The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
Yeah, I managed to acquire one.
I'm going to be posting analysis of the patches from last-gen and next-gen. Hopefully that will help.
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That's awesome you were able to upgrade. Glad to hear it runs well enough for you to turn crossplay on.
2 matches in on the event. First match against Wraith on new map and game ran fine, no issues hopping in/out of snowmen or getting hit in them. Second match on RPD against Artist was terrible though. I don't know what the trigger was, maybe she hit someone in snowman suit or they hopped out or maybe it was something else, whatever it was I had full on 5+ second freeze while running down a hallway where I thought the game was going to crash.
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Damn 129 pages. Hopefully one of these days BHVR will acknowledge this thread and take action.
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Acknowledge the thread? Am I invisible :(
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And I wanted to check if the Event had any effect on the game for you, freezing, hitches etc?
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I should’ve worded it better. Just hoping console players can get the QoL they deserve at some point.
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Awesome to hear! Hopefully your experience will be better than before.
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Like a Wraith.
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It is funny how the killers I like to play get affected by freezes lol.
I am happy that Myers is fixed but now I can't really play Legion well if I am losing survivors or miss frenzy because of the hiccups.
I can deal with unhooks, got used to it as survivor and killer but freezing when using your powers render them useless. And we already know Legion is not that strong of a killer anyway. I do better with pig.
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Don't know about the event as still not playing due to the issues from the patches post Nemesis; I doubt the event is going to improve anything and things weren't fine before the event so its a safe assumption it will be the same or probably worse.
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I've given up until I actually SEE some big improvements, hopeful words are worthless at this point tbh.
Every patch is like being given a present to open and being told that it is some lovely cake, only there is a 10% chance it will be a punch in the face; after being punched in the face so many times its just not worth it.
I feel like an idiot for holding out hope every time to be let down and I feel like a mug for sinking so much time and money into something that despite words to the contrary, does not seem to value me or my platform enough to invest resources into making any noticeable improvements.
It hurts even more when so much new stuff has come out for everyone else to enjoy while I feel all but forgotten about, like they hope I'll just give up and go away so everyone else can have fun without me and my issues being a killjoy
No amount of words will change it, only visible improvements; and I just don't have faith anything close to that is going to happen anymore, ever.
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I haven't seen any issues on my Xbox One X.
I'll test the Series X later today.
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Hook freeze issue is back, killer/survivor selection screen and lobby screen are likes 5-10 fps. Other things run smooth in trial. I tested with Doctor, Legion, Wraith and 1 survivor game.
Edit: I am on PS4 pro.
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thank you for the information
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I know I'm not console however there's been minor freezing upon the first couple of breaks of a snowman as killer per session.
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Aside from RPD issues I commented about today any of the performance issues just seem like the regular ones.
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you're having this on PC as well yeah?
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you just want to boast about having a new console :) (joke, congrats on getting one, I'm still waiting to nab a PS5).
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Yeah. Usually when there's a survivor inside it stutters for a moment before all returns to being well.
If any of this information helps, Ryzen 7 3700x, Gigabyte GTX 1660 6GB, 32GB ram, playing on an SSD, ultra settings at 100% reolution.
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I doubt this is because of the event but I’ve had issues with the purple glyph multiples times.
The problem I’ve had with it is that on maps like RPD, I would get near the glyph while its currently mid air, and it wouldn’t move again after so I am unable to collect the glyph.
Has this issue occurred before and are you guys trying to fix it?
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sup guys i am back for a bit untill i get good or till i am able to play vhs. Also i got a pc
I have came back to get better on mouse and keyboards.
that is all i have to say. I might say what problem other then the game straining my pc that negativity impact the gameplay
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My ps4 does not like the current lobby. When we first got it I mentioned how my fans were way louder than normal, which I didn't think they could get louder but this lobby has shown they can. When we had the holiday lobby going they were at their "normal" loud for when DBD is up. Since the current lobby came back after the holiday event finished my fans again are way louder than normal.
Aside from that still experiencing the same performance issues I've been having. Hooks/unhooks back to freezing, Nemesis and RPD still causing the worst performance issues, Artist still causes a freeze at start of match so I instantly know it's her, etc. I guess just wait until next patch to see if anything gets better/worse, in mean time I'm mostly playing other games since the event ended because I have very little patience now with performance issues on top of the bad matchmaking.
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I'll test these on my One X soon and try to post videos.
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This content has been removed.
Apologies, but that is neither helpful nor constructive to the topic at hand.
This thread has been used to highlight performance issues in the past and I would like to keep it focused on helping those issues and the people affected, not making it into a dev hate train.
