Which do you prioritize? Playing to win or playing to have fun?
Play to win - whatever it takes to secure that escape / get that 3K or 4K. More likely to tunnel/genrush/use meta perks. Play to have fun - play the game for pure enjoyment regardless of the outcome …1 -
Re: We should get random perks 50% of the time.
Im all for random perks being a feature added to the game, but don’t agree with it being something forced onto the player. I could see it being annoying if you just want to experiment with a certain …7 -
Re: What is the probability of getting a Coldwind farm map?
If I remember correctly, I heard somewhere that the game chooses a realm first when deciding what map to have everyone go to. Meaning there’s just as likely a chance to go to a map like The Game whic…1 -
My idea for anti-tunneling
Just thought this up the other day as a possible means to make tunneling less appealing. Quick disclaimer, I would love to see tunneling completely disappear from the game or neutered to the point wh…1 -
Re: Switch Killers Have it Rough
As someone who started the game on Switch, then moved onto PS4 and eventually the PS4 version on a PS5, I can safely say I will never be returning to the Switch version. It’s really that bad in terms…2