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Anyone else getting their dpi lowered at the start of the game and resets after you exit dbd? The weird thing is that it randomly lowers the dpi either 2 games in or 4 hours in. I'm using a G203 Logitech, I don't have any button switch activated that changes mouse profile/sens.
Same problem here, I tried reinstalling the game and the mouse drivers but the bug still happens.
9 -
Same problem here. Mouse sensitivity goes extremely low so I crank my DPI to fix it and it makes the mouse stutter all over the place whenever I try to pan the camera. At one point the camera just stopped working but I could still use right and left click. Had to resort to looping with arrow keys which was very difficult. Restarting the game sometimes fixes it but it just comes back the next game I play. This happens to me with both killer and survivor.
Using Steelseries Engine 3 software with my mouse.
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Same problem starts a few days ago. Restarting the game work for 1-2 matches. Game really unplayeable with this bug.
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Can confirm. Started all of a sudden. Exactly on second match after launch.
It's like invisible cursor that moves the camera getting stuck in a very tight space at the center of the screen.
Sometimes camera stops working at all and cursor in the menus disappears so can't press buttons.
Weird, thought it was graphics card driver update (its overlay) cause it's the only thing i have installed recently (aside from win 10 updates) but i reinstalled previous version to no avail.
Mouse: Roccat Tyon
Graphics card: AMD Radeon RX580
Win 10 latest updates
Post edited by PurrFace on7 -
Yeah, I'm having this issue too. My Mouse is a Corsair RGB Elite. I don't know what the problem is, but it must be the game since my DPI is perfectly fine in every other game I play. This is a very obnoxious bug.
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I had that exact issue where I couldn't even click on menu buttons like settings etc. Camera then would just stop responding completely and it always seems to happen in my second game then I need to restart the game.
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What's weird is this issue has only just recently cropped up and there hasn't been any hotfixes or major updates recently
I've also been having this issue and it is extremely irritating. I hope someone looks into it ASAP
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Care to fix?
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same problem has apeared yesterday slow mouse sense and stutter. Made me rage quit(sorry random mates)
unplayable with this bug issues. i think this bug is more disturbing and anoying thing lately. i can bare with some little bugs like bald surv on result screen it's more fun to me, but with that bug i don't think i will want to play this game.
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Yeah I was thinking the same thing. The only "change" per se was the SBMM for 24 hours but I don't think that included a patch did it?
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This is also happening to me. I have a Logitech G403 mouse.
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I have the same problem
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At first, I went into the user settings .ini file and manually changed my settings. The ini file said the both my killer and survivor's sensitivity's value was 50, so I changed it to 70/60 respectively. This worked until the next time I started the game. All of my driver's are up to date.
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I just tried re installing everything, mouse drivers, game etc. Verifying cache and nothing seems to work. I played 3 matches and it was fine then on the 4th it was back to feeling like my mouse was at 1% of my DPI
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I really do hope this issue is fixed swiftly. Half of my games are unplayable now. I won't even think about touching killer right now.
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Still think its one of the Win 10 updates. Theres nothing that could connect all of us with this issue.
Only problem is why it's so inconsistent. Like if update had broke something then dpi would be like that all the time not after a few games.
Weird as hell.
I doubt that devs will acknowledge this soon so hoping chapter release patch coming in 24hrs somehow will fix this by accident lol
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I feel like more people would be complaining if it was to do with a Win10 update.
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**EDIT: It would appear this fix is no working. The bug persists.**
I am hesitant to say I have found a fix, but I will direct everyone to this answer I found on Reddit from a year ago.
"It may be a scaling issue with Windows, my friend experienced something similar.
Right click the game in Steam, and click Properties. On the Local Files tab, click Browse Local Files. This will open the base install directory.
Click the folder called "DeadByDaylight" in the window that opened, then "Binaries" > "Win64". There's a file in there called DeadByDaylight-Win64-Shipping.exe
Right-click this file, and click Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab, and look for the button called "Change High DPI Settings" (https://prnt.sc/r4p0xv) and click it.
At the bottom of the window that opens, enable "High DPI scaling override". The box below that will have several options, I suggest trying them out in order to see if it resolves your issue. (https://prnt.sc/r4p34y)"
Give that a try and report back with your results.
Here's what I've done, and I think it may have fixed it temporarily. I edited the GameUserSettings.ini found in the "C:\Users\YourNameHere\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor" pathway. I changed the "KillerCameraSensitivity" and "SurvivorCameraSensitivity" values to 60 & 70. You'll need to have hidden files made visible to you. Doing both of these things works for now.
Post edited by Johnagon_Infinity on3 -
I tried your suggestion and it didn't work unfortunately. It's definitely a bug within the game.
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I just tried this, will report back on what i found.
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Nope didn't work, this bug renders the game unplayable as killer, really frustrating. I'm surprised this just appeared out of nowhere.
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It appears the fix I proposed isn't working. That's a shame. In attempt to provide an approximation of when the issue began to occur, it did not happen to me before they rolled out the new "skill-based match making" test.
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Same here. Inconsistent and very irritating problem. I'm using a SteelSeries Rival 110 on Windows 10, but based on what everyone has been saying, it definitely seems to be a game problem.
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Same problem here. After few matches my dpi goes super low and changing it with steelseries engine 3 doesnt affect anything.
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Me too, I've only seen it on survivor so far but it is extremely frustrating because it's nearly necessary to DC because of how unplayable the game is when it occurs.
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Can you please post your log files here on this thread, not sure if there'll be anything in there that can be of assistance but it's worth a try.
