So,,, nobody wants to talk about Otz's new video???



  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Not me, but judging by this thread, you evidently aren't good at Survivor, so I imagine being better than you wouldn't be a high bar to set.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Spend most of my time in purple and red ranks on both sides and have almost exclusively 4k'ed and hatch 3k'ed as Oni since the day he came out and I've exclusively played him, but nice try, love.

  • EnderloganYT
    EnderloganYT Member Posts: 621

    should have just pressured the gens tbh


  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Talking about rank as an indicator of skill was already tasteless before. Now that the devs have publicly declared rank means absolutely nothing it's just embarassing.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Well if I didn’t mention rank you would have just resorted to “You’re probably yellow rank omegalul” so...

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Nothing. What’s wrong with you, thinking you know how to play Survivor?

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    ######### you just said you wouldn't play this game if you kept getting stomped as Survivor.... Well fool, guess why survivor que times are so low

    And I feel like I always have to lay this disclaimer out, but I've been playing this game at red ranks for almost 2 years before I left. Came back to rank 14, leveled to about 10, started getting nothing but red ranks and then the ruin nerf happened. Basically because I don't 4K double pip to red ranks because I'm matched with people that actually match my skill level, I don't get to go to red ranks anymore I guess.

    This game is no longer the game it was back then, most survivors who play have 1000's of hours experience, know the tiles and loops, and are starting to play like the survivors in Pig of the Huts old 100 games experiment, but everyone disregarded that ######### because "Oh, survivors don't play like that, most the time I get paired with a survivor who just hides in lockers all game" as if that meant the very obvious imbalance wasn't there all along, latent, insidious as a camping bubba pro.

    Hell, even Scott Jund, The Survivor players trophy killer main, in this very thread FINALLY admits this game is SURVIVOR SIDED ding ding ding we got a ######### winner folks. But these creeps will deny and deflect and gaslight the ######### out of people who PRIMARILY play killer, like we don't know what's what because we don't experience the other side or some BS, meanwhile my survivor is sitting at rank 7 from about 17 because that's how much I cared about the easy mode of this game for years.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Actually a funny point you made here. I suggested the same thing, that keys are basically the equivalent of Mori's...although I think Keys are stronger, because for one a Mori penalizes the killer via emblems, where as Keys allow the person who used it and basically anyone else who escapes a free pip, or at least a safety pip. Killer can actually quite easily depip for using a Mori, although it's less likely with a green one because you still have access to the additional hook states.

  • NullEXE
    NullEXE Member Posts: 1,632

    This is exactly what everyone is talking about.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    And final point from me of the night.... Survivors can still pip from dying, in fact as long as you engaged with the killer for any amount of time above 20 seconds and were halfway done with a gen, you're pretty much already saftey piped.

    Honestly, my biggest issue and the one O think the guy you're arguing with (whose not doing the greatest job of advocating for himself, but I get where his minds at) is that to just keep your head above water as a killer, you must sweat blood and sacrifice your soul to the entity, while as a survivor, most of your game is literally you deciding when is the best, safest point to go show your ass to the killer. You don't have to sweat unless you either want to sweat, or you just want to get the most out of looping the killer.

    I also don't sympathize with the solo survivor problem anymore, because honestly you just can't account for it, it's not nearly as hopeless as almost every Survivor main claims it is (I actually prefer solo surv because I just don't always feel like talking during the game, I'd rather listen to music) and your teammates inability to play at the level you doesn't even necessarily have a bearing on how your game will go. Also, with ruin nerfed, a lobby full of ransoms has never been more empowered!

  • Chaoxide
    Chaoxide Member Posts: 69

    I dont understand why posts like this even get this much attention. People are commenting saying hes playing at a godly level or something when hes picking up survivors WHILE they are doing the gens in his face rather then just leave them down and go for the other survivor, he also is going for chainsaws on INJURED survivors as well as trying to chainsaw between 2 gens that are mere feet apart from each other. Im not saying gen rushing isnt a thing but this video is a bad example and those saying it was played at a god level is just fanboying or defending their favorite streamer. Im surprised at how little toolboxes are even used on PC when on consoles they are used to ridiculous degrees every match, if you wanna complain about gen rush or toolboxes do it, but dont sit there and act like he didnt missplay heavily several times and was being "nice" to which is his own fault.

