Please stop making "Close the Hatch" archive challenges
If you don't burn an offering, you either get beat bad enough that the survivors all leave while you fail to try and find it even if there's only 1 survivor left teabagging at the gate OR you kill 3 of them and the 4th finds the hatch randomly before you do. If you do burn an offering, the survivors either beat you bad…
Break For It achievement
Maybe making an achievement for five escapes in the broken state might not have been the best idea, as I'm in the process of losing 30 solo queue games while running No Mither in order to try to get that achievement. I duck right out of games after dying to try to avoid as much post-game chat abuse from my teammates as I…
PC - Survivors able to guarantee blinds with flashbangs
Step 1 : Boot the game Step 2 : Play as killer in a public match Step 3 : In-game, pick up a downed survivor while facing directly into a wall where you'd normally be invulnerable to flashlight blinds. Step 4 : Notice that a survivor can glitch inside your model to drop a flashbang you cannot avoid, as long as they have…
Please don't bring back 2v8 with fewer than 12 killers in the roster
Every game I play in 2v8 as survivor I go up against a Huntress. 50% of the time, the other killer is a Nurse. I'm begging you to not bring back 2v8 until there's at least a possibility of going against a more diverse set of killers.
2v8 Tome Level 2 - Thank You
A big thank you to the devs for taking the 2v8 killer queue times into account for Level 2 of the 2v8 Tome and making all the challenges with that level doable via survivor.
"Kitted Out": First killer-specific achievement for survivors
As far as I'm aware of, this achievement is the first achievement for survivors that requires playing against specific killers in order to complete. While it's a decent subset of killers these days that have special items, it sets a bad precedent that could be made worse in the future where it's impossible to get progress…
Please don't create further achievements like Hand-Eye Coordination
Unless I'm remembering this incorrectly, this is the first survivor achievement that requires facing a specific killer to complete. If no one is playing Vecna, you might never be able to successfully complete this achievement. Even the "Kitted Out" achievement has several killers that it can apply to, and that doesn't…
Please release achievement requirements with the PTB as well
Since Sony/Microsoft make it impossible to change achievements after release unless they're literally impossible to obtain, it would be good to provide feedback before the achievement requirements are permanently set for new DLC releases. This would prevent achievements that are pretty much roundly disliked for how painful…
Suggestions on avoiding flashbang blinds
I keep going up against full flashbang SWF squads on a somewhat regular basis. Short of running Lightborn every game, is there any way to counter this? I'm already jammed against a wall or staring into a corner for most pickups, but survivors can apparently drop the flashbang inside my model making it almost impossible to…
Reduce the requirements for What Lurks Beneath
No one goes into the basement for more than the two seconds it takes to unhook someone you hooked there and Sable's perks are so garbage that no one goes into the basement to use them. You can't even insidious camp to try and get progress because of the anti-camp mechanism, so that's even out. I'm even running Territorial…
Please allow progress on all "unlocked" archive challenges at once
If we've "unlocked" (ex: we could select it as an in-game archive challenge) a challenge to work on, we should be able to make progress on it no matter if we have it selected or not (get rid of the selection part). This would help out in games where you might have previously selected a challenge for stuns/blinds, but the…
Wesker Killswitch Not Working
I just played a game vs. Wesker even though they're currently killswitched. Either the kill switch is not fully working or people are able to hack past it. Either way, not a good thing.
Stop creating archives challenges for stuns/blinds or reduce the amount needed
I'm sitting here game after game struggling to get stuns and/or blinds in every way possible when it's just game after game of Nurses, Huntresses, Pinheads, Tricksters, Twins, etc.; it's to the point where over half the killers in the game treat loops/pallets/etc. as a joke. This means that you've essentially got to park…
Get rid of the "unhook someone who previously unhooked you" challenge
This challenge is a bane of my existence. There are so many ways that this challenge gets derailed and made impossible to get any progress on in a typical match: Playing solo queue, so usually 1-2 players immediately rage DC the first time they get downed/hooked or instantly suicide on the hook before you can get to them…
Adept Killer should count DCs as kills
All I'm trying to do is get my adept skull merchant and it's just 24/7 DCs as soon as survivors even think they're gonna lose.
Stop making "remain in trial while teammates escape" challenges
Even when the doors are powered and escape is possible, I can't make progress because either: I'm the only person trying to open a door while my teammates are doing who knows what and the killer comes to the door so I'm forced out I'm forced to escape/hit by the killer out the escape but my teammates refuse to leave…
Forged in Fog - Reasonable Achievements
Thank you to the devs for making the achievements reasonable this chapter. No Triage, no Outbreak Breakout. Just requiring things you'd do through normally gameplay or with a few minor perk tweaks. Please keep this up going forward!
Do not use up my map offering when someone else's map offering is chosen instead
If I burn an RPD offering and another survivor burns a Badham offering and Badham is the map that wins the coin flip, please refund my RPD map offering, especially when I need roughly 10 million RPD offerings for the Outbreak Breakout achievement.
Update matchmaking to prevent survivors from facing the same player killer multiple games in a row
One game against a facecamping bubba that shittalks in post-game chat is annoying. Three games in a row against the same killer player facecamping bubba that shittalks in post-game chat is infuriating and makes me stop playing for a few hours. Update your matchmaking algorithms to prevent survivors from facing the same…
Please check how SBMM algorithm handles facecamping
Ever since SBMM got turned on, it seems like the number of facecampers jumped up at least five times what it was before. I'm not sure if someone meant to divide when they multiplied handling ranking points around facecamping, but it seems almost like it's being rewarded instead of penalized. Even when I'm not the one being…
Please remove, I'm illiterate.
Reading comprehension is hard, but this Scourge of the Purge challenge is even harder than I thought they would make it. 2 multi-hit streams in the same game? Ridiculous.
Heroic Virtue archive challenge bugged
Platform: Steam Description of Issue: Not getting progress towards the "Heroic Virtue" archive challenge. Steps: Have two survivors escape through the exit gates while you are in the trial. Escape the trial. GET NO PROGRESS TOWARDS THE CHALLENGE. Probably every time? My teammates almost never leave before me because they…
Adept Twins impossible at red ranks
Due to the devout scoring issue, the Adept Twins achievement is impossible at red ranks. So, two things: Fix the devout scoring issue. STOP MAKING IT REQUIRE QUAD IRI AT RED RANKS TO GET ADEPT OR GIVE US A BUTTON TO DERANK US TO RANK 20 SO WE CAN ACTUALLY GET ADEPT KILLER ACHIEVEMENTS WITHOUT IT BEING SUCH A PAIN/DEPENDENT…