1. Press Windows Key + R to bring up "Run".
2. Type this in the "Run" prompt: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
3. The file called "DeadByDaylight.log" is your log file.
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Here you go
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There's not much to say, when people say the DPI is low they mean it, It's extremely low. Even turning my game sens up to max and my mouse it still appears to be slow, that or it just starts stuttering as if your mouse's laser was broken. The thing i am noticing is that it usually appears after the first match as a killer. It might just take a while to kick in or something. This needs to be fixed Asap.
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This time it happened within 12 minutes of me launching the game.
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Log file here. Not really sure how I could capture it on video. It's completely random and sensitivity is extremely low when it appears normal in the settings.
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Here how it is first couple of games (usual DPI):
And here after it bugged out (you can clearly see how i reset my mouse back when running out of space cause DPI is so low):
Also i think is worth mentioning that it never doing that mid match. Only as you load in a next one.
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100% exactly how it is for me too.
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I have the same issue and I would not even say it's just a lower DPI because even if I increase the DPI the camera still does not feel smooth as it should be. I also tried everything and I am also concerned about it seeming to appear so randomly. I also just had a game with this strange bug in which I could not turn the camera to the right by any means as it stuttered and stopped. This totally destroys every game you get this bug and since it appears to be unpredictable I am quite frustrated. Hope this gets fixed soon.
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Yeah, it feels like it sticks to a middle of the screen and its really hard to unstick it. If you play even longer camera just stops responding to any mouse movement and you cant press any buttons in the menu unless you in the middle of alt-tabbing...
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The only solution i can find for this so far is to quit the game every time you're done with a match and start it over again. You can also test to see if you have the issue by playing the killer tutorial so that you won't have to dc or have a miserable match where you can't control your character.
Edit: Nevermind this time it happened on my first match. Game is literally unplayable.
Post edited by WarmingEmbrace on3 -
@PurrFace thank you so much for the video! That helps me no end to explain exactly the issue, I really appreciate the time you've taken to do this <3
If I get any more information I will update you.
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@MandyTalk Thanks for acknowledging this problem!
Hope you people figure it out before the next chapter or Lisa's back will be full of daggers 😅
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Thanks for responding to the thread, It's a big relief!
Hope to have more news about it soon
Post edited by Brokenbones on4 -
This is what happens if you won't restart the game and keep playing:
It stucks so much that even highest dpi does not help anymore and it looks like performace issues.
FPS counter in the top left proves it is not.
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Me, waiting for a fix on this bug like:
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I just had this with the Twins now. I thought it was unique to them, because when you transition from victor to charlotte the game lowers your camera movement temporarily. Well that kind of happened but right at the start of the trial, the camera panned into Charlotte in a weird way and them my dpi was lowered all trial. This was on plague's map.
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Yeah this is so obnoxious. Basically makes the game unplayable. Thank god I haven't played Killer. I can only imagine how bad it is for them. New Patch comes out tomorrow and I have to deal with this crap? I pray this gets fixed ASAP.
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It happened again. Second game. This time twins on yamoaka.
So glad there's a disconnect penalty. I'm now either forced with an escalating timeout or stuck here afk while survivors tbag and fast vault and refuse to end the game.
What a wonderful idea the disconnect penatlly was. Who could have predicted that one of the most buggy games ever made could have had problems like this?
afk by daylight. Do I get banned now for going afk? am I expected to play the game where I can't even use victor at a loop because i cant turn my camera fast enough to attack? or is that the intention? so the swf squads can have fun at the killers expense?
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I too have just experienced this same issue, I genuinely thought it was a potential lag switch. It's definitely DbD that's the issue as I have just gone and tested my mouse on Overwatch, Cold War, Fortnite and Gears 5. No issues in those games.
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Having the same issue. Just started today. Sensitivity setting adjustments do not help. Happened in 3 matches in a row (playing survivor). Outside of the match the mouse works and moves fine but during the match, the camera controls act like they are on the lowest/worst possible settings. It takes like 2-3 sweeps across the mousepad just to turn the camera 270 degrees.
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As of right now, this happens to me so frequently that the game is unplayable. I can't play survivor and loop anyone, and I absolutely can't play killer.
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I also started having the same issue. It started just today. Changing my sensitivity does help a little bit. I have a higher dpi setting that I set it to just to get close to my original dpi. But its still not smooth as it should be like it was previously mentioned. It starts from the very start of the match, never during the middle. My FPS was always constant, I haven't changed any settings or anything. Hope a fix comes soon!
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So far we know.
* Clean install does not work, nor does validating game files.
* Configuring game files such as camera options does not work.
* Sometimes it happens once you go into the second match, sometimes it happens during the first match, did for me twice.
* The issue can sometime occur in the middle of the match.
* Mouse appears to be wonky after a while which makes for laggy movements, turning your DPI or in game sens up barely helps, if you put your sensitivity up by too much it appears as if your mouse is broken.
* Updating game drivers do not help (i.e Nvidia Game Driver).
* Restarting your computer or steam does not help.
* It doesn't matter which mouse you have.
Post edited by WarmingEmbrace on7 -
This could just be coincidental but I believe I get this bug when I ALT+TAB frequently, like right before the match loads in or something.
Probably not the cause, but I'm just putting it out here.
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This is unbearable, every other match this happens, I can't count the number of times I've deranked because of this sudden glitch. Alt-tabbing doesn't seem to increase or decrease the odds of it happening either, I did a test run, no alt-tabbing, no opening the steam overlay, and it still happened. Please BHVR, it's literally game-breaking.