  • KrispiesChicken
    KrispiesChicken Member Posts: 171

    You obviously haven't seen Otz play very much. He's easily one of the top tier killers on Dead by Daylight. He doesn't need to get better as his skill level is very high, I'm pretty sure if you faced his trapper you wouldn't escape. That being said, if someone as skilled as him needs to play Billy and still doesn't have enough pressure. Then something is terribly wrong with the game mechanics. Because a lot of killers don't have his skill set so that situation for them is basically impossible to handle.

  • MonsterInMyMind
    MonsterInMyMind Member Posts: 2,744
    edited February 2020

    My thing is this has always been a thing Otz only showed how bad its become now that ruin is gone and the developers will just blame toolboxes instead of terrible Map Design, Outdated Killers, Perks designed around making gens faster and the simple fact with all that taken into account they still went through and nerfed ruin without actually fixing the problems on the killer end like dont get me wrong Ruin needed a nerf but this was by far way to soon to do it.

    At the end of the day the Developers will continue to make gut reaction changes based on the rank 20's as that's already who they said they want to cater to not the veterans our opinion is no longer valid its clouded by casual players who just matter more to the development team then anything else they honestly believe those are the players that keep the game alive and sadly they are not it's the dedicated players who fund them and who continue to stick around even though the developers are taking a massive crap on their own game.

    So with that being said and the fact they want to continue to nerf slow down perks just expect generators to go that much faster.

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    Erm... yes he did I didn't say perfect game but then perhaps your comment is just to muddy the point of the post

  • andyollolloll
    andyollolloll Member Posts: 940

    A wonderful response of what a horror game is or at least this game should be aiming towards. However on the path dbd is taking I wouldn't be surprised if the survivors were able to kill the killer soon

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    So many people pointing out the extremely small mistakes Otz made. I don’t really get why killers should be punished heavily for little mistakes, while survivors can get away with mistakes so many times. Besides, arguing that Otz shouldn’t have made mistakes is silly. We’re human beings, we make mistakes per definition.

    They’re with 4 so in theory, they get away with 8 big mistakes that cost them a down. They also have perks like Dead Hard, BT and DS to nullify their mistakes. Why is it that in a 4v1 game the 4 people get to be able to get away with mistakes?

    Now combine this with the fact you lose 2-3 gens at the start of the game. This makes it so that killers are under even more pressure and mistakes are punished even harder. In situations where a gen would pop as a result of a mistake you are now left with 1 or 2 gens to defend.

    Otz was also using Billy, one of the killers with good map presence and 1 shot down potential. Now imagine this with just an m1 killer and let’s not leave out the fact that this game is practically what Otz does for a living. I’m not sure how your average player is supposed to be able to play this well.

    The point I’m trying to make is that the game really shouldn’t completely shift to either side because one side made a small mistake. You don’t see survivors losing the game because someone missed a skillcheck, heck you don’t see survivors lose when the killer has hooked all 4 of them 2 times. In my opinion killers get punished too hard for the small mistakes and I’m not necessarily saying perks like BT or DS should be completely removed. I’m simply saying they’re often used to rectify mistakes survivors normally wouldn’t get away with.

    I personally believe this all boils down to perks like prove thyself, toolboxes and insanely big maps making it extremely hard for killers to get map pressure.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Aye can someone react to this so I can back and watch this video please

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    I love the comments in this thread.

    Pfft OTZ made one mistake and tunneled someone at the start. what a NOOB, it is his fault he almost lost.

    Meanwhile the survivors failed miserably and hardly got a single loop in. But OTZ is the scrub right? not the survivors that relied on their 3 base lives + the second chance perks adding more lives.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Got 3 kills cuz instadown saws if would be a M1 killer he would kill one luckily and by camping it

  • Farshad7913
    Farshad7913 Member Posts: 58

    Most of you are missing the point, i was shaking while watching this video because of the amount of pressure he was applying, i never seen this much pressure in the game. It might not seem that special to you survivor mains but to killer mains it was like orgasm.

    no point in talking about his build, it wasnt meta but it wasnt bad either he did his best and didnt get the reward he should have gotten. But that isnt the point. this is Otz we are talking about, One of the best killers.

    a bunch of trash survivors who couldnt even survive for more than 20 seconds did that to HIM. Now imagine the rest of us, could we do the same he did?? The answer is probably no.

    yall can call us trash and stuff but something is clearly wrong if this is happening almost every game after the ruined ruin

  • Tarvesh
    Tarvesh Member Posts: 765

    Devs watching this going : "Oh, thank God! We thought the survivors were getting frustrated! This is fine."

