it.
  • GLHF! Thanks for posting this here. Glad I found it.
  • I'm far less opposed to it now, to be honest. As a survivor, I hate being face camped and that seems to be the real target of this idea. 16 meters still allows for proximity camping which can be situational and fair. By proximity camping, I'm just referring to line of sight. Sometimes if I know there is a survivor nearby…
  • So that would essentially be line of sight then, right? I mean, they could just be hiding behind a rock sitting behind a rock or some other obstruction. We could suspect the same, be wrong, and still be penalized without knowing it. Sorry, it was 40-something meters originally. I missed the edit.
  • I suppose I think this would be okay if the killer could always know if a survivor is nearby. I don't face camp so it wouldn't really affect me, but I do proximity camp on rare occasion. Unless I'm running Whispers or happen to see scratch marks, I really don't know for sure if there is another survivor nearby. If neither…
  • This is a cute post. It made me laugh. Thanks!
  • Easy fix. Make survivors first person view. I'm not saying they should. I'm just saying it can be fixed. Seriously though, how is "stretching the screen" pushing more information to the monitor than the game is actually coded to do? Isn't the FOV a set percentage? I guess I don't understand how this works. I thought the…
  • I agree. There also should be severe penalties for gen rushing. For 2/3rds of the day, my wait as a killer can be 10-20 minutes. My wait is longer than yours. I demand stronger penalties for rushing the match. Rar!
  • You could just replace the killer with a bot for survivors and replace the survivors with bots for the killer. Boom! 90% of the "toxicity" problems solved. Well, most of the fun too, but eh... who cares about fun? Next...
  • You do realize you get points for struggling, right? With some of these wait times I'd prefer to get every point I can. It's easier than taking things personally.
  • Now this I can agree with. I'm still not going to stop calling it what it is. If people have a problem with that. They can stop doing it... or ignore me. I couldn't care less. You're right, though... "excessive crouching" has no game play effect.
  • I'll have to research this. I must rely on line of sight too much as a killer. Or, maybe I don't play stealth killers enough. Thanks for the insight.
  • I main killer and I groan on every inside map. The irony of calling them killer-sided... or maybe I just don't know any better. With all the tight turns and tons of nooks and crannies to hide in or crouch behind... they're a pain in the butt to hunt in.
  • The game is called "Dead by Daylight." If the game was called, "Raped by Daylight," then I would concede my point. 😘
  • You can say whatever you want. It's clear most people view the action as teabagging. I described teabagging. No more, no less. Everything else is senseless justification. If you do not view repeatedly crouching as teabagging, then good for you. Know that when you do it most people will think that is what you are doing.…
  • Right. Shoving genitals into someone's unwilling mouth isn't sexual asaault... Look. I don't care that people pretend to do it in a video game. I'm grown enough to not let stupidity bother me. But at least be honest about it. Pretending it's anything else is is unworthy of discussion. I apologize if my truth kicked you in…
  • If everyone would just start calling it simulated sexual assault, we could at least be honest about it. In reality though, as I've said countless times... this community is what we make of it. You cannot control other people, but you can control yourself. You should stop giving others so much power over you. They can't…
  • Sure... as soon as they truly randomize the maps and force everyone to think on their feet.
  • Truly... it never ends.
  • Yeah, I've been a Freddy fan for what... 35 years now? Unless they add Jack Torrance to the game, Freddy will likely remain my go-to guy. Though, I do use Doc and some BBQ for all my gleeful farming needs. Is it weird I find myself attracted to Huntress, though? She is fun to play, but her soothing humming and the way she…
  • I'd like to reply, but I need to preface with the fact I couldn't care less about someone squatting repeatedly. I find these conversations fascinating to some degree. Heck, the player could have a twitch in their pinky finger for all I know. I only learned it was supposed to be teabagging after so many people "made it so"…
  • Well, the game is specifically designed around the concept of simulated physical assault. In fact, physical assault is the premise. Just by playing the game you can expect to have simulated violence inflicted upon your character. The same cannot be said for sexual assault, simulated or otherwise. The two are hardly…
  • Just out of curiosity... How is hitting someone one time after hooking them the equivalent of mock sexual assault?
  • You can't control other people, but you can control yourself. Why would you give others the power to control you or how you feel. I couldn't care less what these people do or say when they go on tilt. I'll reply with GG... maybe a <3 if I'm feeling frisky... and move on to the next match. Although, I do admit there was one…
  • Not for me. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. If I was consistently miserable playing it though, I'd probably find something else to do.
  • You're welcome! I don't know if this will help, but the way I've learned Freddy was like this: I focused on becoming used to one mechanic at a time. I focused on practicing his teleport power first. I would manually patrol gens on one side of the map until recharge, port to the other and manually patrol until it recharged…
  • You literally just described the life cycle of most competitive online games. I just play the way I want. When the developers make changes, I adapt. When the game is no longer fun for me, I move on. No game lasts forever.
  • I don't know. I play killer because I prefer the role better. I unlocked We're Gonna Live Forever from David King, which is the survivor version of BBQ and Chili. I didn't even have to buy David King. I had to spend extra money for Leatherface to get BBQ and Chili. When I do well with a killer (which is only about half the…
  • FYI: DbD mobile sucks because my controller is my screen and I can't see the screen with my man-hands in the way. That having been said... I can't imagine having 2 killers is on purpose. I main killer and I would wouldn't want a partner. It doesn't make sense with the lore or the inspiration for this game. Also, of course…
  • I picked up Leatherface first because, after doing my pre-game research, I learned about bbq and chili. I'm a lifelong horror fan, so I didn't regret buying him. He's not the easiest killer to score big wins with, but they did a great job developing his "feel." He feels authentic to me when I play him. Still, I only got…