Ps4 seeking part time dbd boyfriend lol
Ps4 Ok so this might sound weird, but go with it lol. I'm not actually seeking any sort of romantic relationship. I'm a 36 year old married woman. I had a friend I played dbd with regularly. We flirted, trash talked one another, and became really good friends. My husband jokingly called him my dbd boyfriend, and that's…
Borrowed time not triggering consistently
On ps4. Maps or characters with the perk equiped don't seem to matter. Unhooking in killer terror radius, BT only seems to trigger about 1\3 of the time. Been noticing the issue for 2-3 days.
Map pressure ideas
As a killer I get frustrated with gen rushing. As a survivor, I hate just holding down a button and standing in place twirling my camera. I want more map control, but I don't want longer gen times. What if there was a way to make generators switch locations? Like, with an add-on or something? Once a generator pops all the…
7.1 surroundsound headphones = amazing
Just started playing not too long ago. I always seemed to lose a survivor after injuring them and a short chase. I would get frustrated because I knew they were literally right in front of me and I couldn't find them because I couldn't hear them. Saw all of the posts saying audio was broken and said "oh well". Just got a…
Play with friends broken - ps4
On ps4 when inviting a single friend to play with me as a survivor, the invited party did not appear in the lobby of whoever did the invitation. But they would see both of us in the lobby. We both could not click ready at the same time. When one of us select ready, it would 'unready' the other player. This happened in both…
Diversity in perks
Ok, so I have been playing this game for all of a week... I'm not ranked, I haven't really figured out half the dbd lingo...(what is juking?) I haven't even reached level 20 on the blood web. I've only ever managed to kill 3 survivors in the same game, and I escape 40-50 percent of the time. But I have played about equally…