We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.



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  • This is definitely true, but to me it's less that survivor is boring in 2v8 and more that killer is just WAY more fun. Like, survivor is very fun in 2v8, it's a chaotic mess and I love it for that, but boiling it down it's more or less the same game, just messier. Killer on the other hand is a brand new and extremely…
  • Honestly I played 90% killer when 2v8 was active and I had a blast. Yeah the queue times sucked, sometimes up to 10-15 minutes long especially when the survivor bonus went away, but after 7 years of going it alone, finally being able to play killer with a friend was worth the wait. If your main complaint about it is the…
  • We got a 2v8 tome for the first iteration of 2v8 in July, so it's very likely we'll get another. I guess it is worth noting that we got a Chaos Shuffle tome for the first iteration of it but not the second, so it might be a little inconsistent, but that's probably just because of how vague the tome archives were.
  • I'm, somewhat, hopeful that BHVR negotiated things like 2v8 in as a default when they worked out the license with more recent killers. Oh yeah, for sure. The Dark Lord is probably one of the first licensed killers we're gonna get in 2v8, and every licensed killer who came out a year or so ago also has a good chance, since…
  • It's definitely gonna suck, but it is what it is. I can't imagine many licenses would care when DBD has already made them a bunch of money, and the ones that might are few and far between. I really don't think more than 2-3 killers' license holders would refuse this, if any do at all, and that's a number I can live with…
  • "by far the most unsuccessful mode they have made" DBD players crack me up. 2v8 brought on truckloads of new players, nearly doubling the player count from 2 months prior, almost peaking at 100k concurrent players on steam, numbers we haven't seen since the game peaked at 105k steam players when the first Resident Evil…
  • Bro it's 24 which is extremely feasible on most maps, like I can only think of a handful it wouldn't work on
  • no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I know beggars can't be choosers, the blighted skin is nice, but I mean come on. Even Wesker has more skins than Nemi.
  • She needs a massive simplification. I didn't know what her drones did when she was released. I didn't know what her drones did when she got reworked. I still don't know what her drones do after her second rework.
  • Man, looking at all of these is really reminding me how abysmal most original chapters are lol. They were all either riddled with bugs, had a horrible map, insufferable killer, or meta-breaking perk. All Things Wicked wasn't an incredibly exceptional chapter, the map is horribly killer-sided and the killer was somewhat…
  • 40 meters is really not that far, and with distortion being much less popular, it also indirectly gives you info by telling you that the survivors you don't see are within 40 meters of you. I don't think it needs a huge nerf, but completely cutting out the time it takes to find the next survivor by giving you the info…
  • BBQ is definitely one of the more healthy perks to discourage camping, but I feel like it does a little too much for just hooking survivors, which you'd be doing anyways. Not a huge nerf, just change the distance around a little or have it guarantee you see the furthest survivor or something. Idk, maybe it doesn't need a…
  • I think an overhaul to legendary skins would be cool. Like, just separate them from skins and call them legendary characters you can only buy if you have the respective survivor. They would share the same bloodweb and inventory, but it would open the door for letting legendary characters have cosmetics.
  • In an absolute best case scenario, sure. If you're playing against 4 lobotomy patients I could totally see this happening. In reality survivors actually have the ability to run away from the killer, and the killer also unfortunately can't clone himself 3 times so every other survivor will be typically doing something…
  • Honestly distortion deserved the nerf, 100%, but now that it's done, some killer perks should get nerfed too. BBQ and Nowhere to Hide are stupidly strong and give huge aura reads for doing things you'd usually be doing anyways.
  • The reason I said that is because you clearly don't play enough killer. I mean, I said that just as a simple solution of if you don't like it don't play it, but I also said that because you did play more killer you'd start to get it. Yeah, killer is really easy for the first matches. Like, the first 50 or 100 matches. You…
  • I think we're getting way too many killer aura reveal perks at once. I get that we have a lot of survivor aura reading perks, but the killer's aura is at least 10 times more important because not only can 1 out of 16 brought survivor perks in the game be used to communicate to the whole team the most critical information…
  • if killer is so easy and survivor is so boring, why don't you just play killer?
  • because he's groovy
  • Reading this thread has been bewildering. Watching people form coherent sentences and have an actual human discussion on a DbD board is giving me whiplash compared to the constant coping, screaming and complaining from the insane individuals on DbD twitter. My brain can't comprehend it, this is a DbD fan, but he's talking…
  • The game should be slightly killer-sided. Slightly. When I saw DbD's kill rates for each killer, I was kind of confused when they said they wanted the kill rate of each killer to be somewhere around 60%, when 50% made more sense to me, but I think I get it now. Think about every "DbD killer" that crashed and burned, didn't…
  • -Wesker in my opinion is probably one of the best balanced killers in the entire game. This is a surprising take because he's a universally unhated killer, fun to play as and engaging to play against. He can be one of the best killers in the game in the right hands, but even then it doesn't feel too bad losing against him…
  • Dead Hard is still one of, if not the best survivor perk in the game. It can outperform almost every anti-tunnel perk in the game, grants a huge burst of distance, pairs extremely well with Made for This, and if used correctly can basically revert MfT's nerf. It being less common also makes it much less predictable, and…
  • definitely disagree with this one. Artist is really good at tunneling and can put survivors in bad situations by getting someone out early, but Blight has far higher map control, is far less predictable, and generally has a higher skill ceiling. Still, after hug-teching was removed I would agree they are definitely…
  • not to mention the endurance off hook wasn't exactly an anti-tunneling change, just an anti-farming change.
  • Completely different developer. We don't know if BHVR has any involvement in DBD Mobile at all, it's just a mobile game studio doing what they want with the game and probably just running some stuff like prophunt by BHVR to make sure they're cool with it.
  • I would really like to see some form of unbreakable basekit. Maybe a second bar above your recovery meter would fill once the first one is full, and once they're both full you can pick yourself up. An amount of time like 45 seconds would be good because being on the ground for 45 seconds is inexcusably slugging and keeping…
  • They really have no reason, I guess they just like it like that. It's definitely really annoying though, for one I should totally be allowed the option to disable it but for whatever reason they don't let you. It's also really dumb because it malfunctions all the time. "Kate" gets censored like 60% of the time, and words…
  • I mean, that's just kinda how asymmetrical games work. Killer is always a lot harder to play, win or lose, this doesn't necessarily mean he'll always lean towards one side of always winning or always losing. Don't be too frustrated when the first or second gen pops early, that's always going to happen. Also, I don't know…
  • It wasn't to me but some guy yelled at a Dwight in post game chat for running Prove Thyself after they won