So, please, if you have clips or videos of poor performance you'd like to post, feel free.
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I play on PS4 slim and it is mostly ok.
There are still these stutters and little freezes when a lot happens - like unhooks and event happens - or killer downs and gens explode.
I have the feeling that many events at the same time cause a kind of server spike that causes the lags and stutters.
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Hey all, back here for my 10,000 post on the Forums. Felt that it was fitting that it would be here.
Just wanted to post a comparison of Nemesis on the Xbox One X (the current console generation) and on the Xbox Series X (the up and coming console generation).
I ran a meme game with Nemesis on the Series X where I almost exclusively went for Tentacle hits, just to test it. Also, no, we are not going to talk about the hit I landed on Ash.
Up first is the Xbox One X:
And now for the Series X:
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Seems like the freeze on hook and unhooks are back on PS4
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Can anyone else on PS4 confirm/provide clips?
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Going back in this post myself and others at beginning of December commented we were getting freezes again on hooks/unhooks so it's unfortunately been an issue now for over a month.
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Do you know if it's caused by BT again?
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Not BT, I've had it happen when no one is running BT.
I haven't paid close attention to all the perks in a match when it happens but there are alot of hook related perks being run at a time on both sides that could be causing the issue.
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I'm wondering if it's the status effects being funky again.
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I wouldn't be surprised. It could be the scourge hooks - when hooked it freezes figuring out what scourge effect it will have, unhooks the game freezes to "reset" the hook to apply scourge again. Next time I play I'll pay more attention to the perks being run in the match.
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People getting unhooked has been borking my matches consistently for a while now. (Base PS4.)
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I'll load up my old Xbox and run a match
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Micro-stutters are more prevalent as of late on PC. Also, textures take really long to load in.
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I'm using Hex Plaything, so that might be what's causing the freezing on hooks.
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Half the time when I was playing it was hard to tell what were performance issues and what were instances of hacking lol. "Is my game lagging or am I just being DDoSed since that's a feature in the game now?" Hope they address that in their upcoming Q&A, they've gone radio silent on it since November 16th.
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This post must stay alive at all cost!
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Do not bump this post. That is against Forum Rules.
However, if you have something to contribute, whether it be clips or information, do not hesitate.
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Not sure what changes were made but my ps4 fans weren't sounding like a jet engine today in the lobbies, it was amazing.
Only played some survivor matches. Didn't notice any performance improvements, didn't feel worse either. Really just felt the same. Still have same freezes I had before the patch. Couple funky freezes where my camera turned randomly that I have no idea what caused it. Once was when I hopped on a gen by myself, didn't happen again so not sure what caused it.
For the event I've noticed some hitches when the envelopes are activated/claimed. Beginning of one match I didn't see my envelope right away, when I saw the aura appear I had a couple second freeze - almost like the game froze when it realized the event stuff hadn't loaded in.
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Here's the latest hitch that killed me. I even preemptively dropped the dream pallet, but that wasn't good enough.
I'm still getting random hitches after unhooks etc... This is on PS4 Pro, btw.
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Played some killer matches tonight. I'm getting really bad freezes when survivors are vaulting. There was one where I froze as a survivor vaulted a window in a building and moved forward into the corner. Luckily I'm not playing for kills but if I was that would cost me chases.
While playing survivor had couple matches against a Nemesis, still bad performance and sketchy hits. Freezes still from him using his power and getting hits that are very questionable. At this point when I play against him I can't tell what should and shouldn't hit because everytime there's a freeze and sometimes I'm in front but it's a miss while other times I'm behind a wall off to the side with no LOS and it's a hit. It's more inconsistent than Ghostface reveal mechanic.
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I can’t believe these performance issues appeared in june 2021 and we’re still facing multiple freezes in every game...
Bonus: the fog effect in the rift rewards screen makes my PS4 a home jet engine.
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The root cause of these issues has been in the game far longer.
The Resident Evil patch merely pushed them to a breaking point, we've been on life support ever since.
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It's now more than just the hook and unhooke. I'm now getting just random freezes.
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Since the last patch I've noticed even worse performance in the menus themselves, worse than normal frame drops and not just in the bloodwebs either.
When navigating around the store it is especially noticeable, and the archives & rift are slower as well.
As far as in-game, Lithe and vaults in general seem to freeze up the game worse now and of course all of the old known triggers still exist.
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Any clips?
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Sadly I haven't streamed DBD in over a year, where i used to move the Twitch vods to my YouTube. My Xbox1x can no longer run DBD and stream internally from its Twitch App at the same time.
I have no idea how to move a clip I ask the Xbox to make anywhere else, and I own no PC.