  • FondaDix
    FondaDix Member Posts: 173

    Let’s be honest, we should be aiming to have a game where all the killers are viable not a select few.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    lmao with people blaming this ######### game on the ruin nerf, get over it, ruin wasn't even that good and most probably wouldn't have an impact against gen focused survivors..

    Back at blaming the evil devs for doing things you don't like.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765
    edited February 2020

    Bro you were having some great points and we share the same opinion of what this game should be and was intended to be in the first place.

    I even thought "wow! Finally someone who can see what this game was intended to be and wants to speak for it".

    But then you ruined it when you started to personally attack a person when you both were having a very enjoyable discussion. Just why?

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,502

    The build he was running may have not been the best but he still was lucky enough to have a high pressure killer when he ran into them. Imagine having to deal with that as clown.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    Actually according to the devs, yeah we should listen to streamers, the devs said they are the ones who know what should be done

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,689

    Please keep the discussion civil and respectful, there's no need to attack or insult other users over a different opinion, thank you.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Yes and no. What they actually said was that there are lots of good players in the streaming community who can offer tips for tactical gameplay. In other words, if you're struggling, try learning from someone who's better. Should go without saying, really.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    As clown he would probably have actual slowdown perks like CI or PGTW. Playing killer without good perks does take a decent killer and decent strategy.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    Yeah but the devs reference them in balance complaints on the forums. It's kind of annoying

    They even specifically mention for us to watch ortz to learn how to pressure and git gud

  • bob_bobber
    bob_bobber Member Posts: 54

    Basically, it is difficult to keep up with the current game unless you move fast.

    I think we just reconfirmed that Hilly Billy is a high-level killer with a combination of high-speed mobility and instant death attacks.

    The fact that it is difficult to add a killer who can move at high speed at any time and can attack instantly at any time suggests that if you make a killer who is stronger than Billy, the game won't work.

  • Jesya
    Jesya Member Posts: 1,101

    Everyone doesn't have the luxury to stream games for a living, and/or play DBD for 8+ hours a day to "git gud".

    The original question I was replying to was who is Otz and why should they care. I have no issues with the guy, as I often watch him and agree with some of his ideas... but I don't worship him or any other streamer or look to them to tell me how I should feel/think about this game. TOO many people do that -- and that is my point.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    I agree but the reason everyone references streamers, and him specifically, is because the devs praise him as a poster child basically.

    Which is something I disagree with. I'm a teacher. Other than the corona virus outbreak I normally have no time to play games past 30 minutes a day if I'm lucky. Which I spend that time studying Chinese or guitar.

    I can post on the forums at work to just goof off but my job has me there until 8;30 every day. Even if I have nothing to do after class.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    So a killer with meme perks and who made plenty of mistakes should auto 4k against a coordinated team using "optimal" perks and items...? Am I missing something?

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
    edited February 2020

    The meta shouldn't be balanced around average players being able to clap good players.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Everyone knows that it is a problem.

    But devs still hold on to their old views:

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    If one thing on this discussion makes me sad, then that it is always the same as soon as someone shows a video that shows killer-problems:

    The people denie it and declare it as unworthy.

    Would that be a video that shows survivor problems ... I bet after page 3-4 nobody would still questionieng the video and it would be have whidly accepted.

    That sounds stereo-typed, but that is just what I have saw here and have in other threads seen before this one.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Survivor videos are probably accepted even less. But ignoring that, you can't just blindly accept any video "evidence". It's always better to scrutinize and criticize, the perfect evidence hasn't been found yet, and scrutinizing what we have will only make the perfect evidence come about faster, and all will see the clear truth. So let's stop being blind followers and see things objectively.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 17,689

    I asked to keep the discussion civil and respectful, yet you kept insulting one another despite the warning, so i decided to close the thread.

This discussion has been closed.